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SteamID64 76561198022106397
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Country Canada
Signed Up December 4, 2013
Last Posted June 24, 2021 at 10:24 AM
Posts 789 (0.2 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 0.4964244925
Windows Sensitivity xset m 00
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Nixeus Revel / Modded WMO
Keyboard Minivan w/ gat browns & XMIT fullsize
Mousepad Glorious PC Gaming Race
Monitor Dell something
1 ⋅⋅ 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ⋅⋅ 53
#5397 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
SirCupcakeIs there any way to center the closed caption text? I've been trying adding textAlignment in the caption bit of hudlayout.res but it doesn't seem to do anything. Thanks in advance

Jahud does it. While you can't actually use a center alignment (as far as I'm aware), you can just add whitespace to the start of the caption so that it's functionally centered.

If you use a different font, you'll have to redo the closecaption_english.txt and compile it. But if you're a fan of product sans then you could use the one directly inside jahud.

posted about 5 years ago
#5600 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
Haven't seen this take on control point icons before, thought I'd share. Works on sv_pure 2.
And what's the take that makes it possible?

Basically this: http://www.teamfortress.tv/36176/how-to-get-custom-cp-icons-to-work#1
make cp icons like usual, have the vmt's point to vtf's in replay/thumbnails, and force them to be preloaded (via putting them somewhere hidden in the mainmenu).

posted about 5 years ago
#45 HUD Creation Competition in TF2 General Discussion

Like omni I plan on continuing working on this until the deadline + after too, but I figure it'd be worth it to post it here. This hud is a pretty heavy wip currently though (and why I'm not making a full thread for it yet), so lots of parts still need doing or polishing, but the core is done and ready.



Further screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/stBvYOz
Animated background showcase: https://i.imgur.com/SSXSUws.mp4

The big things I wanted to do with this hud were:

  • Make use of a custom font -- with most typefaces being designed primarily for text, and a lot of the good ones costing money, I made the jahud font specifically for hud numbers. It takes some rough inspiration from Product Sans and Avalon but with more of a focus on being readable and weighted better for huds.
  • Support all resolutions and OSes -- specifically support for linux, alongside (and identical) to windows. I switch between Windows 1920x1080 and Linux 1366x768, and most huds don't play nice with that. It's certainly a wip (turns out you need to manually create a second copy of your fonts, slightly resized, and that's just a pain), but I'm going through the process of making sure that works fine.
  • Make things easily updateable -- the worst part about hud development is maintenance when updates hit. So I tried to make as much of the hud make use of #base loading default files as possible, and made an auto-update script (two, actually, one for windows and one for linux) so that it could grab them again easily. An update from github script is also there, just windows-only atm.


Github: https://github.com/JarateKing/jahud-tf2
Direct dl: https://github.com/JarateKing/jahud-tf2/archive/master.zip

posted about 5 years ago
#2 Increase font letter spacing with fontforge? in Customization

Still in fontforge, you need to also increase the margins. In the dropdown menus, metrics -> set width, then metrics -> center in width. Can also edit the glyphs themselves and move the right bearing, then center it manually / with the dropdown option.

Though I don't see why you need to edit the font file itself, you can just change the font size in clientscheme.

posted about 5 years ago
#41 HUD Creation Competition in TF2 General Discussion
ReflectoWas this enough time?
Would you like to see payouts for people in 2nd & 3rd in the future?
Is this something you would do again?

It's enough time for getting a limited amount of the hud done, without rushing it / making huds being your full time job. I'd be surprised if people didn't get health/ammo/uber + scoreboard + mainmenu, but I don't think I'll be getting all of wiethoofd's list done myself (definitely not the extra modes, but probably not stuff like spy disguise info either, though I plan on adding those in later). In other words, it's too little time for a hud release, but plenty of time for something worthy of showing off on the hud mod thread or released as a concept. I did already have some work on mine done beforehand and used some assets from previous huds though, so I can't speak for others.

If there's a decent turnout, it'd probably be good. Obviously won't make much sense if there's only 3 people entering in the first place, but most of a hud is entirely preference so 2nd and 3rd place huds will still be plenty nice and have tons to offer. Plus it'd be a nice assurance for newer hud devs, since they'd be a lot more likely to get something out of it and wouldn't have to worry as much about out-performing the handful of seasoned veterans entering.

