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Signed Up August 8, 2012
Last Posted September 17, 2020 at 5:45 AM
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#3 Valve apparel in Europe in Off Topic
DollyFairly sure you can just pay it outright whatever currency you're using, should convert it for you, that's what most websites do.

Oh, until last week when I tried to buy they were only shipping to USA, Mexico and Canada, but it seems they are doing international shipping now.

Nevermind this thread then

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Valve apparel in Europe in Off Topic

Hey guys,
I am looking for this t-shirt, but Valvestore only delivers in North America.
Does anyone knows where can I buy them in Europe?

posted about 7 years ago
#24 going to france tomorrow in Off Topic
vriskas long as they see that you made some effort to learn some french (like just say bonjour instead of hello and maybe some common phrases) people usually won't hate you

Yup. As someone who arrived here last year, I did this since the beginning when my french was more terrible than it is nowadays and I've never had any problem with people being unfriendly by just saying "Bonjour" and then "Pouvez-vous parler anglais ?", even when I needed some information in Paris.

The frenchies are cool, just respect their politeness culture.

posted about 7 years ago
#35 Mixchamp died? in TF2 General Discussion
REM_TF2Please excuse me for hijacking this thread a little bit but this is sort of relevant to the original topic.

I've just come back to the game after a long break from TF2 and as a result, I'm even worse than I was before (played mid-ETF2L 6s and High in Highlander) and a lot of people won't even know me.

I was saddened to see that, my regular haunt, TF2Pickup is dead for now and mixchamp EU doesn't have any games running at all. As far as I know (please correct me if I'm wrong because I'd like to play vidya games), the only EU sites where you can play 6v6 games that aren't either dead or dying are Pugchamp EU and TF2center.

Pugchamp EU is a great site but the issue is it's a captain picking system. I sympathise completely with the captains on that site but it is depressing when you don't get picked for several games in a row and this does happen quite often. TF2center is aids, I don't think I really have to explain why.

My point is though is that I feel that it's difficult to get into some proper games of TF2 if you're a newer player or a player who is old/inexperienced like me and that is never good for a gaming scene as small as ours.

We wanna be doing everything we can to encourage new players into our community. I'd love to see another site that is all about providing a more realistic 6s (or HL) experience for people who are bored of the same old nonsense on TF2center but aren't good enough or well known enough to be picked on Pugchamp. This is what TF2Pickup used to do and now that it's not there, I really miss it.

I feel you. I am a kinda old player from Brazil (played from 2011 to 2016 there) and I used to play in the highest division there for the last 3 years. I moved to France last September, here I just wanted to play some decent pugs from time to time and remove all the rusty, but not having all the time and motivation I had years ago, grinding up the popularity here to get picked up in pugchamp is annoying, and both TF2Center and Faceit pugs are really bad, so I end up just not playing :(

posted about 7 years ago
#14 RPG games in Other Games

If you have never played it, get a DS or SNES emulator and play Chrono Trigger. It's considered by most of the people the best JRPG of all time.

posted about 7 years ago
#16 Decent Gaming Laptop for £500-£800 in Hardware
the301stspartanDougthe301stspartanWhy no desktop?Depending on your lifestyle, sometimes laptop is worth the price. For example, doing a PhD I have no idea if an opportunity to work during the thesis in another city (or even country) won't happen in the near future. Also, after finishing it I might have to work in temporary positions, so more moving around.

I understand a gaming laptop can be too expensive comparing to a desktop if you have a fixed home and job, but sometimes your lifestyle demands you that you pay a little more for the comfort.

Hi thanks for ur in-depth answer, but I'm afraid my question was actually directed at the OP (for example, I didn't even know that you exist previously, so that means it couldn't have been directed at you!)

Chill out, dude, no need for all the uncalled-for passive aggressiveness. I was just giving an example and explaining why most of people who gets a gaming laptop does that (and ended up being the case for OP's brother).

posted about 7 years ago
#13 Decent Gaming Laptop for £500-£800 in Hardware
the301stspartanWhy no desktop?

Depending on your lifestyle, sometimes laptop is worth the price. For example, doing a PhD I have no idea if an opportunity to work during the thesis in another city (or even country) won't happen in the near future. Also, after finishing it I might have to work in temporary positions, so more moving around.

I understand a gaming laptop can be too expensive comparing to a desktop if you have a fixed home and job, but sometimes your lifestyle demands you that you pay a little more for the comfort.

posted about 7 years ago
#7 Decent Gaming Laptop for £500-£800 in Hardware
glassso i have absolutely no idea about shipping to zimbabwe, but i just bought one of the newer inspirons off amazon warehouse (which has 100% buyer guarantee blah blah so don't be afraid to be secondhand. most of them are basically untouched).

once i took all the crap off it and added a .cfg, i went from running tf2 on old laptop at 60 fps to new laptop 150 fps. not sure about skyrim etc because i don't play other video games.

tldr: don't forget amazon warehouse.

