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Last Posted February 14, 2024 at 9:39 AM
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1 ⋅⋅ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ⋅⋅ 42
#3 Demo/Scout/Roamer LFT IM+ in Recruitment (looking for team)

He's actually pretty good.

posted about 10 years ago
#214 ESEA Quick Fix Ruling in TF2 General Discussion
2sy_morphiendI am totally fine with killing deciding to ban the quick fix unilaterally

If any of this fucking shitstorm has taught us anything it's that 95% of this community is too fucking stupid to form their own opinions and can't even hold a serious discussion. TLR completely reversed his position on the quick fix despite not even playing this season and got +fragged both times.

People in this community will +frag anything a blue name says, and the fact that people still parrot "the meta is stale, robin is right" line is a joke. Blaming the gullywash (still a shit map) match for the QF is reasonable, but the rest of LAN was pretty shit to watch as well.

Agree with you 100%.

The last few lans I've been around to see, all of which were "a high stakes environment compounded by a map that's defined by chokepoints and an incredibly easy-to-defend last point" none of those lans were this boring and painful to watch.

People just keep forgetting that. Maybe it's hard for the invite players to put themselves in the seat of the poeple on the outside looking in, watching the LAN from home. Let me just say it again, it was really, really not fun to watch. Like viewer ship was much lower this LAN. But, ya know, enigma makes a thread saying it had nothing to do with the quick fix. So, gg on that.

I know that it isn't necessarily a teams job to make the people watching happy. But I think it's important. Maybe if the quick fix were allowed to stay around and we got better at using it, teams wouldn't look so desperate and derpy while using it. But as of now, even the best players in NA make this game look like a fucking joke while using it. That sounds harsh but the entire Saturday I spent trying to watch, that is honestly what I kept saying to myself--what a fucking joke.

posted about 10 years ago
#172 ESEA Quick Fix Ruling in TF2 General Discussion
nerkulcrespiAlthough deep down I want to believe that valve could possibly alter the stats of the quick fix, I also know deep down that they aren't likely to change a weapons stats for the sake of our small community.
When Sal went to talk with them, they said that they would change weapon stats for the sake of our small community. If a weapon is so OP it gets banned, Valve will fix it.

Am I really that clueless? When did this happen? Do you have a link? Can sal confirm?

posted about 10 years ago
#166 ESEA Quick Fix Ruling in TF2 General Discussion

Although deep down I want to believe that valve could possibly alter the stats of the quick fix, I also know deep down that they aren't likely to change a weapons stats for the sake of our small community.

I think we're all more or less on the same ball with that notion.

That said, can we all just agree to start being more pragmatic and stop talking about what nerfs we think would best fit the quick fix? It's good food for thought I suppose, but I think it's pointless, unless someone has some kind of lead on a possibility that valve might change it for us.

posted about 10 years ago
#145 ESEA Quick Fix Ruling in TF2 General Discussion
ScorpiouprisingThe game is so much more interesting and exciting,

I'm so tired of hearing this. Watching LAN this past weekend was painful for me. It was painful for all the people I know who don't play 6s and I told to watch it. Please tell me if I'm crazy but how did quick fix help make that any better. Yes, LAN is different, and teams play different than usual because they don't want to lose, but the quick fix did nothing at all to make LAN "so much more interesting and exciting," at least from a spectators point of view.

ScorpiouprisingI mean, the biggest issue with the whole Lan event was that teams were learning the new meta essentially on the fly.

I think the issue was that being LAN, teams didn't want to lose, and were forced to use quick fix simply because the other team was running it. Learning the "new meta" consisted of one team going quick fix because the other team did and that's the best they could do.

Basically I want to reiterate what I said before about what happens when one team is using quick fix--eventually the best option is to use quick fix yourself. In MY opinion, calling that "shaking up the meta-game" is laughable.