Absolutely would do it again. Probably not immediately since rushing to get hud stuff done does burn you out a bit, but it's always fun doing it (and there's always some good, unique stuff that emerges too).

posted about 5 years ago
#63 $100,000,000 for fortnite esports in Esports
Finnigani love when people are so obsessed with their hobby that they go feral whenever any other game gets something cool

just cause it doesnt fit your completely unbiased opinion of the "perfect esport" means its dumb that a dev team clearly cares immensely about their product and wants to support it as much as possible

It's not that fortnite isn't "my kind of game", and it's very well designed for what it's trying to be, but it's just that it's intentionally designed as a non-esport.

The battle royale format is great for casual play and for streamers, where dying just means queuing up again. But even just from the spectator pov, it's an impossible task to cast 100 players fighting at the same time (the best you could reasonably do is get a cheat feed to go to the most interesting play at a given time) and makes it impossible to cheer for anyone in particular because odds are you'll see them once or twice and then they die offstream. You pretty much have to watch one player's stream, or watch highlights after the fact--neither is really all that good for spectators.

I want esports to grow, no doubt about it. But I'm worried about the trend of bolstering up a completely artificial competitive scene (solely for marketing reasons) with huge sums of money instead of actually making design decisions oriented towards tournament play. The videogame industry has had to deal with 'initially good idea gets used and abused until it's worse off for everyone' plenty of times (videogame crash of 1983, early access, dlc in many cases, lootboxes currently, arguably mobile games) and I don't want to see esports becoming the next example.

posted about 5 years ago
#7 keyboard recs? in Hardware

I'm always an advocate for the magicforce68 with outemu blues if you want clickies, gateron switches otherwise, it's decent quality for just so damn cheap. Generally you can also trust any mechanical keyboard from ducky, coolermaster, varmillo, filco, vortex / pok3r, or leopold to be very high quality if you want to spend a bit more (but all are still well worth it for their price).

boxcarlooking at the blackwidow tournament quartz atm

Razer keyboards are universally pretty low quality for their pricepoint. Mechanical keyboards are always a step up over your average membrane keyboard, but Razer's among the worst offenders for cutting corners everywhere they can and still charging a premium for it.

smesii've heard many good things about the gpro

gpro's biggest advantage is it tends to be readily available instore and easy to find, but you can get higher quality keyboards with better switches (it's all preference but there's a much greater chance that there's an mx switch that suits you better, romer-g isn't as bad as some people make it out to be but it's very uncommon for it to be someone's favorite if they've got experience with all the other types. I don't know anyone who got a switch tester and said "I'll get a gpro") for the same or lower price.

Seltzerofftopic but do mech keyboards help gameplawy wise or are they just for comfort or something? I haven't actually used one but im considering getting one.

Just comfort really--same reason serious runners get nice shoes, it won't make or break their performance, but if they're going to be using it hours a day they might as well invest in something nice. Some people will argue actuation points, but that's looking for excuses when being a lot more comfy is all you need.

posted about 6 years ago
#22 High Sensitivity in TF2 General Discussion

For pure interest: with fov_desired 90 & 1920x1080, trying out a custom map that looks like this, and trying out setang values with until the center line was shifted exactly 1px (had to use max antialiasing settings to compare better), I got an angular movement of ~0.062 giving me the best results. Stabby/wo1fwood's ~0.0596 degrees (from 2.71286834) and HOI's ~0.077 were both demonstrably off when I tried it. This would imply that the "pixel perfect" sens should be ~2.818.

Setsul is entirely right that it's nearly meaningless and a very poor way to pick your sens though. You will notice every other factor that goes into a sens (whether it's too high or too low for your aiming, whether it malfunctions your mouse sensor) and every other factor that causes stuttering / inconsistency (monitor hz, framerate, antialiasing settings) long before you notice your sens being slightly mismatched with the pixels directly in the center of your screen. You can easily play with a higher value than that and never notice anything wrong, because we're talking about such a specific and minor criteria that 99% of players would not notice if you pointed it out to them.

stabbyThere has to be a definitive point at which "anything" becomes "stupid".

That point is "as long as it's not bothering you." If a sens works for you, it's not stupid. If a sens doesn't work for you for any reason whatsoever, it's stupid.

