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Signed Up August 4, 2016
Last Posted June 8, 2023 at 9:01 AM
Posts 321 (0.1 per day)
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Headphones Cloud 2 & Turtle Beach X12 (backup)
Monitor A Dell of some kind
1 ⋅⋅ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ⋅⋅ 22
#13 Potentially LFP Low-Mid Open in Recruitment (looking for players)

We're only looking for subs now.

Flank Scout: Sidular
Combo Scout: Twigs
Roamer: Abridge
Pocket: vixws
Demoman: Snorty
Medic: Health_Hazard

posted about 7 years ago
#210 TFCL - North American League in Projects

Alright, I'll update the whitelist so it mirrors the UGC whitelist. Like I said though, the current TFCL whitelist was made a fair while ago. I recall people at a lower level complaining about the razorback ban, even though players at a higher level were fully in support of it. I've even talked with a few platinum council members (that still a thing?) and they all expressed their concern for the razorback. Perhaps it's because I never used it, and never got to experience the issues firsthand? So I may be a tad biased towards that.

But anyway, I'll get the whitelist updated tomorrow so it's a mirror of UGC. Though I'm going to be upfront here. I'm not going to stick with UGC's whitelist forever. I want the TFCL players to come up with their own smart and fair changes to the whitelist. Odds are, these will be very similar or even identical to whatever UGC uses, given the shared community. But at times, TFCL players could vote for something that UGC votes against. My concern with copying UGC's whitelist forever, is if they make a major mistake or a controversial change, TFCL will have to follow through with the same change. Which means if they get hate, we get hate.

Which is why I want to have the TFCL community vote for the changes in the future. When the quickfix was included in the global 6's whitelist, pretty much the entire community was very heavily against that. It nearly tore the idea of a global apart, with some leagues looking at alternative options. I just don't want something like that to happen with TFCL, and highlander. Doing a direct mirror of UGC opens TFCL up to that risk.

Anyway, I'm babbling. It's 4 AM and I've kinda not slept yet. So, I should call it a night.

Long story short though. Yes, I'm gonna mirror the UGC whitelist for the season. Will update it tomorrow after I wake up.

posted about 7 years ago
#205 TFCL - North American League in Projects
DarkNecridCool to see the prizepools.

Why did you opt for a different HL whitelist tho, Razorback has been banned in UGC for awhile now and was a ban that was pretty much universally requested by Platinum teams for ages?


oh I see what might have happened, the whitelist on the UGC HL Quick Info page is currently fucked and is the one from Season 18 aka last year, not the actual current whitelist. So if you judged it based on that (which you seemed to have other than the Short Circuit which is banned correctly), then yeah?

The relevant changes since then I believe are:

* Razorback banned.
* Pomson allowed.
* Beggar's Bazooka allowed.
* Loch n Load allowed.

The whitelist was from late 2016, and I kinda never got around to updating it. Though I believe the logic back then for allowing the razorback, was that the lower and mid level teams wanted it to be allowed, and they vastly outnumbered the platinum level teams at the time. This was back when the we first announced (and never actually did) the alpha season, so getting as many teams on board as possible was the goal, not so much the top teams. Quantity over quality. Banning the razorback was also controversial at the time, so I decided to be "good guy Sidular" and keep it unbanned. To make the silver and lower players happy.

I honestly haven't looked at the changes made to UGC's whitelist for the current HL season. I want to mirror it as much as possible, but there also isn't a universal standard when it comes to highlander. I'm likely going to experiment a bit with the whitelist, and just see what sticks, and what doesn't. Since the razorback ban wasn't universally well received by all divisions, I figured it was worth testing again. If it works, it works. If it doesn't, it's gone.

Either way, this season of highlander is really just a pilot for TFCL. The whitelist isn't perfect, and things might break along the way in regards to format management on an administrative side. I'm honestly still in the testing phase for a lot of this stuff, and just want to see how everything plays out.

