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Last Posted April 22, 2024 at 5:09 PM
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#77 tf2 scene in 2038 in TF2 General Discussion

Torrit banned again? DESERVED (dont know the ban reason, dont care who jeven is).

posted about a year ago
#27 Let's talk about the Unity ruleset in TF2 General Discussion

I've played a fair bit on both EU and NA rulesets as well as a bit on the new one so I wanted to give some thoughts.

Windiff vs Winlimit: I don't think this has made a practical difference in almost any games. Windiff rarely comes into play in EU as it is, and I think comebacks are a lot more common under the current NA ruleset by virtue of the map time being an hour. I personally don't think this matters hugely under current ruleset, but I think the unity ruleset probably should run with winlimit, as windiff makes it much more likely that things will go on forever (The only real problem with this ruleset imo).


I agree that fundamentally this ruleset won't change a huge amount at a top level, beyond an increase in potential for comebacks. I think that the actual purpose of this ruleset is to create disincentives for doing a large number of small % plays. This is currently a fairly effective way to play, especially at any level below top prem/invite, because it doesn't require a huge amount of coordination and it's eventually effective. In your scenario, you can still go for your 5 low % plays, but with a 4 minute round timer you'd now have 48 seconds to coordinate each play from the moment you capture the second point and including respawns and rollouts. This is going to make these plays even lower % (or you get less of them) but will have little impact on a couple of moderate % plays that would take a while to set up normally.

In my opinion the low risk playstyle creates some of the least enjoyable TF2 both to watch and play, because the majority of players will be watching a door for sacs/counter sacs and waiting on a respawn timer during that time. This problem gets compounded even more when a team is up rounds and you're close to the end of map time, because then it's even more effective to do low risk plays and run out the clock. Imo a team losing to the clock is also a situation that should be avoided in TF2 where it can because it frequently just ends a closely contested game in the most anticlimactic way possible. This ruleset minimizes both of the things that I (and probably a lot of other people) find least interesting in the game and replaces them with midfights which are an interesting part of the game.

posted about a year ago
#14 wackyfire lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

terrorist do not pick up

posted about a year ago
#45 Alfa legacy 2 in TF2 General Discussion


posted about a year ago
#4 no sound after pc upgrade in Hardware

First thing I'd do would probably be to install a different sound server to see if that's where the issue is. I've had weird problems with PulseAudio in the past and I've been told that a lot of people like PipeWire. If you find the device on there then it's likely a problem with that, otherwise it's something in the lower level drivers. The arch wiki is probably a good place to start for working out where the problem could be but honestly linux is kind of notorious for having audio problems so good luck.

posted about a year ago
#18 why wont we just enable fov beyond 90 in TF2 General Discussion

TF2's 90 fov is actually 106 if you're using 16:9. Probably more useful to use this number for comparisons with more modern games where that resolution is expected.

posted about 2 years ago
#33 LFP Anglerfish S9 in Recruitment (looking for players)

I can confirm all of this. Giblert if you're reading this just know that you need to stop drinking and playing league of legends.

posted about 2 years ago
#21 Unifed Ruleset Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

For the record on people talking about unlocks, I've played 6s for 9 years and the vaccinator (and possibly the rescue ranger?) are the only unlocks that allowing/not allowing made any hugely significant difference to the way the game is played in that time. In general they're way less impactful than the gamemode, and I think unifying them matters less.

posted about 2 years ago
#12 Unifed Ruleset Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

I played at fullerton lan and watched a bit of the cup over the weekend so my thoughts are coming from that perspective.

I really like the threat of a round reset being on the cards as it puts a huge impetus on the attacking team to do something at all times, especially on last pushes. Something I liked about 3 min timer is that round resets happened often on last, as I think that if you fuck up a last push enough times it deserves to go to another mid. However, I do share the sentiment that 3 mins was too short because you would get scenarios like:

Attacking team gets takes second after a scrappy fight where both teams lose players, they wait for their spawns.
After their spawns get there, attacking team gets buffed up, does a double sac and successfully gets a force.
They wait for their spawns to come back in so they can fight 6v6, but by that time they have like 20s left to push.

I think that probably only 1 extra minute would prevent this from ever happening- so a 4 min round timer. 5 obviously offers this too, but you'll get longer stalemates and round resets are less of an option.

I also really like the continuous OT thing. I completely disagree with the sentiment that if you're up like 4-1 at the 30 minute mark you "deserve" to win. I've seen lots matches where momentum completely shifts at the end as one team works out what they need to do to win and they just don't have enough time for a comeback. If you get 5-4ed from that position you deserve to get 5-4ed. I think we'll see this happen more too with this ruleset because people aren't psychologically crushed by knowing that they mathematically can't win.

I also think that the average length of 40-45 minutes is much more natural for a TF2 game. For bo1 30 mins always felt too short to me and for bo3 an hour felt like a nightmare amount of time. I do think DrHappiness' concern is an important one though, there's definitely going to be a scenario somewhere down the line where two teams shit the bed pushing last for 90 minutes at a lan and delay the whole event and hold everyone else up. Not sure how this can be rectified but lan scheduling is almost never on time as is and TF2 has been kicked out of spaces even for things running over with golden caps.

posted about 2 years ago
#3 How the hell do I hit directs consistently? in Q/A Help
usnpeepoothe monitor I bought doesn't let me use my mic on my headset


posted about 2 years ago
#8 Does anyone know clockworks' star sign? in TF2 General Discussion

does any body know clock works social security number? I need it to determine my scout sensitivity (cannot disclose the algorithm).

posted about 2 years ago
#3 Highest ping player to ever play invite? in TF2 General Discussion

Pretty sure russian msh played a few prem seasons from somewhere in siberia where he had ping around 200ish I think? Can't remember exactly but I remember seeing the scoreboard on casts and it was very high.

Ok checking and he actually only had 1 prem match but that still counts.

posted about 2 years ago
#29 On the verge of uninstalling tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

this game is undead

posted about 2 years ago
#1 Nerd Essay Thread in Off Topic

Wanted to make a general thread for people to post about esoteric topics that don't particularly matter that they have a lot of knowledge on/interest in. It could be anything from specific details about experimental speedrun tech for a game you've never played to an interest in linguistics to keeping and caring for centipedes. Just like reading peoples thoughts on the things that make them tick.

posted about 2 years ago
#6 TF2 update for 3/30/22 in TF2 General Discussion

Hmm I wonder if the match hud class portraits can now be replaced with other textures in a hud. That never worked for me before.

posted about 2 years ago
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