You could also decide that you want no pixel skipping anywhere on your screen (completely reasonable, arguably more valuable anyway), and require a ~0.03 degree angular movement, and now ~1.36 is your max sens. Maybe you want granularity of half a pixel on the edge of your screen (fair, definitely an improvement), and with a ~0.015 degree movement ~0.68 is your max sens. You can come up with whatever cutoff for "definitively acceptable" you want, and it's all nonsense because no one actually notices this shit ingame.

posted about 6 years ago
#3 It happened my crusty keyboard died, need suggesti in Hardware

Backplate or design? Most decent keyboards have a metal backplate, even if they don't try to look metal at all.

A magicforce68 is always a good go to budget option

posted about 6 years ago
#27 HUD Creation Competition in TF2 General Discussion

How's everyone's progress coming along?


posted about 6 years ago
#4 Major FPS drop when main menu is opened. in Customization
ElBuzzlehow to make the damage numbers bigger *without creating a custom hud*

You can't. But unless the problem is that any changes to the hud cause you this lag, you can just change huddamageaccount.res and leave everything else unincluded and unmodded. (Maybe that's what you already tried? I can't tell what you mean by "just included this script, but no custom huds" because that looks like a custom hud file to me)

But I've heard part of the issue is the friends list in mainmenuoverride.res too (though I haven't looked into it personally), so if you want to just try deleting the FriendsContainer element it might work. Could also try just deleting everything backpack related from the hud for the skin-related fps drops (or just not using skins).

posted about 6 years ago
#19 HUD Creation Competition in TF2 General Discussion
sandblast3. You may only submit ONE HUD. So make sure its perfect when you send it.

How would this work with huds on github or edited posts that'd continue to get updated? Is it a matter of not wanting to have to keep track of which huds got changed and having to redownload them, or just don't want people cluttering the thread with new posts?

Gonna be good, cheers

posted about 6 years ago
#16 going to college, need laptop recommendations in Hardware
Treshim gonna be dorming and dont really want to bring a pc around.

Might be worth bringing your pc. You can make due with a cheaper laptop that only has to do internet / notes / basic programming, while your pc deals with all the intensive stuff like VMs, gamedev, programs/scripts you leave running for days, etc. Can get even more mileage out of the laptop if you use a lightweight linux distro, and then leave all your windows stuff to your pc.

Treshim gonna be majoring in comp sci so im pretty sure im gonna need windows (not sure on this one)

Gotta second a lot of people, windows isn't a necessity. At least with any university I've seen (admittedly in canada), all required coursework will either not matter what OS you use, or require access to a unix machine anyway (with windows users either dualbooting, running a vm, or just going to some computer lab for that).

That said, projects on the side might require windows, depending on what you want to get into. Gamedev for example can be tough on linux just because not all the tools you'd want to use are available, and some of the open-source alternatives have a much higher learning curve and aren't industry standards.

posted about 6 years ago
#5577 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
collyalso does anyone know how to get the capping/mask part to work

Edit icon_obj_cap_blu/red.vmt and make $detail point to your mask vtf
The mask vtf should just be some simple white rectangle basically

idk why there's icon_obj_cap_mask.vmt but it's deceiving because it's not actually what you want, the vtf gets referenced directly from icon_obj_cap_blu/red.vmt

posted about 6 years ago
#2 Custom 3D HUD Model Animation in Customization

You can change hudplayerclass to support animations, like so:

Show Content
"ControlName" "CTFPlayerModelPanel"
"fieldName" "classmodelpanel"



"name" "PRIMARY"
"default" "1"
"name" "SECONDARY"
"name" "MELEE"
"activity" "ACT_MP_STAND_MELEE"
"name" "BUILDING"
"name" "PDA"
"activity" "ACT_MP_STAND_PDA"
"name" "ITEM1"
"activity" "ACT_MP_STAND_ITEM1"
"name" "ITEM2"
"activity" "ACT_MP_STAND_ITEM2"
"name" "PRIMARY2"
"name" "SECONDARY2"


In the future it might be worth asking this stuff in http://www.teamfortress.tv/19073/hud-editing-short-questions-quick-answers

e: after trying it, it doesn't seem to work like it used to. Will test further

posted about 6 years ago
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