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Signed Up April 8, 2018
Last Posted August 30, 2020 at 11:37 AM
Posts 112 (0.1 per day)
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#5754 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

Quick question: when I am hurt my PlayerStatusHealthBonusImage (the red cross) only flashes once and then stops looping. Its a really common thing I know, but I'd be happy to hear if someone is willing to help.

Here's how it is in my animations file:

event HudHealthDyingPulse
Animate PlayerStatusHealthValue FgColor "255 255 0 255" Linear 0.0 0.25

Animate PlayerStatusHealthBonusImage Alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.2
Animate PlayerStatusHealthBonusImage Alpha "255" Linear 0.2 0.2

RunEvent HudHealthDyingPulseLoop 0.4

event HudHealthDyingPulseStop
Animate PlayerStatusHealthValue FgColor "255 255 255 255" Linear 0.0 0.0

StopEvent HudHealthDyingPulse 0.0
StopEvent HudHealthDyingPulseLoop 0.0

posted about 5 years ago
#10 Weird question in Q/A Help

Nah fam, 1 olive is too little for an entire sandvich to be called a main topping. what are we, a fancy restaurant?

posted about 5 years ago
#6 Going crazy trying to fix my hud in Q/A Help

Yes, I am a messy IRL person and I agree the hud is an actual mess. Thank you for the compliment, and THANK YOU FOR HELPING ME! :)
Can I do anything to make it up for you man?

posted about 5 years ago
#4 Going crazy trying to fix my hud in Q/A Help

Oh my god. Thank you so much for replying!! Here's the link:
You have no idea how much I want to thank you. The colors I want are yellow for hurt, and light green for overheal.
I hope I can do something in return for you.

posted about 5 years ago
#1 Going crazy trying to fix my hud in Q/A Help

Hello reputable gentlemen of, I have been trying to change the colors of my hud health value for about 6 months now.
I have done everything I can, but at this point I think it's useless to continue because it's clear something I don't know about is going on. I have changed the colors in my hudanimations.res file, checked if i had all the definitions of those colors in the clientscheme.res, checked if my hudanimations_manifest was correct, checked for any misspelling, and I even got it working a few months ago with the help of someone who had replied to a post similar to this one a few months back, but after a week or so it stopped working for some unknown reason. I am using a partially modified stabbyhud i can post links for if needed. Is there anything else there could be happening that's not letting me edit the colors of my hud???

Thank you for reading

posted about 5 years ago
#1188 best pub quotes in TF2 General Discussion

KN Notes​ca: someone masage my pp

posted about 5 years ago
#5715 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

1 how do i make a red hitmarker
2 how do i change the class images in the loadout panel
first person to help me gets a papa bless

posted about 5 years ago
#5672 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
Alex_fSo My hud font just randomly stopped working. I have it installed in windows but it just stopped working on a fresh install of tf2 and hasn't worked since. Would appreciate help ASAP

Edit: Other fonts work. My font(noto sans bold) just doesn't work for no foreseeable reason

I gave it the good old IT fix by restarting my PC and it worked somehow. I hate myself


posted about 5 years ago
#5667 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

did you do any changes to your hud? which are the parts of the hud that would use that font, therefore showing as "missing" ?
If it's something like chat, try
1. checking in the clientscheme_fonts if it has an alias
2. going into ui and selecting the chat panel
3. checking if the font name next to
"font" is correct

into resource/ui/basechat.res

"ControlName" "RichText"
"fieldName" "HudChatHistory"
"xpos" "0"
"ypos" "0"
"wide" "300"
"wide_minmode" "268"
"tall" "75"
"wrap" "1"
"autoResize" "1"
"pinCorner" "1"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"labelText" ""
"textAlignment" "south-west"
"font" "NotoSansBold" <<<<<<< see if thats in clientscheme fonts
"maxchars" "-1"

posted about 5 years ago
#5665 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

1. verify integrity of game files
2. make sure the font directory is correct
did you change OS?

posted about 5 years ago
#5663 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

And yes, it doesn't still work if instead of the rgb values I input something like "G_Green"

posted about 5 years ago
#5662 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

It doesn't work. Thats the problem.
this is how it looks like:

event HudHealthBonusPulse
Animate PlayerStatusHealthValue FgColor "255 0 0 255" Linear 0.0 0.0

Animate PlayerStatusHealthBonusImageBG Alpha "150" Linear 0.0 0.5
Animate PlayerStatusHealthBonusImage Alpha "255" Linear 0.0 0.2
RunEvent HudHealthBonusPulseLoop 0.4

event HudHealthBonusPulseStop
StopEvent HudHealthBonusPulse 0.0
StopEvent HudHealthBonusPulseLoop 0.4
Animate PlayerStatusHealthBonusImageBG Alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.1

Animate PlayerStatusHealthValue FgColor "255 255 255 255" Linear 0.0 0.0

What exactly is wrong?

posted about 5 years ago
#5659 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

i've been trying for 6 months to change the overheal/low health value of my hud and now I just gave up.
I have absolutely no idea why it's not changing color. I checked hudanimations_manifest, all the definitions for colors are in the clientscheme, there are no misspellings and still the hudanimations file doesn't change anything.
If a blessed soul could help me you don't know how happy i'd be.
heres the link

posted about 5 years ago
#1154 best pub quotes in TF2 General Discussion

*DEAD* I'm fucking pro bitch : today I will come to u house and kill you mother fucke hahahah
I'm fucking pro bitch left the game (Disconnect by user.)

posted about 5 years ago
#3 updated bxhud? in TF2 General Discussion

ty so much

posted about 5 years ago
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