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Signed Up April 8, 2018
Last Posted August 30, 2020 at 11:37 AM
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#1 updated bxhud? in TF2 General Discussion

does anyone have an updated version of bxhud?

posted about 5 years ago
#9 when are s24 ugc medals gonna be handed out? in TF2 General Discussion

i was talking about highlander. sorry for not specifying

posted about 5 years ago
#7 when are s24 ugc medals gonna be handed out? in TF2 General Discussion

ooooh. sorry sorry.

posted about 5 years ago
#5 when are s24 ugc medals gonna be handed out? in TF2 General Discussion

i asked on the ugc discord and they didnt tell me, i also should have one by now

posted about 5 years ago
#3 when are s24 ugc medals gonna be handed out? in TF2 General Discussion

they werent

posted about 5 years ago
#1 when are s24 ugc medals gonna be handed out? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 5 years ago
#1 lawena hud recording/rendered at a low bitrate in Q/A Help

I don't know if its Lawena's fault or whatever, but my bitrate in this video is very low and I am really looking for someone to help me. [youtube][/youtube] Here it is

posted about 5 years ago
#7 AWoolenSleevlet's Hud? in Customization

okay guys sorry.. :(

posted about 5 years ago
#4 AWoolenSleevlet's Hud? in Customization

A Woolen Sleevelet*

posted about 5 years ago
#1 AWoolenSleevlet's Hud? in Customization

I can't seem to find an updated version of it.

posted about 5 years ago
#9 Let's discuss about Spy's balance. in TF2 General Discussion

@Snack Thanks for being genuinely helpful. Will take that in mind in the future.

posted about 6 years ago
#7 Let's discuss about Spy's balance. in TF2 General Discussion

@Snack sorry. I'm kinda new to

posted about 6 years ago
#3 Let's discuss about Spy's balance. in TF2 General Discussion

Well, thanks for ignoring my whole post then. :/

posted about 6 years ago
#1 Let's discuss about Spy's balance. in TF2 General Discussion

Just a few rules before we start: Please try to stay on topic and PLEASE try to be constructive and friendly to others.

I kind of have a problem with how Spy is balanced right now. That might just be because I'm a crappy steel spy main, but I still think some of my points stand. Let's be honest, our Frenchman today is arguably the worst class in Highlander, and there's a lot of reasons why. I wanna discuss the main problem (at least in my opinion) which is his weapons.

1. Ambassador. Let's start with the big one. I've never really used the Ambassador all that much, even before the nerf, but I think that right now it is downright useless. And I mean it.
Take the best case scenario, for example. You're at close range and you're able to hit a headshot on a constantly moving target. Boom, 102 damage! Seems cool, right? ... Well, if you would've equipped the revolver at close range you would have done more damage with just 2 effortless bodyshots! And remember, this is the best case scenario, so in practically every other occasion the revolver straight up beats it. I think the main reason why this nerf is so bad is that it removed the main purpose of using the weapon which was its capability of high burst damage for a very well aimed shot. The Ambassador was to be run because of it's potential to be an extremely powerful weapon in the hands of the right man, thus setting an even higher skill ceiling. But in almost all cases the spies that used it would only land a few critical shots and not realize they're lowering their DPS by 200%.
You could say "but spy isn't supposed to be sniper! If you want to land headshots just play him instead!" And that's a fair point. But if you are able to hit a tiny constantly moving pixel on the other side of the map I think 102 damage is well deserved.. even if it may be hard to prevent.
my fix? Bring it back to it's original stats or at least buff it so the damage capability is alot higher

2. Dead Ringer. Another spicy one. I can totally understand why the DR was so annoying to deal with, and I understand the nerf.. but I also think they missed the main reason why it's so annoying to try and kill the spy: It's because of the damn speed boost!
Right now it is both notably inferior compared to the invis watch and CaD, but still remains a pain in the arse; which is obviously worse. Although spam was definitely also a problem with the weapon, I think a simple ammo gaining penalty from all sources would do the job just fine.
my fix? Bring back the ability to pick up ammo (along with -30/40% ammo from all sources) and remove the speed boost.

I haven't used the YER very much, so I don't feel like I should talk about it. If anything, it's probably best to just bring back the old stats.
Post your thoughts down below! :)

posted about 6 years ago
#4 Zoom script help! in Customization

@hons If you just replied to tell me stuff I already know you just shouldn't really reply. This script does help me alot in close range as well believe it or not.. It's kind of like when CS players use black bars. It helps me focus on the enemy more.
@rm sadly that is true, I really wish the Ambassador had it's original stats back or ATLEAST a buff.. right now it's just useless compared to the revolver. The burst damage doesn't even matter since 2 revolver bodyshots do more damage and you're more likely to hit them. You could use the argument "buuht sphaaai isn't suupoosed 2 be a secodnd snipeehr!! noob kid" but honestly if you're able to hit a teeny tiny pixel constantly moving you deserve 102 damage. It's like medics' crossbow.. it does 75+ damage after a long enough range! Does that mean it should be nerfed cus "medik not suposd 2 burst demeg??"

I know I sound very salty, but that's because I only recently started considering the Ambassador. I've always (even now) used the l'etranger and stock revolver for 100% of all matches/scrims/lobbies etc...

posted about 6 years ago
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