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Signed Up December 27, 2012
Last Posted March 12, 2019 at 7:08 PM
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#21 puush infected with malware in Off Topic
mathsadupdate from the puush twitter: reboot after running antivirus/antimalware cleaners; apparently the malware has spawned fake browser processes in sandboxed testing.

Someone on /g/ and facepunch is refuting this, both have disassembled it, and no proof has been found outside of this tweet. Still safe to be cautious, but I think they are being extremely cautious do to their position.

Worth a read for the curious/cautious:

Edit: Confirmed to be wrong about the browser thing, he deleted the tweet about it after saying so.

posted about 9 years ago
#9 puush infected with malware in Off Topic

Let me give a brief on what has occurred

-Nerd from Lizard Squad set up a host
-He then got into the puush server and uploaded a fake update
-That fake update logged every single browser cookie/saved password you have.
-He then took down the site after a bit, but someone was able to it before, which led to who the person was. Seeing as it's one of them, there are high chances of everything being pastebin'd and sent out to the public tomorrow/soon/eventually.
-The malware was also a keylogger. anything you typed from the time you got the update to the time he took down the server was logged.

both daemon process files were located in \AppData\Roaming\puush\

from start to end:
\program files (x86)\puush\puush-old.exe created process \program files (x86)\puush\puush.exe
\program files (x86)\puush\puush.exe modified file \program files (x86)\puush\puush.daemon.exe
\program files (x86)\puush\puush.exe modified registry key \HKUS\S-[...]-1000\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\puush
\program files (x86)\puush\puush.exe created process \AppData\Roaming\puush\puush.daemon.exe
\AppData\Roaming\puush\puush.daemon.exe created process \AppData\Roaming\puush\puush.daemon.exe
\AppData\Roaming\puush\puush.daemon.exe accessed memory of \AppData\Roaming\puush\puush.daemon.exe
\AppData\Roaming\puush\puush.daemon.exe modified registry key \HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\Tcpip\Parameters

four seconds later:
puush.daemon.exe wanted to connect through port 61127 to
Ive confirmed that the EXE stole passwords.

The inital exe dropped was a vb6 executable that was a crypter to conceal it from anti-viruses. I extracted the encrypted file an decrypted it.

Analysis file can be found here:
If you click static and go to strings you can see a couple fun strings
Hostname and port at which the malware operated

All of these are DLL's that are part of the firefox password management system

These are opera password management files

This is where pidgin stores passwords

This is the format for filezillas logs

Windows live messenger profile stealing

>POP3 User
>POP3 Server
>POP3 Password
>IMAP User
>IMAP Server
>IMAP Password
>HTTP User
>HTTP Server
>HTTP Password
>SMTP User
>SMTP Server
>SMTP Password
Formatting for solen files

>%s\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Login Data
>%s\Chromium\User Data\Default\Login Data
Chrome and Chromium passwords

Outlook passwords

>Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\IntelliForms\Storage2
Internet explorer passwords

>[Arrow Left]
>[Arrow Up]
>[Arrow Right]
>[Arrow Down]
>[Page Up]
>[Page Down]
Common strings that are part of keylogger data

Cred to some nerds on /g/ for the quotes.

Anyways, he was doing a hit and run, but if you updated to r94 (reminder that puush automatically updates), and had puush.daemon.exe running, you more than likely got logged.

Make sure you clean out your reg's, make sure puush.daemon.exe is gone (delete the puush folder in roaming, too), and change any password you had saved in every browser you use. Also use a program like KeePass for passwords, shit's great.

Spent 14 hours today on this shit, thanks puush.

posted about 9 years ago
#15 Halo Online in Other Games

Just like old times. Except for Sprint, fuck that. Hopefully this means Halo 3 PC/MCC PC soon.
please tell me they have the fusion coil jump up the tree trunk on top of there too still pleeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaase

I wasn't able to do it with the fusion coil (can't remember how to properly), but I was able to get there via this method, so it's probably still there.

posted about 9 years ago
#13 Halo Online in Other Games

Just like old times. Except for Sprint, fuck that. Hopefully this means Halo 3 PC/MCC PC soon.

posted about 9 years ago
#6 Pillars of Eternity Releases in a day or so in Other Games

I just hope they fixed armor for non-tanks (where wearing armor was actually worse for you as a DPS/Healer). Apparently the game is about 60+ hours or something. Only game I've Kickstarted.

posted about 9 years ago
#16 uTorrent Pulling an ESEA in Off Topic

List of relevant torrents to use/not use. Stay safe. Old list (still relevant for the good ones), uT obviously worst now with this mining shit.

Show Content

Personally use qBit and haven't had a single problem with it.Deluge was good when I used it, too, but one day it just stopped working properly so I switched over.

posted about 9 years ago
#2 Guildwars 2 75% off - still worth? in Other Games

The fact that an MMO that's B2P is going 75% off should speak for itself, but from what I've heard the game made a turn for the worse. Haven't personally played it, but I've seen some people come to Tera from GW2 that were not happy with the content they were getting (or lack of content to be exact). If it's still B2P and going 75% off, though, it might be still worth it since you won't have to worry about a sub. 10$ for a no sub game isn't bad, even if the game itself isn't stellar.

posted about 9 years ago
#11 ESEA Intermediate: cafe monster vs. The Meat Market in Events

Liking the new pre-game visuals, I would say the only thing to fix is to make the class not constantly do the taunt, or at least do multiple taunts. Looks kind of cheesy with doing the same taunt over and over.

posted about 9 years ago
#58 Super Bowl in Off Topic
MachuPikachuAre they fighting now?

It's the last thing a team of thugs can do. Hate the Patriots, but I'm glad they won. First time Brady has won since Spygate, so he can only hope that the whole deflate thing had nothing to do with his team so he can finally get those asterisks off of his record.

posted about 9 years ago
#78 Common Core in Off Topic

Thank God I don't have to go through this horseshit.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 ESEA Intermediate: Sparkle Bunniis vs. Small and Soft in Events

Really not a fan of these outlines, personally preferred the team colored ones, especially when we have health on the sides and can't tell who is who.

posted about 9 years ago
#5 UGC Season 14 Steel Allstars in Events
Dreamboatugc allstar games are an actual thing? Is that big steel pug?

They use to be a thing every season, but it stopped after S9 or 10. And yes, it's voted by players in their respective divisions and the teams are made pug style (at least that's how they did it back then).

posted about 9 years ago
#14 confused new team could use help in TF2 General Discussion
sdrakulich 2015-01-16 at 3:46pm
ESEA requires the premium fee which my team will not be paying cause goodbye Felicia

Our team FFL this match, your site doesn't have the functionality of CEVO lel, and you're in your 18th season. Please disown TF2 so someone else has a worthwhile chance and does it better.

Our team is disbanded, FFL us for the rest of the season and obliterate my/our existence from your site, thanks.

Seems like a fun bunch.

posted about 9 years ago
#91 NFL Playoffs in Off Topic

That 2 point conversion at the end, though. How the fuck do you let that happen? Hell, how do you lose when they have 5(five) turnovers? Seattle got a lucky as hell win there.

posted about 9 years ago
#9 TF2 Betas disappeared? in TF2 General Discussion

Bumping this because I'm not sure whether they were fixed or my demo isn't old enough, but I was able to watch a demo from 9/12/2012, which I don't remember being able to watch when it was broken originally.

posted about 9 years ago
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