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SteamID64 76561198041141792
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Country United States
Signed Up December 16, 2012
Last Posted November 19, 2022 at 11:45 PM
Posts 1100 (0.3 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 2.4
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Mousepad steelseries qck+
1 ⋅⋅ 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 ⋅⋅ 72
#28 RedTerror's DM Server - Stay MGE or switch to DM? in TF2 General Discussion

DM please but there should be some incentive to join the server when it's empty.. idk what but something because it's not gonna fill up unless a few friends join together. If it fails then yolo dustbole!!

posted about 11 years ago
#7 The moment I yelled back at that CS player, on vid in TF2 General Discussion
capnfapnafter meeting mana at lanfest i never thought i would ever hear him all angry and shit

I don't blame him i don't normally shout but if that asshole was doing that shit while i was trying to enjoy the lan i'd tell him to shut the fuck up too.

Edit: at least they're not as bad as cod players
Edit: maybe they are. IDK

posted about 11 years ago
#4 PC Build in Hardware
TheStig" I really don't know what I'm doing"
look you made it to teamfortress.tv you can make it google too! you want to be getting parts. and you want to build it yourself. just do your research and KNOW what you are doing.
My favourite pc buying guide: http://www.techspot.com/guides/buying/page3.html
edit : if you want nvidia just find a store/website you like. something like newegg and find whats in price range for nvidia. use techspot for benchmarks maybe

Also try tomshardware.com They have a specific section just for newbie builders :D Just tell them you need a good cpu and a gpu that can support 1080p and 120hz monitors. I don't want to just push you aside so i'll help you with the build. I'd rather talk on steam so could you add me on steam ?

posted about 11 years ago
#42 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion
WaldoEDIT: Ran all tests again, this time with my CPU overclocked to 4.2GHz, got only around 15 more fps, does anyone know why my results are so shitty?

The x1xx series for AMD's FX processors are pretty bad. What resolution do you play on? You might want to save up a $140 and buy a 6300 or a little bit more and get a 8350 in the future because for tf2 the 4100 might not get you the best fps. Though you can always try overclocking more if you feel safe and have a good cooler.

posted about 11 years ago
#17 Hello fellas, and yes i am a mac user:( in Hardware

I have heard a lot of great things about the 8350 being a better streaming processor than the i5 3570k. The 8 cores really helps it out a lot more. Plus, it will definitely get you above 200fps. I went to my friends house and he has an 8350. Without any configs i checked the counter at max settings and it was over 200. So I suggest the 8350 with a decently cheap motherboard and a good cpu heatsink and fan so you can overclock. The gpu can be shitty for all intents and purposes. You'll be fine with a 650 or 650ti (or 7770 if you want to go amd) } my suggestion.

posted about 11 years ago
#11 need help with ~550$ budget build in Hardware
forks That build looks really nice, I'm probably going to use it. Is the main difference between the two motherboards suggested that the asus has the 1155 socket and the gigabyte has something presumably better?

Not exactly sure what you're asking. 1155 socket is for intel cpus and am3+ is for AMD cpus. Use the one I put in pcpartpicker.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 need help with ~550$ budget build in Hardware
forksedit: also should I be worried about the compatibility notes

No but you might want to try for a 6300. Also if you want to run 1080p on your monitor you might want to get a 2gb edition of the 650. I'm gonna edit the build a bit tell me if you like it.

Edit: tell me what you guys think http://pcpartpicker.com/user/oblivionage/saved/1vO8

kibbles 1155 is going to be a dead socket after haswell.

Lol 1155 socket is not gonna die because of haswell. Haswell will have basically the same performance as the 1155 socket cpus. It's just gonna be more efficient and cooler.

posted about 11 years ago
#12 Laptop Suggestions? in Hardware


This should do the trick for $100 past your budget. It'll probably play on med-high settings at 60fps locked. Its processor is equal to that of a desktop I5 so it's pretty strong. The gpu isn't strong but for tf2 it doesn't matter, still better than integrated graphics.

EDIT: Kibbles ninja'd me ;_; BTW this laptop is actually very decent so if this is temporary then maybe you should get something worse. Not sure though.

TF2 is a CPU heavy game, not a GPU heavy game. Anything with an i5 or i7 (not mobile) will more than likely be good enough.

I don't think that'll fit your price range though.

That's not true and he's asking for laptop advice not desktop. An i5 or i7 would kill tf2 especially on desktops.

posted about 11 years ago
#32 YzFlipty in TF2 General Discussion


I finally understand why Ben wouldn't wake up..

posted about 11 years ago
#21 Rate my build please :D in Hardware
KiritoOblivionage, AM3+ is backwards compatible with AM3.

Oh i never knew this. Still don't see the reason to buy an am3 cpu if u have an am3+ socket lol. Thanks for informing me :D

f_blue Horrible PSU: Never go under 80 Plus Bronze and make sure to buy from trusted brands (Antec HCG, some Corsairs, Cougar, Enermax, Seasonic). Don't even look at the price, you won't regret it. Really weird motherboard choice: If you go with the i5-3570K you should buy a motherboard that supports overclocking, I recommend the ASRock Z77 Pro3. Rest is okay I guess :)

I didn't want to get an expensive PSU and i thought 630W was fine for me especially since it's continuous but since I a lot of people say corsair is an amazing brand i guess i'll find one that is Corsair or something else better. Don't all mobos support OC'ing?

posted about 11 years ago
#11 Rate my build please :D in Hardware
f_blueGo with something like this: http://geizhals.de/?cat=WL-60212

I don't think OP is dutch.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Rate my build please :D in Hardware

uh the motherboard doesn't even support the cpu. I'd go with something more recent like the fx 4300, 6300, or i5's/8350. the amd phenom processors are socket am3 and the motherboard u picked was am3+. Let me try to fix it up give me a little bit.


That's what i was going to go with but that's on the expensive side. I suggest using most of what i used except the monitor, maybe a cheaper GPU, and ofc the keyboard and mouse. If you can't squeeze the i5 3570k and the motherboard, you can go with the fx 6300 and the motherboard you selected.

posted about 11 years ago
#95 Opinion on Mice? in Hardware

keep it in url please we've already had these charts taking up half the page. You didn't even state your opinion. ._.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Sniper looking for pointers in Mentoring
Nin2246I am quite comfortable at sniping other snipers... But I have troubles head shoting every other class. Was wondering if someone could tell me something I might be missing other than just practice.

Do you mge a lot? I used to mge sniper more than playing it in games so I wouldn't be used to sniping other classes as much. I'd say practice more to learn people's movements and how each classes heads are presented in the hitbox and stuff. Also, I don't like sniping very much outside of mge and 6s mainly because my frames drop to less than my refresh rate sometimes and it feels gross trying to snipe. When i get my new build it'll prob be better though.

posted about 11 years ago
#17 YzFlipty in TF2 General Discussion

i lost my shit when someone put the gallon of water on his stomach.

I lost my shit throughout the entire video. Fucking love you sean for uploading this. HOW DOES HE NOT WAKE UP!?

posted about 11 years ago
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