Also, I'm open to last minute whitelist changes. I don't want to mirror UGC's whitelist at this time, so if you (or anyone) have an idea for a weapon that should or should not be banned, I'm all ears.

posted about 7 years ago
#203 TFCL - North American League in Projects
VulcanSidularSo, quick question. If I were to host Ultiduo as a seasonal thing, but without a prize pool, would anyone here still play in it?
It'd still have medals.
make strawpoll

posted about 7 years ago
#201 TFCL - North American League in Projects

So, quick question. If I were to host Ultiduo as a seasonal thing, but without a prize pool, would anyone here still play in it?
It'd still have medals.

posted about 7 years ago
#200 TFCL - North American League in Projects

They also opted to use neither of the two images provided, and instead grabbed the video on the home page. Guess it was more neutral or something.

posted about 7 years ago
#199 TFCL - North American League in Projects

I didn't do it!

posted about 7 years ago
#196 TFCL - North American League in Projects

Valve's being awesome again! :D

posted about 7 years ago
#63 ESEA-O S25 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Envision Crew

Flank Scout: Sidular
Combo Scout: Twigs
Roamer: Abridge
Pocket: vvv
Demoman: Snorty
Medic: Health_Hazard

Turns out I'm an even worse medic, so back to scout I go.

posted about 7 years ago
#194 TFCL - North American League in Projects
DrummerHL has $2 more than 6s

Absolutely outrageous

Had to. Otherwise I'd have to split the pool so it had pennies. Can you imagine that? A pool where one player might get $19.56 instead of a more rounded $20? The horror! D:

Prizes are this for those too lazy to click the link.

Highlander Prize Pool - $252

First Place: $135 (avg. $15/player)
Second Place: $72 (avg. $8/player)
Third Place: $45 (avg. $5/player)

Sixes Season 2 Prize Pool - $248

First Place: $120 (avg. $20/player)
Second Place: $80 (avg. $13/player)
Third Place: $48 (avg. $8/player)

posted about 7 years ago
#192 TFCL - North American League in Projects

Three big things.

1. General Update

2. Highlander S1 with $252 pool

3. Sixes S2 with $248 pool
(edit: fixed the pool amount for 6's)

Signups open now.

posted about 7 years ago
#77 sigafoo tf2 league in TF2 General Discussion

Well, this is interesting...
I'm kind of confused on the Comp Low prize and pool though? It says $1k minimum pool, but says first place is $350? $350 / $350 / $300?

Comp Low - Min Prize pool $1,000

This is for teams who have that competitive edge, but maybe aren’t at the top of the game. We might have some of the matches casted from this division, though that is still in the works. The prizepool will not be as heavily weighted towards the top. Estimated first place prize of $350.

The prizepool will not be as heavily weighted towards the top. Estimated first place prize of $350. this like, one of those soccer tournament things? Don't tell me "everyone's a winner" in this...

posted about 7 years ago
#4 DubThink LFT Med Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

He once followed a literal bean trail, so you know he's a solid medic. Definitely mid open level.

posted about 7 years ago
#9 Potentially LFP Low-Mid Open in Recruitment (looking for players)

Alright, so we've got 3 members now.

Scout: Twigs
Scout: [open]
Soldier: [open]
Soldier: [open]
Demoman: Snorty
Medic: Sidular

Combo scout and both soldiers are still open.

posted about 7 years ago
#3 Net Help in Q/A Help

Sounds a lot like you're experiencing packet loss, which is something I unfortunately have to deal with on a daily basis. (Cogeco sucks)
It's either your local connection, or the server that you're connecting to. If you experience this issue on multiple servers, try giving your internet provider a call, and ask if they're aware of any kind of congestion for your area. Packet loss is usually caused by congestion, though it can also be caused by a number of other factors, including your router or modem.
Congestion could also explain your slower internet speed, especially if you're supposed to be getting a faster speed.

posted about 7 years ago
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