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Signed Up April 11, 2014
Last Posted April 25, 2024 at 8:06 AM
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#138 this is why we have LAN finals in TF2 General Discussion
smakersIn regards to 'twitching after firing'... I don't see how that's unnatural. I've always done it. I suspect most people do it involuntarily to some degree. Hell, here's a crappy clip from 5+ years ago where you can see my "down and left" motion after every shot I take. I suppose it's clear evidence of cheating, too.8

I've always found that to be the case as well. Especially if you haven't got a high-DPI mouse, your crosshair can definitely wobble substantially in the direction of movement after you flick a shot over a significant distance on your mousepad. A lot of people aren't able to keep their elbow/wrist/fingers perfectly still after throwing their hand very quickly and low DPI would only make that worse. It's like releasing your brakes on your car after stepping on them firmly; the car wobbles back and forth on the suspension a bit before it levels out again.

posted about 9 years ago
#163 cp_logjam (5CP) in Map Discussion
HyceOsiris, part of the reason that is like that is to deal with the sniper sightline from the roof to 2nd. I can clip that to be a flat wall and the same ends is met without a visual change, and it shouldn't mess with collisions too bad.

Yeah, I was already thinking you made it jut out for the sight line off/onto the cap spire. Clipping seems an absolutely fine solution. Thank you for continuing to change the map and see it through to a final release, which will hopefully get put into the game.

The new mid also seems a lot better. When the mid cap is positioned lower than the rest of mid, it tends to get either standoffish or messy to watch. The variable height you have going now, instead of a pit, will allow players to find an opportunity to initiate more easily, I think. It smacks of Gullywash mid, though I like that it has three entrances to mid instead of Gully's two(unless you count drop down). It gives both teams their own side instead of their own "corner", which seems to be responsible for the frequent side swapping on Gullywash.

posted about 9 years ago
#159 cp_logjam (5CP) in Map Discussion

Could you straighten the right wall on the way to mid and make it vertical as shown in the picture? If you're rolling out through choke and hit any parts of the sloping wall with your head, you immediately lose all your momentum because it pushes you into the ramp. I find it a bit annoying because your eyes automatically use the bottom of the wall to judge how close you are to it, because the part that juts out is outside of your fov above your head. You could also move the bottom of the wall into the choke a bit, I guess.


posted about 9 years ago
#7 Music to relax in Off Topic


^ Interesting clip, too. Air have also made multiple great albums of very relaxing music; an example off their first album:


Edit: Seems like if you post two embedded flash video links, the second one becomes the first one, for some reason.

posted about 9 years ago
#9 selling mice (g400s, ec1evo, sensei raw) in Hardware
Gasoline_BasedThe sensei raw has no accel, hense the [RAW] tag in it. I am personally using a sensei raw, and I love it, so I can really reccomend it.

That's a misconception. Neither of them have acceleration; the tag refers to the fact that it only has the bare essentials compared to the normal Sensei, which makes it cheaper. The sensor and processor aren't as good as the one in the regular Sensei, the colours of the lights aren't variable and the CPI isn't as customisable, to name just a few things. It also doesn't have on-board memory, if I recall correctly.

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Internet Question in Off Topic

I had this problem several times, though it's not always been exactly the same. Sometimes I would get a drop for 5-20 seconds every few minutes, sometimes it would happen every half an hour, sometimes every few hours. I found out that I wasn't actually losing my connection for 5-20 seconds, but my ping would spike so high that games, Mumble and my browser would just get confused for a while because of the length of the spiking. I have called my ISP on every occasion and the problem goes away every time, though the people on the phone can't ever tell me what's causing it. It comes around about once every six months and my connection is otherwise extremely reliable and fast.

If you try pinging your ISP for a few minutes(there will be an IP on their website you can use for this), you might find out you're having the same problem. One of the milder ones yielded these result for me:
Minimum = 9ms, Maximum = 974ms, Average = 44ms
Note that the average without the spikes is actually 15ms, sometimes the spikes would be as bad as three seconds. It's also peculiar that no packets actually get lost, they sometimes just need an inordinate amount of time to come back. I hope it helps, good luck.

posted about 9 years ago
#33 Attacks feel delayed? in Customization

Thanks for posting this. I've already found that c-tap jumps are more consistent for me with this set to 0.05 seconds.

posted about 9 years ago
#22 New Demoman rollout on cp_process? in Map Discussion

You actually get there with roughly the same health if you start both rollouts with a full buff at the spawn door. However, the double sticky rollout is 1-1.5 seconds slower than the pogo rollout and the failure rate is much higher, especially when you have a bit of latency. That's without mentioning the fact that those 1-1.5 seconds don't just mean that you're slower, but they leave you vulnerable to the roamer.

