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Country Denmark
Signed Up November 21, 2015
Last Posted February 23, 2017 at 5:47 PM
Posts 292 (0.1 per day)
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#527 Vent your anger in Off Topic
BeelthazusI hate it when people from one culture talk about the problems other cultures face, as if they went through those hardships themselves. Its one of the seven asinine things you can do on the internet.

Isn't that every comment about culture by anyone? I swear not one in three remarks about cultural anything is done by anyone directly affected by said culture. That, or tumblrettes throwing a fit, but then again, they wouldn't be affected even if they're of that race, as they'd never leave mom's house.

posted about 7 years ago
#508 Vent your anger in Off Topic
VulcanwtzVulcanbut don't listen to me one of my posts was downfragged so everything I will ever say is irrelevantI'm going to paraphrase but this is basically what you said earlier 'i don't care about upfrags'
why do u keep bringing it up
Because people think that everything that I say is irrelevant because of an earlier shitpost

Buddy all your posts end in some shitty remark that makes anything even slightly smart sound stupid. It's not 'earlier' when it keeps repeating.

posted about 7 years ago
#1499 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 7 years ago
#14 How do casters see what the camera man sees? in Q/A Help
zeFrostyWould be cool if there was someway of the cameraman showing the casters his pov, just so we don't end up getting all hyped about a play that they don't catch or if someone hits a nice shot and the casters miss ot! Not sure how it would be done without a delay but who knows. I can dream

Seems to happen the other way around more than not. You see someone land a double in a corner on the stream while the caster is going on some irrelevant tangent on the middle.

posted about 7 years ago
#7 ETF2L S25 LBF: sauna slayers vs. LEGO in Matches
Dr_HeinzThey are named Gender Confused :p

Did Nursey make it?

posted about 7 years ago
#11 Faceit forces you to use some discord ? in Q/A Help
DatDrummerGuyIt's working great in CS:GO and DOTA 2, it will be the same when finally released in TF2.

Only real issue I see is lack of any consistency. The way the voice indicators stack oddly when more than one talk, they're never in the same place if one person talks, and then another starts.

If they added a tiny portrait of each class on the left that'd light up when someone talked, it'd be acceptable as a replacement. Right now it's just too good to have an overlay.

posted about 7 years ago
#439 Vent your anger in Off Topic
pendacomp tf2 has one of the nicer communities and if you're finding it toxic then you're just hanging with the wrong people

TF2 is one of the absolute worst communities in terms of the quality between private circlejerks and larger communities. I've played some really obscure games with a small amount of players, so obviously they'd cling to any newcomers.

Here? Every second post is either a (albeit usually applicable and worth a chuckle) meme, a big name saying something "funny" being upfragged or a nobody giving a skeptical opinion in the minus 20.

By far the best experiences I've had with TF2 were behind closed doors with the same 5 people I've played with for ages. The issue is getting there for anyone new, or anyone who currently feels at loss with the community. Outside semi-exclusive newbie initiatives I don't see how the situation would improve anytime soon if you're not the type to instantly drop into a trial.

I can understand people both liking and hating the TF2 community, but that's probably related to either visiting forums or meeting and chatting with individual people.

posted about 7 years ago
#4 TF2 update for 11/14/16 (11/15/16 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion
NurseyDoes anyone actually mind the new casual system? I'd like to see auto-balance make a return + being able to join off a friend in the middle of a game, but other than those two gripes I enjoy this new system much more.

I made the majority of my long-lasting friendships playing on the same dedicated servers. When you start noticing another person's (frag) interest in you, and you end up seeing the same regulars every now again, it's easier to set your eyes on the best while trying to improve, and also making friends.

Now you got a semi-bugged experience bar promoting trying your hardest, leveling up instead of fucking about with a shit weapon. That's not to say anyone actually plays on dedicated servers with the old quickplay in place, but it's still sad to see it go. Matchmaking is already making gaming far less social if you're not already circlejerking with a same premade.

Hell, most of us probably got into competitive TF2 from exposure to pro regulars on a fav'd server. It's honestly no wonder there's 'game dating' websites popping up left and right when every popular game is 15 min matchmaking games with even scrubs busting their backs.

posted about 7 years ago
#2 Dinahmoe Labs in Other Games

"Chrome or newer"

fuk off

posted about 7 years ago
#3 COD 4: Remastered in Other Games

Yeah, "lit".

posted about 7 years ago
#238 Personality Types in Off Topic

I'll never understand the obsession with these. Your average internet warrior is made up of 4 things: calling themselves trash, their pronouns, some edgy motto and these personality tags.

It says absolutely nothing about you and nobody actually cares enough to read up on what your specific snowflake stats are. Guess it's left-over interest from when those 'What Backstreet Boy are you?'-tests were in.

posted about 7 years ago
#27 AGDQ 2017 in Off Topic
THEBILLDOZERtfw bonesaw is banned

Went from one of the few normal guys @ AGDQ to being one of the worst weebs. Why banned though?

posted about 7 years ago
#14 Made a list of all OP weapons I can think of in TF2 General Discussion

"Why would anyone play medic? easy road 2 high div lmao"

"Hey let's make the crossbow viable so you can do amazing things as a medic and stand out from the usual 'I'm leashed to my pocket'-baddies"

And now you're complaining it's OP?

posted about 7 years ago
#43 Im sad in Off Topic

How much harm is being done over wanting to win in TF2 is unreal. Like fuck is this div 6? Even being the replacement of someone removed in a shitty way would feel bad.

posted about 7 years ago
#31 what is really viable now? in TF2 General Discussion

It's 2018. Insomnia finals. 3-3. Last is being pushed.

It all comes down to this.

Can the soldier M2 the cowmangler better than the engineer can hold M1 from spawn?

posted about 7 years ago
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