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Signed Up April 11, 2014
Last Posted April 25, 2024 at 8:06 AM
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#35 ESEA S18 LAN - Day 2 in Events

Thank you to everyone doing software development, on-site handling(Mana, Tagg), casting, camera, stellar production, the players, saloon.tf(Cherry), ESEA, the sponsors and everyone who puts so much of their free time into TFTV. Special shout-out to Marxist and Gecks.

posted about 9 years ago
#153 Attention Twitch Streamers in Off Topic
hooli[...] They tolerate marijuana consumption, prostitution, same sex marriage, and pedophilia.

I don't know if your sentence was poorly constructed or if you're misinformed, but the above are condoned(though technically illegal), legal, legal and illegal respectively in The Netherlands. If you were speaking socially instead of legislatively, then I can assure you that paedophilia is not generally socially tolerated either. There have actually been several high-profile child abuse and child pornography cases in recent years, which have reintensified the public focus on and police's active search for and prosecution of people related to them in many capacities, including but not limited to child abusers, child pornography network(er)s and producers of such material.

posted about 9 years ago
#101 Attention Twitch Streamers in Off Topic
ZZHave any of you read Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov?
It's very good.

I've only seen the film by Stanley Kubrick, I didn't even know it was adapted from a book. I'll give it a read, thank you.

Meanwhile, the only careful conclusion I can draw from this thread is that the paedophilia spelling variant seems to be going swiftly out of fashion.

posted about 9 years ago
#52 best concerts people have been to? in Music, Movies, TV

Glad to see so many Iron Maiden fans. I've seen them in many countries, types of venue(festival, arena, race track...), on many tours and throughout the years. It's always an amazingly energetic experience and the crowds are generally very friendly, especially at Maiden's own shows. Up the irons!

Going to see Vicente Amigo twice in the next three days, I have high hopes for those concerts as well.

posted about 9 years ago
#26 Any Magic the Gathering players here? in Off Topic

One of my first memories is from my uncle opening an Unlimited booster and seeing a Frozen Shade; I always wanted to see it again because I loved the art. When I got a bit older, my uncle bought me Special Delivery from Urza's Saga and taught me how to play. I still have many cards, but I stopped playing around the Ravnica Block. I'm not a huge fan of the latest mechanics. My favourite deck to play with and tinker with was Landstill, I always liked control decks. My favourite creatures are definitely Treefolk and Saprolings(the old Saproling token card is still hanging next to my bed). Favourite artist is John Avon; his lands and Nemata are so beautiful, that man can play with light like no other.

posted about 9 years ago
#17 New Weapon Ideas? in TF2 General Discussion

A medigun which gives 150%(12 seconds) of charge duration, but which can't split it to other players so you'd always have a solo-über. You could play with the percentage or you could also add the downside that if the medic and player get disconnected, they can't reconnect so the medic could get out with the extra long duration but the rest of the über would basically be wasted from a proactive viewpoint.

posted about 9 years ago
#6 UGC Plat: '92 DREAM TEAM vs. Just Kidding in Events
DrJeremyhttp://www.twitch.tv/extvesports/v/3770890 - starts at 11:30
Did you check Past Broadcasts?
Osiris[...]last week's match and the Twitch VOD for it is also missing for some reason.

It has a ten and fifteen-minute broadcast from before the match start, but the actual match is nowhere to be seen for some reason.

posted about 9 years ago
#65 TF2 Feature Requests and Bug Fixes in TF2 General Discussion

An option to remove the laser dot when you're scoped in. If the obscured vision(a laser sight which makes it harder to hit things, ha) is seen as a "gameplay element", then at least center the thing properly on the crosshair.

posted about 9 years ago
#4 UGC Plat: '92 DREAM TEAM vs. Just Kidding in Events

Will there be a YouTube VOD for this game? There wasn't one for last week's match and the Twitch VOD for it is also missing for some reason.

posted about 9 years ago
#99 TF2 update for 1/27/15 in TF2 General Discussion

Ok, this is very odd. I wasn't getting this bug whatsoever because I don't have tracers "turned off". When I changed my viewmodel_fov to 360 it took about 5 clips of a scattergun to get the bug and for CUtlLinkedList overflow! (exhausted index range) to appear in the console. This could make sense because the game is essentially trying to draw the tracers off screen, which I wouldn't be surprised could cause it to just be unable to do so and for the list to exceed its defined range.

However... when I set my viewmodel_fov to 0.001 it takes me at least 20 clips to trigger the bug and most notably the error message does NOT appear in the console. Whether or not this is an error in writing to the console, I don't know. I would understand if it just took longer(after all, 0.001 is still on screen, though some of the tracers are bending at such an angle that they would be fully outside your FOV), but the lack of error message is making me scratch my head.
EDIT: It's just an error in writing to the console. Sometimes I get the error message, sometimes I don't. It's not uncommon for that to happen in Source console, so I'd just assume that it should be there every time, but it just isn't very reliable.