Don't use TF2 as a parameter hehehehe
I have a really shit notebook (i5 5200U CPU and AMD Radeon R5 M230) that I can't even get more than 20 fps in Overwatch and I can't play at all the Telltale's Batman, but I still get constant 100+ fps in TF2.

posted about 7 years ago
#5 Decent Gaming Laptop for £500-£800 in Hardware

I am looking to buy one next month too, and from all the research I have been doing, the best ones I found (considering also the size and height) is one of the ASUS ROGs with a 1060 gtx 3GB. Here in France they can be found at around 1000~1100 euros.

Also, another one that has a good performance/price ratio is the Lenovo Y720, but it looks like a Transformer. If he doesn't care about the looks (or actually likes it) and size, it could be a good one to catch.

posted about 7 years ago
#46 the last jedi TEASER TRAILER in Music, Movies, TV
BeelthazusThe philosophical problem (and point) of the Jedi and the Sith, is that they believe that there is a "balance" between light and darkness that must be struck. Truly light or dark, good or bad is subjective to your point of view, and the only consistent is the force. This parallax can be seen from any reality, fiction or otherwise, and is the basis for Star Wars in its entirety. Thus I conclude that Anakin did nothing wrong.

posted about 7 years ago
#69 Online demo playback at in Projects

This is simply beautiful. It would be really great if something like this existed while I was still playing in teams.

Congratulations for your work, man!

posted about 7 years ago
#17 Congrats liko! in Esports
hektikWhat about Powah?

He was in KEEP ("MONSTER" team) but quit

posted about 7 years ago
#14 Congrats liko! in Esports

From left to the right: dudu, v1tao (Krepsker in OW, he was the guy who casted the showmatch between MONSTER vs XTS about 2 years ago for whoever remembers it), Neil, krk, Alemão and Liko.

They are all former TF2 players.

Also, the other team in the finals (WS) has 2 former TF2 players (pearly and pizzalover), the team that came out third in this championship is all TF2 (tyger, prod, wings, ole, fast and snow), mostly players from MONSTER, and the fourth team has 4 TF2 players I guess (kodo, nosf, honorato and Leo).

So yeah, TF2 is dominating Overwatch in Brazil, which makes me pretty happy for those guys.

posted about 7 years ago
#91 Beer in Off Topic

Short context: for people who doesn't know, I am from Brazil, moved to France 5 months ago. The beers we get in Brazil contains too much water in it (which makes sense as winter doesn't exist in most part of the country), which results in almost no taste (with exceptions of some craft beers). And buying european craft beers is hugely expensive there (one bottle of any of those beers in the photo would be around R$ 70, which converts to something like 20 euros).

So I have been feeling in heaven and started collecting the beers bottle I have bought here (also I needed some decoration for my apartment :d). My favorite one until now would be Lindeman's Faro.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Monitors, speakers, chromecast in Hardware

As someone living in a new country since some months ago, all the multimedia equipment I have is a notebook. So, I am planning to spend some few euros to improve my movies/TV shows watching experience.

My idea is to get a PC monitor with in-built speakers or a PC monitor + speakers, plus chromecast (as I don't care about TV channels, so only the screen is enough for me instead of buying a TV). Also, even though I will put the monitor near my bed to watch movies, for the rest of the time it will be used as my notebook screen to play games (I have been playing only casually, so I won't go for a 144hz).

Well, the help I need is:

1) Monitor
Firstly, is it worth to get a monitor with in-built speakers?

I have been looking at 24" IPS screens (with 60hz as I said before), and it seems a great choice without speakers (but with audio output) would be the LG 23.8" LED 24MP68VQ-P, for 150 euros. And the ones with speakers, the Philips 24" LED - 246E7QDAB for 170 euros or the LG 24" LED 24MP88HV-S for 214 euros. Are there any better options around this price range?

2) Speakers
If monitor + speakers is the option to go, what kind of non-expensive speakers should I get those days? I haven't used one for the last 10 years at least lol

A lack of cables would be appreciated, and I won't be able to use one that gets its power through USB, as I want to be able to watch things far from my notebook (because of shit battery, I would need to connect it to the power source everytime I want to watch something). Well, unless if connecting the USB to a smartphone charger works :thinking:

3) Chromecast
Does it work well with PC monitors?

Thank you in advance for whoever tries to help me.

posted about 7 years ago
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