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Signed Up July 3, 2013
Last Posted January 5, 2019 at 1:04 PM
Posts 1075 (0.3 per day)
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1 ⋅⋅ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ⋅⋅ 71
#15 ESEA S26 W2: Ascent vs. Velocity eSports in Matches

don't wanna surprise anyone but...

posted about 6 years ago
#1 etney joins The Sparkle Gang in News

Ya I've played with etney on pocket, he's actually crazy at it.

posted about 6 years ago
#2 Really Powerful Images in The Dumpster
Show Content
posted about 6 years ago
#7 Planning to give up in life in Off Topic

There are no magical words that will magically cure you of anything that is constantly attacking all of the doubts you have of life in your mind. It sucks that this is how it works, but no matter how grave it feels it does get better. You've most likely heard these words echo a million times through all the solutions you've attempted to do, but there is a reason this is a common thing people say. It's a very true statement. The fact that you posted on TFTV asking for any advice proves you still have some drive in you that you still want to hold onto some sort of hope in life. Cling onto that piece of hope and make it bigger than you ever could have imagined.

Back in the years of 2013-2015 I was hit by a constant barrage of what I can only call some sort of anxiety attack/panic attacks. I've never seen a professional so I never figured out what the actual feelings were, but I can tell you I was severely upset with my life. I legitimately almost never left my house during those two years. I stayed inside and played TF2 all day. People most likely remember those days of me where I constantly lashed out on others but still acted overly sensitive. I still obviously have my moments, but I still drastically improved as a person in 2016 and I still work to improve my character now. I went from legitimately being too afraid to leave my own room, to nearly wanting to spend all the time I can with my friends and my girlfriend.

That paragraph may seem pretty irrelevant, but I want you to know I knew exactly how you feel. Millions of people know how you feel, and many have made permanent decisions because of that feeling. That tiny bit of hope I mentioned earlier, that was the same hope I have. Work as hard as you can. As far as actual advice goes, work out some. I'm obviously still a tiny person but the little bit of working out I did made such a good impact on my life (I went from 90 pounds to 130 from 2015 to 2016). The most important part were my friends. I didn't hang with them at all, I almost avoided all confrontation with anyone physically. Getting out of my comfort zone was a priority for me, so I tried my best socializing anyway I can. I started with the two friends I still had from grade school. They still remembered me. They invited me to parties and I went and made even more friends. If you like staying up late, sleep earlier. People really undervalue what staying up late does as far as impacting your emotion does. I don't know if you stay up late, but I guarantee if you do that sleeping early will help make some improvements.

Those three things are stuff I worked on heavily. I still have those little moments of doubt in my mind, but the more I work towards making myself better, the less it echos in my mind. It's so easy to forget how I use to be. Please never forget it does get better. Nothing will improve when you give up.

Always cling onto hope.

posted about 6 years ago
#4 lf e-bf in The Dumpster

He is desperately looking for affection

posted about 6 years ago
#2 best pistol scouts? in TF2 General Discussion


b4nny's is actually really crazy

posted about 6 years ago
#2 ETF2L S28 W2: ANTIC vs. SVIFT in Matches

Will thaigrr be awake for this match ?

posted about 6 years ago
#4 invite/prem plays that pee sitting down in The Dumpster

the black guy from psych said it was good for u and i trust him more than i will ever trust u

posted about 6 years ago
#29 whats your guilty pleasure in Off Topic

MatPat's Game Theory

i hold more shame in this than that kink list i've posted

posted about 6 years ago
#5 suits up for Invite in News
n3go trip!n3go split!!

trip goes out of his way to call you his wittle kittykat kumdumpster yet you have the fucking nerve to only give him one exclamation mark?

go trip!!!!!

posted about 6 years ago
#21 Remplace scout by pyro in 6's in The Dumpster


+Can airblast
+Can deny spam
+Can deny bombs
+Can deny scouts movement
+Can almost instakill scouts
+Can Blast Jump with airblast
+Almost as fast as a scout
+Can deny ubers
-Dies easily to scouts

-Can't do anything the pyro can
-Still dies easily to scout
+Can Blast Jump and die

this is going somewhere...

posted about 6 years ago
#2 ESEA Season 25 Invite Highlights in Videos

This is pretty good.

Why does rando get fucked so hard

posted about 6 years ago
#2 row LFT Demoman S26 in Recruitment (looking for team)

Solid teammate.

posted about 6 years ago
#4 holy shit i just remembered valve released matchma in The Dumpster

I don't watch anime myself.

posted about 6 years ago
#12 yo in Music, Movies, TV
Shooshhunter x hunter (2011)
Theres a lot of eps but its so worth it. Especially the Chimera ant and heavens arena arc
And konosuba for sure,

In case you actually decide to invest the time into watching hunter x hunter, the chimera ant arc actually requires such a high level of patience that many of my friends stopped watching completely because of that arc. Every arc in the show is actually really good, and if you think you have some decent patience then the ending of the chimera ant arc is worth it IMO. Just giving you a heads up because none of my friends were ready for that bullshit.

posted about 6 years ago
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