With the pogo rollout you can get two stickies on top of/flying above the crate before the roamer can get to it, not to mention the fact that if you do the little rampslide to get directly on to the point you are shielded from the roamer by the stickied up crate unless he wants to land on the floor next to you, where a pipe(maybe two) will finish him. With the double sticky rollout the roamer is already on the crate when you get to the little rampslide. If he's a little slow he can just fire at the little ramp while in the air because that angle is completely open. He can't prefire you when you're standing next to the crate on the point after the pogo rollout, because the crate is blocking that angle, not to mention he can safely land on the crate afterward and have the high ground because there are no stickies on it. I don't see any reason for doing the double sticky rollout.

posted about 9 years ago
#11 Pioneers in Videos

That was insane.

posted about 9 years ago
#322 i52: Knockout Stage in Events
ArieOsirisIs Immunity vs Froyotech on cp_snakewater from the group stages available in unmuted form? It was casted on TFTV2 by Ryushi and CommanderX, as per the VOD here at 1:08:00(the score says 3-0 at that time but it is temporarily incorrect, it did actually start from the first mid fight). Thank you in advance.
Here ya go: http://franz.fakkelbrigade.eu/group_stages/stream_2/

Thank you Arie. I hadn't realised some of the ones missing from YouTube were available on there for download; I should've checked before asking, my bad.

posted about 9 years ago
#319 i52: Knockout Stage in Events

Is Immunity vs Froyotech on cp_snakewater from the group stages available in unmuted form? It was casted on TFTV2 by Ryushi and CommanderX, as per the VOD here at 1:08:00(the score says 3-0 at that time but it is temporarily incorrect, it did actually start from the first mid fight). Thank you in advance.

posted about 9 years ago
#41 My Pc has completely shit itself in Hardware

I had an ASRock motherboard(A780GM-LE) years ago and had some similar problems. My screen suddenly froze, which was fixed after rebooting. However, my screen then randomly started going completely black(but not saying there was no video input) at random intervals after turning my computer on. My computer would sometimes refuse to boot and go to Windows Boot Repair. Sometimes it would just get stuck at the BIOS loading screen and when it did it would display it in random incorrect colours, different every time. Other times it would do the uniformly odd coloured screen thing as you described.

At first I thought my OS was corrupt, because after completely wiping the drive(to all zeros) and then reinstalling my OS, my computer would be fine for months again, only for the problems to come back in exactly the same chronological progression as they had occurred in the first time. After doing this three times, the problem immediately returned the day after I had reinstalled my OS, signifying that something else was at the root of the problem.

Long story short(he said, after writing the wall of text above), I assembled a new computer and gave the remains of my old one to my father, who replaced the motherboard and continues to use it as his "tinker computer". It still works to this day without any trouble, so it does seem that the motherboard was the faulty part. Good luck, I hope it's something that can be repaired easily which has failed you.

posted about 9 years ago
#28 Swatting- who to blame? in Off Topic

Probably the best way to defend yourself against this is masking all your personal information and not showing where you are. It at least shortens the list of people who could have made the 911 call to people who actually know where you live, i.e. people you know in real life. It probably also helps not to use a webcam, because the people who get a kick out of this probably get more of a kick out of it because they can see it happening on the stream and record it.

As far as police brutality goes; it's kind of a fine line. If a guy is surrendering himself so obviously as was the case in the video, there is no need to step on his head once you have guns pointed at him and he's pinned to the ground and surrounded by multiple officers. On the other hand, those SWAT-officers probably have quite some adrenaline rushing through their veins because they are looking for someone who is armed and reportedly firing, so it is sort of understandable that they just instinctively try to dominate their targets for their and others' safety. You can clearly see that their aggression and adrenaline lower as they start realising that there is no threat. However, officers receive training to deal with these situations and they should know exactly how much force to use to be safe without discomforting potentially innocent civilians. I also can't imagine that they haven't encountered someone laughing when they get raided before, because a reaction of utter disbelief is probably quite common.

The "What are you laughing at?" is a typical tense response fuelled by adrenaline, it's more of a challenge than it is an actual request for information. It sounds like Kootra realised what was happening and why it was happening before they even got into the room... I would have chuckled too at such a display if I knew it was all because of some bored/spiteful kid on the Internet reporting a fake shooting incident.

posted about 9 years ago
#27 i52 STV demo's in TF2 General Discussion
JinzhaI'm currently watching Froyo vs iM on Snakewater (group stage), don't think this one was casted

It was casted on TFTV2, I think. It was casted while there were games live on both channels, not sure which of the two, but it definitely was casted.

posted about 9 years ago
#6 i52 WTF is that platinum ? in TF2 General Discussion

Strange Stickybomb Launcher: Loose Cannon?

posted about 9 years ago
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