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Last Posted March 12, 2019 at 7:08 PM
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#25 Invasion in TF2 General Discussion
LyreixuberchainLyreixGlad to know that they're delivering quality pay2participate updates like this
thanks valve
Oh no $2. Get a job.
I'm sorry I'm not excited about having to spend money for random drops that I'll have to spend even more money to actually use.
At least Gun Mettle had contracts. It's like the duck update all over again.

You don't have to pay to play the maps, so I don't see how it's P2P. The ticket shit is side shit that you can ignore.

posted about 8 years ago
#14 My autoexec.cfg in Off Topic
fatswimdudeanyone want my baneposting cfg

And why would I want it?

posted about 8 years ago
#12 Black Ops 3 Beta in Other Games

Try turning off Order Independent Transparency, that apparently kills your fps.

Game is a lot of fun, haven't enjoyed CoD this much since WaW. Only problem that I am experiencing is ping. Averaging 95~ ping, getting the true European experience.

ShooshTitanfall and advanced warfare dropped off in terms of player count towards the end, the games just died. And after a few thousand hours? Thats a lot of fucking time to be playing a game, by the time youve spent that amount of time in one theres another one out. Either way cod doesnt have the skill ceiling or the right map design to be innovating on movement mechanics.

AW didn't have Dedicated Servers and TF was Origin only. Neither game had a chance.

posted about 8 years ago
#163 EVO2015 thread in Other Games

HBox is cancer.

posted about 8 years ago
#20 Happy July 4th my American Brethrens in Off Topic

posted about 8 years ago
#746 The Gun Mettle Update in TF2 General Discussion

You would pop the uber in and go straight for it because it's a free uber. No reason not to pop if you can get 1-2 picks and a free uber. Hell, the only real objective is to grab the medigun because even if you uber and get jack shit (assumes you get the gun, which I don't see how you wouldn't get it), they are forced to give up the point.

posted about 8 years ago
#744 The Gun Mettle Update in TF2 General Discussion
deetrNiko_JimsdeetrNiko_Jimsrip Roamer, hello full time Sniper.

Why would you run a roamer when you can run a sniper, drop the med, and get a free uber?

if you could drop the med every time you played sniper then you could just already run fulltime sniper before the update

I think it was clockwork who said "sniper would be viable at a high level if you hit 100% of your shots, but nobody can so it's not"

Back then, though, it was only a drop. Now you get a free uber, something a Roamer won't be able to do as easily due to how scared people will be (they'll just pop and do the same thing to you in just throwing soldiers at you). Forcing will be very easy now, enough that a Sniper can do it just as effectively because no one wants to deal with the RNG factor of "will he hit the shot" because now, if he hits the shot, you don't just drop, you give them another uber.

I just don't see why on maps like Viaduct or Process that there would be a reason to run a Roamer when 1 click could instantly lose you the round.

posted about 8 years ago
#736 The Gun Mettle Update in TF2 General Discussion
deetrNiko_Jimsrip Roamer, hello full time Sniper.

Why would you run a roamer when you can run a sniper, drop the med, and get a free uber?

posted about 8 years ago
#733 The Gun Mettle Update in TF2 General Discussion

rip Roamer, hello full time Sniper.

posted about 8 years ago
#28 The Gun Mettle Update in TF2 General Discussion

Mini's got nerfed hard. Prepare for the Level 3's on Ashville.

posted about 8 years ago
#61 E3 Megathread in Other Games

Nintendo had a decent conference (up until the last 15 minutes), but that ending was awful. They had 2 really good games with SF0 and Paper Jam, but the rest, at best, is decent/okay. That would be fine if they actually had more games for the last 15 minutes. They also pretty much told Metroid fans to fuck off for a few years.

Square Enix has easily won this E3 already though, and I don't know why Sony thought that not showing Nier 2 was a smart idea. Nier 2, Just Cause 3, and the inevitable Deus Ex is too good for any of the conferences to compete with.

Cuphead is coming to Steam, btw.

posted about 8 years ago

So Fallout is no longer an RPG, that's good to know. I didn't think it could actually be this bad, but Bethesda does it again. At least Doom looked okay, though slow and linear, depends on if that stays for the final version.

posted about 8 years ago
#55 summer sale in Off Topic

Just to let you know, if you buy the GTA V + Shark card bundle, you can't refund it.

Also there are several games that had their price raised before the sale started. Check the Steam Spy twitter, it has some tweets about games that went up in price just before the sale hit.

posted about 8 years ago
#120 ESEA Client Update - Always On??? in TF2 General Discussion
botmodeis anyone else getting 502 bad gateway to the esea website?

Been offline for a couple of hours now.

posted about 8 years ago
#22 stanley cup playoffs in Off Topic

Habs got thunderstruck.

posted about 8 years ago
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