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Signed Up August 13, 2012
Last Posted July 4, 2016 at 7:49 AM
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#138 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

My version of the Iscariote HUD.

I tested this hud on four windowed resolutions: 1600x900 (my res), 1280x720, 1440x900, and 1024x768.
Health, ammo, and spy disguise worked on all of them.
Ubercharge meter only worked on the 16:9 resolutions.

I've only repositioned the item effect meters that I personally use, and they work on any resolution.
So, all of the scout meters and the hitman's heatmaker specifically. The spy cloak meter and the sandvich/buff banner work as well.

When Quartz releases the first non-beta version of his HUD, I'll probably then take the time to fix the ubercharge, the remaining effect meters, and some other small things like the damage numbers and health account.

Also the crosshair from my screenshots is still there in hudlayout.res, but I disabled it because it only works with my resolution.

posted about 10 years ago
#132 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

povo crampin my style, but I'll still have my replica crosshair when the valve gestapo patch the materials exploit

dat itemeffectmeter
dat chargemeter

posted about 10 years ago
#14 NY times called us fashionable! in TF2 General Discussion

You're looking at the legacy of the millennial generation, boys. Your grandparents defeated the Nazis, your parents conquered communism, and here you are, playing dress-up.

“A 14-year-old I have in mind earned over $40,000 in his first year of hat sales,” Mr. Walker said.


posted about 10 years ago
#11 Hooli's Team Cohesion Guide in TF2 General Discussion
TwinqeI think it'd be a good idea to record Mumble during some scrims or PUGs where communication is poor/exemplary



posted about 10 years ago
#7 Boink in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 11 years ago
#3 Dumb steampipe HUD question in Off Topic


I think the answer is in here somewhere.

posted about 11 years ago
#15 How do you defend/attack edifice? in TF2 General Discussion

I'm not sure how many people know this yet but edifice's spawn times are different than gpit. Unlike gpit where you have to cap a point to get faster spawns on blu, on edifice blu automatically has faster spawns and every point you cap makes them even faster still.

What I would do on offense is decide which point to take (flip a coin it shouldn't really matter because they are designed to be equally defendable) and then just pound away at it with your whole team until you get it. Every trade will be in your favor because of your faster spawn times, so over time you should be able to overwhelm the defense with constant pressure. Please whatever you do DO NOT build uber in spawn and suicide players. That strat is bad on gpit and it's even worse on edifice considering the spawn advantage.

The other major difference from gpit is the point cap speed. Because A and B cap so much faster on edifice (~27s for one scout on edifice vs 40s on gpit) it might be viable to try to juke your way around the defense and catch them out of position with a backcap of sorts. Kind of like you would do on standin, in fact it seems edifice A&B actually cap even faster than they do on standin.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Quake Live hitsound for TF2 in Off Topic

There are two versions of the classic quake 3/quake live hitbeep floating around out there.

You have the scrublord version that cyzer and I think banny use...it's loud (good) and high pitched (scrub-mode) regardless of whether or not you change the pitch settings in tf2.

Then you have the legit version with the correct default pitch. You can find it on tf2dingalings.com I guess but the problem is it's kinda quiet.

posted about 11 years ago
#18 Yesterday was weird. in Off Topic
Show Content
posted about 11 years ago
#25 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization


FYI the blue timer is the stopwatch so it will only appear in stopwatch mode on attack/defend or payload maps. And this HUD is pretty old so there's no telling what elements are broken.

posted about 11 years ago
#22 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization


The Cooller HUD.


God I was so proud of myself when I made this. Cute and totally useless.

Show Content
I'm talking it.
posted about 11 years ago
#15 Edifice > Gravelpit in Map Discussion
wareyaPeople in 6s will always prefer to give up one point and turtle the other, just due to the nature of splitting up your team again an unknown offense.

I wouldn't be so sure. The reason you give up A on gpit is that if you try and defend it you will just compromise your B defense so much that your overall time will suffer too greatly. Teams that just dedicate themselves to B almost always end up with a longer overall defense.

Now, in theory, because A and B on Edifice are pretty much the same distance from red spawn and both points have the same number of entrances, they should be equally defendable. But the truth is we can't yet know whether defending both points will generally yield longer times than just committing to one or the other. We wont know until teams really start playing it seriously.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Target ID Health Issue in Q/A Help

The annoying thing about editing TargetIDs is that you have multiple different bits of code scattered throughout various HUD files that all interact inside this tiny area of the screen...in my experience it takes a lot of trial and error to get everything right.

-There are entries for the overall TargetID size and position in Hudlayout.res, starting with "CMainTargetID."
-There are more entries for the size and color at the top of TargetID.res.
-Further down in TargetID.res you have "SpectatorGUIHealth" which controls the overall size of the health cross "region" of the targetID.
-Then in SpectatorGUIHealth.res you find more shit that specifically controls the size and shape of the health cross/health value itself.

You have to manipulate all of these variables simultaneously in order to get what you want based on the font size and shape, etc. (that surface font is somewhat wider than normal) Generally those "invisible boxes" are controlled by "wide" and "tall" values.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 DMG #s near HP but not the player? in TF2 General Discussion

Last time I tested it, the static number stays on your screen for twice whatever the "delta_lifetime" value of the floating number is. So if you were to set the delta_lifetime to 999 the static number would stay on there plenty long. Of course in that case you pretty much have to make the floating number transparent or soon you'll have a screen full of damage text.

posted about 11 years ago
#19 anyone wanna help me make an IM preview? in TF2 General Discussion

How about I lend my expertise limited knowledge on the bad moved-up teams. Relax, my team fits into that category.

posted about 11 years ago
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