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Signed Up May 5, 2013
Last Posted March 14, 2024 at 12:39 AM
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#26 Google Fiber's 34 Potential Cities in TF2 General Discussion
mackeyPhoenix could get Google Fiber

awwww yeaahhhh come to me

Scottsdale and Tempe too. All Phoenix area cities... its a sad day to live in Tucson :(

I wonder if there's a reason they haven't supported some of the largest US cities yet. I understand the idea of starting small, but if they're to start supporting some large metro areas (Atlanta, Phoenix, San Antonio, Salt Lake, etc), why are they not reaching out to places like Chicago, LA, Seattle, and NYC?

posted about 10 years ago
#129 BlackHUD in Customization

Thanks for the update! The engineer glitch is still happening. It's consistent but at the same time it doesn't remain. Happens a couple times after respawning, but never again. The best way to replicate it is spawn, build a gun, build a dispenser, have one destroyed, build it again. I actually got it to show more than one grey square over the build menu.. it disappeared immediately when it was taken out, when the menu was still open.

Again, awesome hud! Love it.

edit: example pic Sometimes the boxes would be diagonal, sometimes just a small box (left), sometimes just a larger box (right)

posted about 10 years ago
#118 BlackHUD in Customization
zeitgeistSo. where do i put the files?
when i put it in the Steam\SteamApps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf it doesnt work none of it. help please.

but when i put it in Steam\SteamApps\common\Team Fortress 2 (aka folder before TF it works but with errors like


ps. colors mean nothing pretty much, just playing with it to see what comes out.

You should be putting it into your custom folder in /tf.

Also hey Rawr, I have a few things to add.
-I know you're working on the mvm section of the hud, but I think its pretty major to put the "refund credit" button on in the meantime. It's a pretty big thing when you cant refund in the new MVM mode ^^
-In the album I made last time, I included this: I know I said it was probably a glitch at the time, but I've been noticing that it happens A LOT. Especially with snipers, which rarely show the correct deathcam information. It happens less often with the other classes, however. Also, this happens all the time. Either HEAL or 300 will appear under your own character's death, and sometimes others.
-With the engie thing, it is consistent. If it helps, I run tf2 in 1920x1080, 16:9 widescreen.
Otherwise great job! I'm really loving this hud so far :)

posted about 10 years ago
#104 BlackHUD in Customization
Only problem I noticed after installing the hud was a misalligned "player tips" section on the loading screen. The text and the class icon were off to the far left, though none was completely cut off

edit: Noticed a couple more things
1- not sure if its major, but I notice the pyro has its flamethrower cut off in the corner viewmodel. Otherwise, most classes look awesome
2- Showing MVP's/end round scores on public servers/matches. Nothing. Maybe a glitch?
3- I'm a bit unfamiliar with custom crosshairs, but the custom bit will remain when speccing a player, tabbing in, or after death/waiting for respawn. Any way to remove this?

1-I intended for the player tips to be gone. Seems like I have to redo that part again.
2- not sure as to how to increase the width of the box containing the 3d player model. need to look up on that
3- i dont understand this. can u try showing me a pic on what it is? sorry D:
4- there's a readme txt included in the download. There's instructions as to how to remove it.

I made an imgur album of all the bugs/suggestions that I found in the last two days.

posted about 10 years ago
#101 BlackHUD in Customization

The mini health-cross looks awesome! An example for anyone wondering:

Only problem I noticed after installing the hud was a misalligned "player tips" section on the loading screen. The text and the class icon were off to the far left, though none was completely cut off

edit: Noticed a couple more things
1- not sure if its major, but I notice the pyro has its flamethrower cut off in the corner viewmodel. Otherwise, most classes look awesome
2- Showing MVP's/end round scores on public servers/matches. Nothing. Maybe a glitch?
3- I'm a bit unfamiliar with custom crosshairs, but the custom bit will remain when speccing a player, tabbing in, or after death/waiting for respawn. Any way to remove this?

posted about 10 years ago
#89 BlackHUD in Customization

Really really liking the look of this hud. However I have a question. I like the idea of having a better visual for health, but I'm not a big fan of how the cross included is large and in the center. Would it be possible to have a smaller health indicator by the numbers similar to KBNHud?
Also, would the killstreak number interfere with ammo?

posted about 10 years ago
#6 UGC Plat Highlander: Street Hoops eSports vs. Menace to Society in Events

Let's go Street Hoops!

posted about 10 years ago
#6 UGC Gold Highlander: Cranked Gaming vs. Aces and the Gamers in Events

Get psyched!

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Stickies not showing in demos in Q/A Help

Really hoping they release a patch for this soon. Viewmodels are completely messed up in some clips I have had saved for a frag video.

Anybody know if its possible to rollback tf2 to a pre-halloween patch?

posted about 11 years ago
#7 UGC Plat Highlander: Ginyu Force vs. Apocalypse Gaming Highlander in Events

Fantastic game! Grats to AG

Caught the second two halves on my amateur cast. Great show!

posted about 11 years ago
#16 Cyber Monday in Off Topic

Hoping to find a nice 120hz monitor myself. Here's hoping!

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Strange Mic problem in TF2 General Discussion

Having a similar issue to this. I noticed that my audio/in-game seems fine, but not long into the stream my microphone just.. stops picking up what I say.

edit: noticed it randomly came back in half through the stream, then cut out about 10m later. :l

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Melon's Stream in Requests

Thanks a lot!

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Melon's Stream in Requests

Name: The Melon Lord


Team: Cuties (UGC-Gold)

Country: USA

I just started streaming pretty recently. Thought it may be fun to stream some fun, random times in TF2 as well as some scrims/matches/pugs possibly. Probably should add in that I main pyro. I may occasionally stream other games as well, but it depends.

posted about 11 years ago
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