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Signed Up July 7, 2012
Last Posted January 4, 2013 at 12:03 PM
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#61 Help, I'm trapped in a box! in Off Topic

Three gods A, B, and C are called, in no particular order, True, False, and Random. True always speaks truly, False always speaks falsely, but whether Random speaks truly or falsely is a completely random matter. Your task is to determine the identities of A, B, and C by asking three yes-no questions; each question must be put to exactly one god. The gods understand English, but will answer all questions in their own language, in which the words for yes and no are da and ja, in some order. You do not know which word means which.

-It could be that some god gets asked more than one question (and hence that some god is not asked any question at all).
-What the second question is, and to which god it is put, may depend on the answer to the first question. (And of course similarly for the third question.)
-Whether Random says da or ja should be thought of as depending on the flip of a coin hidden in his brain: if the coin comes down heads, he says da; if tails, he says ja.
-You cannot ask a question for which there is potentially no answer. For example, if you ask True "Are you going to answer this question with the word that means no in your language?", neither da or ja are truthful answers to this question.

Have fun.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Server .cfg help in Q/A Help

Games ending after 1 round and making you ready up again is a bug triggered by the server hitting the timelimit in a previous game without the map being reloaded. You could avoid this by setting "mp_timelimit 0". The server not changing after 2 wins could be a side-effect of re-readying only ever making it to 1 round.

Not entirely sure if this is your problem, particularly because this doesn't happen if you reload the map and don't go through a ready up -> timeout cycle (which seems like something you may have tried). I don't see anything that strikes me as odd in that cfg though, so idk.

posted about 11 years ago
#9 Uber Mechanism in Q/A Help

Good post from slin, but this part is inaccurate:

MR_SLINIf you uber somebody, it will last 8 seconds if you only heal one person. For each additional person that you include in the uber, you'll lose approximately 1 second of uber time. This means that if you pop uber on one target and flash 3 other targets, your uber will last approximately 5 seconds.

The uber lasts 9 seconds counting the final flash and flashes only (theoretically) cost 0.5s as long as you aren't healing nothing with 2 people flashing (though in practice this does edge up towards 0.6-0.7s). Details from an old commft post I saved:

SigmaFun facts:

1. The uber drain rate is 12.5%/s while you have 1 target ubered and are connected to him.
2. For each player who is flashed as a result of your uber, the drain rate increases by 6.25%/s (a flash lasts 1s). So, 18.75% with 2 players ubered (1 connected, 1 flashed), 25% with 3 players ubered, etc.
3. When you hit 0% uber, you and your current target are flashed for 1s.

My wording is specific here for a reason: these are some things I didn't realize until I went tic-by-tic in a demo of me ubering different patterns of bots in spawn. The meaningful in game consequences are:

1. If you uber and your pocket jumps out of heal beam range, even if you do not flash anyone else, your drain rate increases to 18.75%/s for 1 second or until you reconnect with him. You get longer ubers if you're connected the entire time, but since that's often impractical, the result is that you have a half-cost flash when your pocket jumps (since you'll be draining faster anyways -- the only penalty is when you switch back and whoever you flashed is causing your drain to increase).

2. Right before you hit 0%, you have a free flash. Why? Examine:

-You have 5% remaining before your uber is out, with one target ubered.
-You switch targets. Your original target is now flashing for 1s, and your drain rate is at 18.75%/s.
-Before you hit 0%, you attach to another target. Due to fact 3 above, you and your new target and now flashing for 1s.

Hence, you can have an 8s uber on 1 target, then 1s with 2 players ubered right at the end. From what I've seen, almost all experienced medics do a flash right at the end of their uber, but I don't think many consciously realize why it's a good idea (I had the habit before I went and found these results).

In case anyone cares, the 3 facts above also apply to the kritz drain rate. You don't get flashes with kritz (hence fact 3 is kind of a moot point), but you still have that increased drain as a result of switching (bleh). Still well worth it to switch a kritz though, since typically you shoot 1-2 crit stickies, then 15 scouts and 22 soldiers are on your head and a crit rocket is the right tool for the job.
posted about 11 years ago
#15 90/180/360 turn training map (tr_360noscope) in Map Discussion

Can you also practice 270 degree turns on this?

posted about 11 years ago
#19 YouMustMike looking in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 11 years ago
#32 ESEA-Orang-eXplosion in TF2 General Discussion

Well, this is the first that I've heard of this. All I know is that I'm going to show up in some mumble and cast some games with some other dudes, and it's going to be chill.