In conclusion, it seems that extreme viewmodel FOVs are the culprit. Could everyone who is getting this bug please confirm that they have an extreme viewmodel_fov in their configs so we aren't wasting our time? Thank you in advance.

posted about 9 years ago
#97 TF2 update for 1/27/15 in TF2 General Discussion

I just did some Googling and it seems that CUtlLinkedList overflow! (exhausted index range) is not limited to TF2, but is an error message you can get in any Source-based game. This thread seems to indicate that improperly referenced sprites quickly flood entity data, which would make it logical that quickly fired scattergun shots would make the game crash more quickly than individual pistol shots. Then the game would proceed to stop drawing any entities altogether because it's still trying to work on the tracers. My best guess is that someone at Valve rewrote something which calls for the tracer sprites and either made a typo or didn't reference the full sprite name.

Which brings up another question: If you have tracers enabled, do the tracers ever actually appear before you crash, or do you never see any tracers? If you don't see any tracers at all, I'd say that someone made a bit of a catastrophic typo and the game is desperately trying to draw tracers and it can't find them. This would also explain why pipes and rockets are fine.

N.B. I had to ask a friend what all of this means after I found that thread and he had very little time, so please don't have an aneurysm if I used any inappropriate jargon or if the way I worded things isn't strictly correct in programming terms. I am not a very good programmer and have no experience with game engines.

posted about 9 years ago
#96 1/13/2015 Site Update in Site Discussion

I like the new design, but there are some other things I would like to see and some things I don't like as much.

  • The Twitter/YouTube/Twitch links in the footer should go in the header, in my opinion; in-between the forums and profile buttons. The odds that someone is going to scroll down all the way(the footer floats, it's not fixed) and actually read those links are quite small. It also looks professional to have your media listed in a prominent place.
  • A preview button on the forums would be nice.
  • I would personally remove the bar with the TFTV logo at the top of the homepage, but keep it for other pages. This will increase the size of the homepage significantly and create space for what's in the paragraphs below.

I think that any person new to the website is going to think this is "just another TF2 forum/just another casting organisation". While this may at one point have been true, TFTV has now grown to be the major international hub for TF2 and the homepage should reflect this. Something I've always felt has been missing on the homepage are guides for the greenest of green players.

What I think the homepage should do is peak the interest of the average sort-of-interested pubber. You essentially need informative clickbait. I would suggest a flashy bar at the top of the homepage(but below the header) which would read something along the lines of "New to competitive TF2? Click the links below to find out more!" and then have buttons or just links right below that saying "6vs6", "9vs9 (Highlander)", "2vs2 (Ultiduo)" linking to a relevant thread on the forums which is essentially a beginner's guide with information on the format, rules and leagues with further links to more specific guides.

I, apparently like many others, also feel that the events on the homepage should come back, because then it looks like the community has something going on.

Good work overall, though. I could easily list many changes I like than I dislike.

P.S. On an entirely unrelated note: 6s should probably have a name like "Highlander" or "Ultiduo". Even if it's just "Classic" or "Standard" or something, I think it would make sense since the other formats do have names. It's odd how you only notice those things when you see them written down, sometimes...

posted about 9 years ago
#13 #1 Demoman Trick Jumper in Videos

Nice edit, fun combination of different weapons and maps.

posted about 9 years ago
#269 cp_logjam (5CP) in Map Discussion
HyceOsiris, have you tried doing those rollouts? The shutter opens wicked fast..

Yes, you can get into house by way of sliding over the stone ramp from main; you will however be well over 3 seconds slower at firing your first sticky than a demoman doing the smoking barn pogo rollout to mid if both rollouts are performed optimally. However, if you were to remove the smoking barn it still wouldn't matter. On version b11f(it doesn't have the barn but it does have the shutter), I crash into the shutter 50% of the time, 25% of the time the door just doesn't seem to want to open because it's on Valve time or something and the other 25% you will surf through. Sadly, the latter is usually when you don't have optimal speed and you will only get half-way through the house, again adding vital walking time and making it hard to be competitive with the choke rollout.

Logjam doesn't have to have a choke available for the demo rollout, of course; it's your map and not all maps should have the same build. Process is one of my favourite maps and it only has choke as a viable rollout route too. All maps are different and that's a good thing, otherwise there is no point in having different maps and we would just play 24/7 cp_badlands and probably get bored!

posted about 9 years ago
#266 cp_logjam (5CP) in Map Discussion
popcorpYou can still do that rollout from flank, shutter opens quite fast, allowing both demo and soldier to rollout.

It won't open fast enough for you to surf through the doorway right on top of or very close to the health pack, which adds literally seconds of walking time from shutter to the health pack to your rollout. You also can't do it from the smoking barn side any more because the barn is in the way, which is making it slower yet again.

The house rollout was already one to two seconds slower than the fast choke rollout when you could still do it from the smoking barn side, so it makes it practically unviable to do the house rollout for demoman now; it's just futile because the other demoman doing fast choke rollout can get a sticky onto your exit without having to guess where you're going to pop out, as he can put two or even three down to cover all of the exits by the time you get to lower exit or ramp exit.

posted about 9 years ago
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