If anything shook up the meta, it was what teams did when they finally switched medi-guns and did something different to win, like Platinum said. That's not the quick fix itself doing anything, that's a result of the quick fix mentally exhausting a team until they say "fuck it, let's do something else." All this talk about meta game, but I think it's much simpler than anything "meta."

posted about 10 years ago
#93 ESEA Quick Fix Ruling in TF2 General Discussion
bastidep, boston basher, gunboats

don't see why those weapons should get a pass just because they're the league's darlings

on top of that i'm reminded of all the whining when the EP got a (well-deserved) nerf, in contrast with the QF ruling. it's obvious so many competitive players pick favorites

Those weapons don't have such a profound and broad impact on the game. They are weapons that individual combat classes use. 6v6 revolves around uber advantages, it's been that way for a long long time. The quick fix being the medics gun, changes the entire way a team has to play, and thus the flow of the game. Quick fix compared to escape plan and boston basher is like comparing apples to oranges.

posted about 10 years ago
#80 ESEA Quick Fix Ruling in TF2 General Discussion

I think the worst part about the quick fix that I haven't seen mentioned (or perhaps haven't noticed,) is that it seems to eventually force both teams to use it. Before you disregard that and assert the notion that kritz destroys quick fix, consider the possibility that switching to kritz isn't 100% fool proof.

I hate to use what happened at LAN as an example because of the context that requires consideration with LAN. Nevertheless, I asked a few LAN players myself about their significant use of the quick fix at LAN, and the general consensus was that they were forced to use quick fix to keep up with the other team.

If it is arguably so, that it is difficult to avoid using quick fix against a team who is using it, then I think that blows. I don't think it's 'fun' to have to use a certain weapon just because the other team is, and thus be forced to play a certain way.

I do NOT think that the ONLY way to counter quick fix is using it yourself, but it seems that as of right now, it is difficult to argue otherwise. There is much to be considered, and it's easy to make different arguments.

I don't want to buy into the notion of "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em," and that's because I don't want to feel like my options are limited because of another teams choice of medigun.

so maybe I'm just arguing with myself on this one, but I hope we can all agree that even being forced to at least consider HAVING to use a certain weapon because the other team is doing so, is lame and not fun.

posted about 10 years ago
#224 Quick-Fix in 6s? in TF2 General Discussion
Tang_Unit would be awesome to get all 4 lan medics on the next episode of fully charged to discuss the quick-fix. get some real discussion between people who've experienced it firsthand.

I think this is a great idea. Make this happen.

posted about 10 years ago
#11 hooli demo in Recruitment (looking for team)

Hooli is an intelligent dude/player. Comms very well. Is very chill. Best of luck to you man.

posted about 10 years ago
#208 Quick-Fix in 6s? in TF2 General Discussion
Shun2. The fact that Quick-Fix always builds at the same rate is probably a bug/oversight. I'm not sure they realized that the build rate is based on max health at 150% rather than 125%. It should be scaled based on that gun's max health. Or at least, that's what I hope. This would help nerf it a bit and make regular Uber a better counter to it, since QF won't build as fast. That and a few other smaller nerfs could bring the Quick-Fix back in line with the other guns, but testing would help with this.

It also heals much faster tha the medigun and kritz. I could be wrong, but I believe kritz and medigun heal at 24 hp/s when not under crit-heals, whereas the quick fix heals at ~30 hp/s before crit-heals. It's a significant advantage in fights where keeping people alive is a priority.

I'm not sure about this either, but I think that the hp/s crit heal cap is higher on quick fix, as in > 72hp/s. I tried to verify this by looking at the wiki but it won't load.

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Chris' High Frames, in Q/A Help

Do we need a sticky for notepad++

Like this is the fourth thread in a week.

posted about 10 years ago
#44 Quick-Fix in 6s? in TF2 General Discussion

Watching the coverage today has just been awkward and disappointing. Something needs to be done that's for sure. But I'm not going to hop on any bandwagon just yet.

posted about 10 years ago
#58 ESEA-Open UR3/LR2 Predictions in News

My team wasn't even in any of the rankings until the last two weeks of the regular season, and even then we were called a mid open bubble team. Then for the playoff predictions, we were, politely I should add, portrayed as the team which will lose. But none of us said anything. Why? As London and Reilly said, its open man, who cares?

posted about 10 years ago
#32 Spectating ESEA S14 LAN? in LAN Discussion

Please mana or anyone help out my buddy Blade and take him in. He's really excited about 6v6 and I know you guys can make him feel at home.

posted about 10 years ago
#28 ESEA-Open UR3/LR2 Predictions in News

I love my twin teammates.

posted about 10 years ago
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