There's certainly some argument against this (splitting viewer counts, or something like that), but the end goal is to get as many people watching TF2 as possible, so why not have one streamer on esea_orange and another on extv? I seem to recall in the past that we did lan streams on esea_orange and they requested that we don't stream/cast when they switched to onsite casters, but as long as you refer viewers from extv to esea_orange (check out the main stream here!) and vice versa (for more tf2 action, follow this one!), I can't see there being much of a problem. Plus it gives a backup stream in case the cameraman has issues (i46/seanbud stream, for example).

posted about 11 years ago
#14 disengage bball in TF2 General Discussion

bball etiquette

DO jump to block with midair equalizer
DON'T jump to block every time and/or shotty midair
DO finish 10hp jumpers with shotty
DON'T shotty healthy jumpers when you have rockets loaded
DO attempt to style your way into the net with speedshots, off the sign, multiple wallshots, etc.
DON'T use gunboats

posted about 11 years ago
#8 ESEA LAN and eXtv in TF2 General Discussion
eXtineI haven't talked to Sigma yet. Sup?

I can cast a match or two :)

posted about 11 years ago
#3 don't freak out in Off Topic

I remember this video. My hands started sweating without needing to start it.

posted about 11 years ago
#24 strategy and theorycrafting threads/section? in TF2 General Discussion
MR_SLINsigma, that's true but does it warrant an entirely new section of the forums?

Perhaps it doesn't. I don't imagine there would be many threads there, and any good ones would more-than-likely be better off as guides in the eventual "how to play tf2" tab. The benefit would be that if there was a valuable discussion to be had, then it being in its own section would prevent it from being buried in the mass of topics from general discussion.

As I was writing this, I had the brilliant idea of reviving the "ask a mentor" section from the commft forums over here, since it did have some decent threads and newbies asking questions mixes well with people writing guides or wanting to discuss a play. Then I went to the forum index and realized we already have "TF2 Help". Just put these threads in there!

posted about 11 years ago
#21 strategy and theorycrafting threads/section? in TF2 General Discussion

To be fair, though, this isn't a bad idea. You can say that discussing strategy is pointless because the difference between one person hitting their shots or not can make a good strategy fail or a bad strategy succeed, and compared to rts games, the degree to which this happens is much greater. Still, you can pick good builds all you want in sc2, but if you fail your micro horrendously, you'll lose (equivalent of whiffing your shots in tf2). Coming up with things on the fly has a lot of value and is probably the best way to play (particularly since it means they'll have to come up with a counter on the fly), and if you understand the game well, you can make coordinated pushes just with a call of "go left" or "go around them".

Still, many people don't understand the game that well and don't ever do anything other than "uber through choke -> scouts watch flank". If for nothing but a paradigm shift, a discussion of some of the "weirder" plays that get run might be helpful -- overloading flank, ball pushing, showing the combo and suiciding, 2-4 man suicides, routes to push and re-push, wraparounds, going mid through house/valley/choke, forward holds, playing gpit .... I think at the very least, guides detailing some of these might be helpful, but I would be wary of the value of a debate on it, since that might just boil down to "well if this scout goes here and hits his shots while you miss, you're screwed" which is univerally true.

posted about 11 years ago
#16 strategy and theorycrafting threads/section? in TF2 General Discussion

oc before second cc is better

posted about 11 years ago
#5 how to in Q/A Help

If this is all you need to do, and have nothing more complicated going on, all you need is: in soldier.cfg:

bind mouse2 +duck

In the other classes:

bind mouse2 +attack2

Binding mouse2 to +duck doesn't unbind ctrl, so you don't need to redo that.

A good practice so you don't have to go changing 9 files every time you have to change 1 is to make a default.cfg which has your base settings (in your case, this would be "bind mouse2 +attack2") and at the top of each class cfg, "exec default". In soldier.cfg:

exec default
bind mouse2 +duck

...would do what you want.

posted about 11 years ago

I didn't do very well. Eventually I started attempting to use rockets for echolocation, and almost made it outside.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 free server in TF2 General Discussion

If any team wants a dallas server to use until it is cancelled at the end of October, message me on steam.

edit: it's now taken

posted about 11 years ago
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