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Signed Up April 3, 2014
Last Posted July 5, 2015 at 1:07 AM
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#1819 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
VoloderNah, put them in replay/thumbnails and they don't get blocked.

By the way Voloder, yahud uses a custom bg for hudkillstreaknotice located in replay/thumbnails and I've seen it get blocked. Although I think I've only seen it get blocked when the killstreak pops up while you're in spectate because it shows up farther down on the screen.

posted about 10 years ago
#1818 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
TreshYes but image panels sometimes stay when you die at low health, this doesn't so yeah.

EDIT: Yeah it does, pretty cool if you ask me.

That is pretty cool. I like the idea

posted about 10 years ago
#1816 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
TreshUsing vtfs i chaned the + that happens when buffed into a box and changed the color , it goes orange when low

If you just want a box, you can also just add an image panel

Edit: Actually, does that box shrink to reflect how much bonus health you have?

posted about 10 years ago
#1810 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
pwny_I believe this is an older KNHUD, but does anyone know what font the health/ammo is? Or where I could DL this version of the hud?

Actually I think I happen to have that font right here

posted about 10 years ago
#1808 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
VoloderNah, put them in replay/thumbnails and they don't get blocked. But that doesn't really answer my question.

I don't see why you would need separate vtfs in my opinion. Sounds like it's just preference to me though.

posted about 10 years ago
#1807 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
quicquamYou should be able to. I haven't tried personally but I have seen huds where the health cross is a heart.

He was talking about the overheal cross, not the regular health cross. Although it should still run the event to shrink and expand your custom vtf image as long as you just replace the one used in the hudplayerhealth.res file.

posted about 10 years ago
#1805 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
VoloderOk, thanks everyone. Also, I am working on a hud that uses a ton of custom vtfs. For something like the winpanel, is it better to make the entire thing one vtf and then just put stuff like the scores and team names and mvp's in? or should I make it all separate vtfs?

Well I know that a lot of servers block the use of certain custom vtfs which I think is why many hud creators have switched to using font symbols instead for some of their hud elements. So I'm not sure how well having all custom vtfs would work. I would like to get a second opinion on this though if anyone else has experienced problems with custom vtfs.

posted about 10 years ago
#1803 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
RawrAnyone know how to replicate that shrinking animation or is it impossible to replicate?

As far as I know, I don't think you can. It shrinks according to how much health you have, and I don't see any way to edit that in the hudanimations file.

VoloderWith all of this talk of health crosses, I have a question: is it possible to make a custom .vtf and animate it like a health cross?

I don't see why not. Although you might run into the same problem I did when I tried to change the bgcolor of the default vtf for the health cross. The entire square image changed color instead of just the cross itself.

posted about 10 years ago
#1798 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
pwny_To quote from my thread:_KermitIt's in hudanimations,

Animate PlayerStatusHealthBonusImage BgColor "255 0 0 90" Linear 0.0 0.2
Animate PlayerStatusHealthBonusImage BgColor "51 0 25 90" Linear 0.1 0.4

I'd need to double check this to see if it's FgColor of BgColor but the entity is PlayerStatusHealthBonusImage and you just need to change the fg/bgcolor of it, no custom vtf involved.

Could you show me a picture of that working? I see no change. And if you change bgcolor or fgcolor in the hudplayerhealth.res file, it just changes the whole square image, not just the cross alone.

Edit: pwny_, that quote from your thread is an explanation of how that person thought you could change the deathwarning color of the cross, which I think is the incorrect way. The correct way to change that was stated by Rawr in his post.

posted about 10 years ago
#1796 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
RawrIf ppl didnt realise or didnt know, its possible to change the colour of the hp cross when you're hurt as seen in khaos' screenshot.
Just look for huddeathwarning in clientscheme.res and change the values there.

