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Country Aruba
Signed Up January 3, 2016
Last Posted March 25, 2016 at 2:02 PM
Posts 71 (0 per day)
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#5 New Arena Shooter in Esports
aiera i think people on will love it!

What do you take us for?

posted about 8 years ago
#11 My First Frag Video! All feedback is appreciated! in Videos
Smesican someone link it?

go to a hightower pub and look around. it's basically that.

posted about 8 years ago
#36 Blade & Soul in Other Games
BonafideInstead of playing this boring game come play Guild Wars 2, it's f2p now and way better imo. Add me if you need someone to explain stuff or to play the game with

i assume it's now pay to win as fuck. no way they'd make it f2p without making it p2w

posted about 8 years ago
#34 Blade & Soul in Other Games
pandemiCEven though they have good combat, the arena or pvp system is not that rewarding imo. No matter how you add good visuals or characters, it will still wore off. I started to play the game with a hype since i played WoW for over 4 years but i got bored or pretty much gave it up after 3 weeks .. I would still stick to WoW pvp :^)

the only mmorpg alive right now that actually beats blade & soul's pvp combat system is dragon nest. say what you want about the game but there's no denying its combat system offers a very satisfying pvp experience. needless to say, a hack-n-slash mechanic offers varieties and possibilities you otherwise wouldn't have in your standard mmorpg point-and-click. it's not to your control on all characteristics but the way their skill setting works and how the combo mechanic works, the way you can combine movement with skillset to create a range of attacks and defenses is dynamically more fulfilling.

i'm not saying this is the only game that can offer this but i'd take this pvp over a boring point-&-click that you watch your character do something instead of actively performing it any other day

posted about 8 years ago
#4057 Frag Clips Thread in Videos
VipaCorsa I dont like them but I gotta appreciate u leaving the phat damage numbers in on this one

ggglygy wants to have a word with you....

posted about 9 years ago
#6 Can internet speed affect my ping to the servers? in Off Topic
Rhettro I live in Texas, but I can still get ~40 ping to EU servers


posted about 9 years ago
#12 Steam skins in Off Topic

Eric, The Deshou and Futuro steam skins you linked, the owner of them stopped updating their skin long time ago. do they still work?

also, about your comment

Furthermore, as "flat"/minimal design becomes more commonplace, specific design philosophies become more standard. Material Design and Metro are the biggest players in that field. It's difficult to create new designs different from those design philosophies, but still appealing for the same reasons: minimalism and functionality. Taking some cues from Apple would probably give more breadth, but not many heavy Steam users are also Apple users.

you really don't have to go as far as that to find new design structures. Minimalism is a broad spectrum. You have a million and 1 ways to design minimalism. if i were to guess, the problem lies in lack of vision. not everyone can see all the possibilities and people prefer safe routes. but the internet is filled with inspirations and innovative design expositions that you can use to your benefit. i think people just don't care because steam skins is not that important of a thing? idk.

hooliif you like compact and minimalist

that is everything but minimalist.

posted about 9 years ago
#5 Steam skins in Off Topic

is making a steam skin really hard or something? i don't get why good, functional, pretty skins are so scarce. there's literally only air and metro that fits on this category.

posted about 9 years ago
#101 Valve launches competitive beta public group in News


posted about 9 years ago
#11 what's up folks in The Dumpster

this guy is really dedicated to his trolling....either that or his autism has reached levels mankind hasn't seen before.

posted about 9 years ago
#7 M0re HUD Purple in Customization

this is a simple hud edit, you can do it yourself. you'll just come back a week from now asking for another hud or cfg you stumbled upon thinking it's gonna make you better anyway....

posted about 9 years ago
#409 Comanglia's Config / FPS Guide in Customization

since we're talking about skyboxes, i'm using flat_skybox_blue and for the past few days it's going wrong and turing pink and black(the error texture)

i noticed it only does that after i exec maxquality. in normal cfg it appears to work just fine. anyone have a clue why?

posted about 9 years ago
#10 Highlight: Botmode vs. Running with Scizors in News
Foxjust reminding everyone he made those plays on this
setup of champions
also the keyboard is sitting on the bed which I will be sitting on for the duration of gameplay

no more setup excuses

seeing that setup, this video of his seems even more impressive
check 0:57

posted about 9 years ago
#4 Silentes steps down from Full Tilt in News

looking forward to see tek playing actively

posted about 9 years ago
#2493 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

i've got a problem in my hud

whenever i start capping a point, this huge control point indicator pops up in the top of my screen, indicating the capping progress.

if anyone can tell me where this is located and how do i get rid of it, i'd appreciate.
also, if you don't mind two asks, can someone tell me what file i need to go to edit the round timer that stays on the top of the screen.
thanks in advance.

posted about 9 years ago
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