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Country Bangladesh
Signed Up May 29, 2013
Last Posted January 8, 2018 at 3:29 PM
Posts 166 (0 per day)
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#492 The Side Porn Show in Videos

From the cardboard box to full time OWL talent.


posted about 7 years ago
#12 best music syncs? in Videos


posted about 7 years ago
#22 SMH these Open players (PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEME) in TF2 General Discussion

What is it with the comp tf2 community mindset that the solution for every problem is to make a new website, i don't get it.
And if that fails, make another competing website with even smaller userbase.

posted about 7 years ago
#488 The Side Porn Show in Videos


posted about 7 years ago
#480 The Side Porn Show in Videos


posted about 7 years ago
#146 The Mouse/Mousepad Thread v2 in Hardware
lootlootAny good substitutes for Steelseries QCK Mass mousepad out there?bump

I used to burn through QCK's like one per year but last year i switched to Artisan Hien VE, the surface is bit rougher and more glidy than QCK but it's still like brand new.

Also any special reason why you need the mass version? Join the 2 mousepads stacked masterrace.

posted about 7 years ago
#123 Best airshots in the world? in Videos

.delet this

posted about 7 years ago
#14 grahpics card upgrade in Hardware
hpqoeudoes nvidia still do this 4 GB = 3.5GB bullshit or did they stop when they got called out for it

no they don't but the difference between 3GB and 6GB 1060 is more than just the amount of vram, 6GB version has additional shader units aswell so the difference between them is basically 1060 vs 1060ti

posted about 7 years ago
#8 The TF2 Riddle in Off Topic


posted about 7 years ago
#3 CPU without Ivy Bridge similar to Intel i7-3770? in Hardware


What mobo do you have, from what you tried to upgrade to 3770?

posted about 7 years ago
#23 4 core vs 8 core in Hardware
SetsulAh yes, finally someone gets it. Obviously Intel got a whole different architecture that cost them only a few billion dollars lying around, that is way faster in every regard, more efficient and also cheaper to manufacture. Because just releasing that architecture and locking the clockrates to maximize profits would be too easy.

Not saying they would be sitting on a completely different architecture but why would you "waste" new technologies when you're crushing the competition with just dieshrink and optimization updates.

posted about 8 years ago
#19 4 core vs 8 core in Hardware
sage78calm down buddy, we are talking about multimillion dollar companies, you don't need to pick a side and fight for it

not fighting for any side but do you seriously think intel r&d has been sitting on their asses for 5 years just tinkering their power efficiency with nothing left in reserve?

ScrewballThat's not how it works.

i doubt intel would enter pricewar with amd anytime soon considering they have +80% marketshare in desktop systems, also we have no idea how aggressively amd will price the ryzen

posted about 8 years ago
#15 4 core vs 8 core in Hardware
sage78Even if you want intel, wait for zen, prices will drop in half for intel aswell

yeah they won't, intel will cut the prices minimally if at all and just blow amd out of the water next gen if ryzen turns out to be competitive.

posted about 8 years ago
#13 4 core vs 8 core in Hardware
Viperdx12 and vulkan are game api's, not engines

Thanks captain obvious, meant game engines made with native support for DX12 and Vulkan, not these current engines that are just patched to support them with results varying from slight gains to actually hurting the performance.

posted about 8 years ago
#11 4 core vs 8 core in Hardware

Games and general desktop tasks won't benefit from +4 cores for couple of years to come, at least until DX12 and Vulkan native game engines come out there's no real reason for avg. customer to buy more than 4 cores.

posted about 8 years ago
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