If anyone knows how to change the colour of the hp cross when overhealed,please share with us haha. I've been messing with clientscheme and hudanimations alot in order to find out how

It's a vtf called health_over_bg.vtf. You can find what vtf's are used by looking at what image is used in PlayerStatusHealthBonusImage:

		"ControlName"	"ImagePanel"
		"fieldName"		"PlayerStatusHealthBonusImage"
		"xpos"			"33"	
		"ypos"			"33"
		"zpos"			"2"
		"wide"			"64" //64
		"tall"			"64" //64
		"visible"		"0"
		"enabled"		"1"
		"image"			"../hud/health_over_bg" //<-------------this is the vtf
		"scaleImage"	"1"	

		"xpos_minmode"	"20"
		"ypos_minmode"	"20"
		"wide_minmode"	"52"
		"tall_minmode"	"51"

So you could either edit the vtf, or you could create your own cross out of image panels and animate them in hudanimations_tf.txt under the HudHealthBonusPulse event. You'll also have to remove whatever default animation is there for it already as well.

posted about 10 years ago
#1791 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
Chrom3w0lfleonMagmaleonim using pvhud how do i get the damage numbers that show up next to my health in a similar position? what do i change and where is it?
In the resource/ui directory in your hud folder there is a file called HudDamageAccount.res. Change the CDamageAccountValue xpos and ypos. You might also have CDamageAccountValueShadow or something named similar if you have a drop shadow effect for the damage text. That is normally one pixel over and down, so change that accordingly as well.

hey sorry to bother again, but i have another question. So i got the damage numbers under my crosshair like the video. how would i get rid of the damage numbers that appear over the player?

delete all this from huddamageaccount.res...

Actually I think for the damage that appears over your opponent's head you would have to change the value of delta_lifetime to 0 like this:

		"fieldName"				"CDamageAccountPanel"
		"text_x"				"0"
		"text_y"				"0"
		"delta_item_end_y"		"0"
		"PositiveColor"			"HealColor"
		"NegativeColor"			"DamageColor"
		"delta_lifetime"		"0" //will not appear on screen 
		"delta_item_font"		"FuturaHeavyOutline20"
		"delta_item_font_big"	"FuturaHeavyOutline20"
posted about 10 years ago
#1775 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
leonim using pvhud how do i get the damage numbers that show up next to my health in a similar position? what do i change and where is it?

In the resource/ui directory in your hud folder there is a file called HudDamageAccount.res. Change the CDamageAccountValue xpos and ypos. You might also have CDamageAccountValueShadow or something named similar if you have a drop shadow effect for the damage text. That is normally one pixel over and down, so change that accordingly as well.

posted about 10 years ago
#78 bwHUD in Customization

I don't know if you've noticed or not, but when you choose your class in game, the character models seem to look a little low res. If you add "render_texture" "0" under tfplayermodel in ClassSelection.res, it fixes it.

	"ControlName"	"CTFPlayerModelPanel"
	"fieldName"		"TFPlayerModel"

	"xpos"			"300"
	"ypos"			"0"
	"zpos"			"-10"		
	"wide"			"300"
	"tall"			"300"

	"autoResize"	"0"
	"pinCorner"		"0"
	"visible"		"1"
	"enabled"		"1"

	"render_texture" "0"
	"fov"			"25"
	"allow_rot"		"0"



You'll probably have to maximize the images to see the difference.

posted about 10 years ago
#1771 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
pwny_Thank you for your attempt Magma, but I managed to figure out what was going wrong. Basically, the wrong .vtf was being defined in the Clientscheme.res, and I've now fixed it.

So you were able to change the opacity using a different .vtf file?

Edit: Oh, the color_panel_red.vtf file?

posted about 10 years ago
#1769 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
Ultrazyo i am having an issue with the mvm scoreboard for what ever reason the playerredcount refuse overlap the black background of the player list even when i use zpos anyone know how to fix this?

The zpos for mainbg is -1 by default and does allow the playercount to overlap it.

posted about 10 years ago
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