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SteamID64 76561198016106720
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:27920496
Country United States
Signed Up August 24, 2014
Last Posted March 24, 2024 at 2:07 PM
Posts 246 (0.1 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 1.7
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
1920 x 1080
Refresh Rate
160 Hz
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Razer VIper Ultimate
Keyboard Royal Kludge 61
Headphones Monoprice Hi-Fi DJ
Monitor QNix qx2414
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#10 u fw cheesecake? in Off Topic

I fuck with it. Not to derail the conversation, but what's yall's opinon on cobbler?

posted 4 months ago
#6 Disturbing trend among new players in TF2 General Discussion
czarchasmbrodywas just discussing this the other day. anyone who knows what sizzlingstats is types !log and vice versa.But why? It's so much faster to type .ss.

There are some differences between sizzling stats and logs in how certain stats are obtained/derived. Personally I used logs when available.

posted 8 months ago
#7 Favorite maps that aren't in rotation? in Map Discussion

Trash map, but there is something special about Hydro.

posted about 2 years ago
#13 what did you GIVE for christmas in Off Topic

I got one of my nieces some barbies; she was like the nintendo 64 kid when she opened the mermaid barbie. My younger sister loves destroying things, so I got you a wooden block set so she can build and destroy to her heart's content.

posted about 2 years ago
#39 NA Invite Top 100: #20-#11 in News

I really don't envy the people that have to rank players like TLR and arekk on the same list. I might not agree with where everyone is on the list, but that is point is like trying to judge who innovated their class more or who choked on LAN.

posted about 2 years ago
#57 NA LAN in Los Angeles February 2022, thoughts? in LAN Discussion

I'll be driving down from Oregon, hit me up if you're along the way and need a ride.

posted about 2 years ago
#2 Low FPS after few maps in TF2 General Discussion

What do your system resources look like during those low fps moments?

posted about 3 years ago
#66 do americans really feel obliged to tip? in Off Topic

It's like an hour max!

posted about 3 years ago
#3 TFTV pickup lines in Off Topic

"Hey, wanna go on a hike, maybe eat a chicken sandwich, cry at the top of the mountain with a stranger?"

I only tried it once and it worked so it's got a %100 success rate.

posted about 3 years ago
#60 do americans really feel obliged to tip? in Off Topic
Sevenhow would they all leave for a different industry lol?

also how would they join another organization within the same industry if this happens? the entire point of the lots of people not tipping is that it impacts a fuckton of different restaurants so it's not like taking a job as a waiter at a different restaurant would be any better, you're not being tipped there either.

Believe it or not, working in food service gives you skills for dozens of other industries that are in demand, at least pre-covid, and transitioning to a different industry is very viable. Lastly, taking a job as a waiter at a different restaurant would be better. Different organizations pay differently; have different wage systems, and the particularly good organizations in the industry don't pay tips, they pay at or above prevailing wage. So yes, owners would definitely notice that they lost all of the talented staff to better paying jobs in the same industry or for other industries.
Lastly, just get the balls to email your state senators and demand that they fix the labor laws allowing this scenario to exist. We don't need everyone in society to magically stop tipping one day, we need everyone to agree to legislatively fix the industry.

posted about 3 years ago
#57 do americans really feel obliged to tip? in Off Topic
bearodactylyea as if ppl not tipping is gonna make the owners think "aw man lemme reconsider the pay, this waiter really cant make it and i need to be more ethical" they dont give a single fuck and wouldn't even notice if 50% of the population stopped tipping because it's not even on their radar

They would notice because the majority of their staff would leave for better pay, either to different industry or a better organization.

As for unionizing, it isn't viable in food service for a multitude of reasons. Talking about unionizing in food service is just a fun way to get fired.

posted about 3 years ago
#47 do americans really feel obliged to tip? in Off Topic
crackbabydumpsterFailw1zardIn my opinion, don't tip. The organizations that highly encourage tipping will lose their good staff if enough people don't tip, and wages don't rise to replace them. It is sadly on the consumer to force owners to price their menus correctly, and pay their staff fairly. Generally speaking, this amounts to shopping locally, no large chains.???

if you're going to take a moral stance against the tipping industry the solution would be dont go out to eat and give the owners more profit from the system. they dont give a fuck if you tip if they keep making money. in the long term your single actions won't have any impact so you might as well not fuck your server over

You're fucking over your server over regardless of what you do. The best option is to force owners into a more sustainable and ethical wage system.

posted about 3 years ago
#32 do americans really feel obliged to tip? in Off Topic

So I recently left the food service industry. I've worked in institutional and I did a short stent in fine-dining during covid.

Institutions don't care or even want tips. I worked in a hospital, so I was considered a healthcare-adjacent worker. You wouldn't tip your nurse, please don't tip me.

I worked as a chef for Aramark as a chef. The students basically paid a subscription fee for dining. You wouldn't tip any other subscription service, please don't tip me.

Lastly, I did prep and pantry for fine-dining. This is where things get a bit iffy. Some restaurants pay their staff well, most don't. Some restaurants split the tips received among the staff; this is more common than being paid well, but don't count on it. So generally speaking, when you tip, you are paying into a very opaque system that largely serves the owners, sometimes front of house.

It isn't abolished because 2 powerful groups in the industry want it to stay exactly how it is, Owners and FoH. Those opposed are BoH and to a lesser extent the customer, that changes with the demographic.

In my opinion, don't tip. The organizations that highly encourage tipping will lose their good staff if enough people don't tip, and wages don't rise to replace them. It is sadly on the consumer to force owners to price their menus correctly, and pay their staff fairly. Generally speaking, this amounts to shopping locally, no large chains.

posted about 3 years ago
#9 Best Gaming Gear Based On 1500 Pro Players in Other Games

The data set could be interesting if it was weighted by championships or something but as it stands it's just a list of what pros say they use, which isn't always true or correct because of contracts with sponsors.

The days of there being just a few good mice are far behind us, and this promotes a sort of pay to be good mentality that is simply incorrect.

posted about 3 years ago
#26 would you take covid vaccine? in Off Topic

i would, but I'm also only in my 20s doing online school, so if supply was an issue I'd prefer to go later.

posted about 3 years ago
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