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Country France
Signed Up November 6, 2012
Last Posted May 14, 2024 at 5:17 PM
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#349 The Side Porn Show in Videos

posted about 7 years ago
#36 Insomnia58 highlight movie released in News

That was legendary, thanks.

I embedded it on, I'll make and redirect to the dropbox link, if you dont mind :)

EDIT: Apparently, Dropbox has (temporarily) disabled downloads to the movie, do you want me to host it on

posted about 7 years ago
#22 Twitch Prime in TF2 General Discussion
mathsadshame because i just renewed my turbo yesterday ROFL

I'm 90% sure you can get your money back if you send them an email and explain you renewed before Turbo was announced.
Amazon are always really lenient on charge-backs for prime, worst case you pay the percentage of the subscription you used.

posted about 7 years ago
#71 NA TF2 LAN at Esports Arena in January in LAN Discussion

WOW air (icelandic company) seem to have considerably cheap flights at appropriate dates, I can find 450EUR for Jan 20-24 (cheapest I could find from Paris to LAX), with a stopover in Iceland.

posted about 7 years ago
#44 FACEIT to conduct big closed beta test on 20th Sep in TF2 General Discussion

not very good at this game.

toads_tfparkGod forbid you loseit's more i don't want to fuck over a team of competent players, i don't really care whether i lose or win

People who are used to playing pugs are mostly okay with it, even though it probably is frustrating.

posted about 7 years ago
#283 faceit TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
FACEIT_MikeyHello guys, one of the bigger closed beta tests to start tomorrow 21:00 CEST (15:00 ET) for both regions, testing very important things.
Will drop codes here soon so you can invite your friends

Please tell your friends, join a mumble tomorrow night (message me if you need, I'll host one for the night), play together, have fun, and don't forget to give feedback!

posted about 7 years ago
#8 Tip of the Hats 2016 videos, pictures and clips in TF2 General Discussion L I V E (starts in 25-30 mins)

posted about 7 years ago
#6 Tip of the Hats 2016 videos, pictures and clips in TF2 General Discussion
@TipoftheHatsWe asked spooky freaky mansion estate agent @Krunkidile what Tip of the Hats is. Response pending. #TotH2016
Show Content
posted about 7 years ago
#1 Tip of the Hats 2016 videos, pictures and clips in TF2 General Discussion

TotH2016 starts in about 42 hours, staff is already at the venue, share pics/vids you found!

Youtube Channel:
Twitter account:
Twitter hashtag:

If you want to make a command in your twitch chat:

Hang-out pre-stream stream (wild):


posted about 7 years ago
#2 Easiest way to create a LAN 6v6 server? in Q/A Help

If your CPU is good enough, the server and client should be able to run on different cores. It's gonna run at a high percentage a lot of the time, though.

There's no "easy" (by this I mean not tedious) way of installing a comp. tf2 server.
You're better off following the wiki guide, then downloading configs for whichever gamemode/league.
The maps are probably in your client tf folder already, so you can just copy them.
You could go the extra mile and install TFTrue+MetaMod+SourceMod+SOAPDM+MGEMod which are mostly drag-and-drop installs.

posted about 7 years ago
#8 LAN cafés in Paris in Other Games

The only negative things that I've heard about the Meltdown are mostly because of the price. I've been there twice, the service and ambiance were great. You'll probably find a bunch of people speaking English, too.

If you've seen "Meltdown" as a sponsor of french teams/players, it's the same thing.

posted about 7 years ago
#7 youtube broken sometimes in Off Topic

That looks like a decoder failure, try to see if you can update video codecs, browser, hardware drivers.

posted about 7 years ago
#12 TF2Dingalings down; hitsound depository thread in Customization

I contacted the creator on twitter ( but I've seen no response.
I'll get working on an alternative tonight as he seems to show no more interest in TF2.
It's sad that all those years of uploads are probably down the drain, though.

posted about 7 years ago
#89 Biannual iseries idea feat. NA in TF2 General Discussion
capnfapnWhat if we all ask our moms if we can borrow 10 bucks

What about something like Patreon? Small charges every month for a lot of users probably could bring in a lot of money, and then rush it by advertising the heck out of it a month before the event so that outsiders would bring in money as well.
I'd probably stop my twitch subs and drop 10-20 bucks per month.

posted about 7 years ago
#68 Biannual iseries idea feat. NA in TF2 General Discussion

We've discussed this at i58, the idea of in-game items for monetary support is excellent, but so far it's never been anything more than an idea.
When you look at DOTA 2, they add brand items, those are created by the community then accepted by Valve.
You can't ask them to do something if you don't have value to offer them.

Those items should be a community initiative. We should start a few discussions of what these items should be and hopefully people start implementing them, and present them to the community.

(Sorry if this was established before)'

EDIT: The compendium idea represents fairly well how I'd like to cover future events online (if we're talking about a polished website providing in-depth stats automatically, alongside highlights, STV demos, VOD links, etc).

posted about 7 years ago
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