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Signed Up August 8, 2012
Last Posted September 17, 2020 at 5:45 AM
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#57 TF2 update for 2/14/17 in TF2 General Discussion
samifaceIf they're reasonable Valve will discover what we've known for a long time, which is that our version of 6v6 is literally the most fun you can have in a videogame.

And all dozen of us that are left by 2027 to see that moment will feel the sweet sweet joys of developer support.

Well, looking at all the MM updates....

posted about 7 years ago
#10 My phone broke and I can't login to Steam in Off Topic
tiptoesI wrote it down on my phone and since my phone just stopped working I can't retrieve it.

Dude, the code is given in case your phone breaks or is lost

Why would you write it down on your phone lol

posted about 7 years ago
#45 Team Skull challenges Invite in News
bo4rDougFakeflag or brazilian living in NA? latter.

Cool. Have you been living there for too long? I believe you have never played in SA, right?

And good luck in invite.

posted about 7 years ago
#29 Team Skull challenges Invite in News

Fakeflag or brazilian living in NA?

posted about 7 years ago
#42 trump's muslim ban in World Events
Nub_DanishDifferDaggerrestricting immigration from countries where isis is operating.
damn, that's racist. hmmmmm where exactly does this 2 number come from

I don't want to enter in the political discussion, but after your contestation I went to look for their source ( And in the Part IV of the article (named "What is the Threat to the United States Today?") there is a graphic with the statistics.

According to this graphic, between 2006 and 2016, 92 people died from islamic jihadist terrorists (against 120 from your source), this would result in 9.2 per year (or 12 from your source). But, this considers both terrorists born in US and immigrants (the 2 per year number is counting only the immigrants)... If you count only the immigrants (in the graphic they are saying when the terrorist was born in USA), there was a total of 14 kills, 1.4 per year...

So, according to the source, the number 2 doesn't seems something made up.

posted about 7 years ago
#23 Gamers Assembly 2017 announced in News

Ok, this time I will have more time to prepare, so, LFT!

posted about 8 years ago
#13 Top 10 TF2 plays - September 2016 in Videos

Holy shit. I think I haver never seen a double-double airshots before. Insane.

posted about 8 years ago
#81 Where do you work? in Off Topic

Doing a PhD in LAAS (Laboratoire d'analyse et d'architecture des systèmes)

posted about 8 years ago
#417 2016 election live results in World Events

posted about 8 years ago
#15 Android smartphones recomendation in Hardware

Thank you guys for all the answer! By the way, as I am new to Europe, what would be great stores to buy phones (all I know are FNAC, Amazon and directly from the companies)?

WARHURYEAHOP3 is worth. It's probably got one of the smoothest performance experiences on any phone apart from the pixels.

Only issue with the OP3 is customer support, if you can get it somewhere that offers its own warranty service (just an in warranty exchange) then go for it as the OP service is a bit shit sometimes.

With the OP3 you get a better camera, performance, display and one of the quickest finger print readers on the market as well.

Comparing to the G4 Plus, it's that different even if I don't play any games? That's my biggest doubt, I am not sure if all the performance would be wasted due to the way I use the phone. Because, from what I have seen, I can get G4 Plus with 16 gb/2 gb ram for 250 euros, 32 gb/2 gb ram for 300 euros and 64 gb/4 gb ram for 340 euros, and, from previous experience, I believe 16 gb would be enough for me.

And how is OnePlus support regarding Android updates?

TommyI would recommend the moto z play. It has the best battery life of any phone, and by a significant margin. It is also very much powerful enough for the things you are doing.bearodactylI recently got an HTC 10 and am enjoying it so far. May not be too important to you but it's got some of the best audio of any smart phone which was the main reason I chose it. Probably better stuff out there if you don't care about audio quality though.

Those are too expensive, I don't want to pay more than 400 euros in a phone :|

cerealdon't get any Samsung Galaxy it'll be ur biggest regret

Yeah, I like to avoid brands with fanbase big enough to sell the name instead of the technology. I have been actually temporally using a Galaxy J1 Mini because my Razr HD died (after 3 years) and I got the cheapest I could find until I had enough money to get a better one, and I hate the Samsung's Android skin and all the bloatware.

serenityserenecerealdon't get any Samsung Galaxy it'll be ur biggest regret
I have a Galaxy S3 and it has lasted me for years now. What's wrong with em' ?

Price and terrible android modifications

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Android smartphones recomendation in Hardware

I want to get a new phone in the following weeks and some insight would be appreciated.

First of all, my priorities when looking for a smartphone is durability, battery life, screen size and quality and camera, as I don't play on it (maybe some small puzzle games). So, performance wise I just need something that won't have problems dealing with different small apps opened at the same time. I have been reading a lot about OnePlus 3 and Moto G4 Plus, and the price differentiation between those 2 would be around 150 euros. So, my biggest question is: paying 150 euros more for the OP3 would be worth for me or I wouldn't see any difference?

Also; are there any other phones at the price range of 250~400 euros that are better?

posted about 8 years ago
#24 Question for people who quit TF2 in Off Topic

I didn't completely quit, but I went from organizing leagues (in Brazil, where I am from) and scrimming a lot (around 20~30 hours of TF2 per week plus the time I spent organizing leagues, casts, events etc), to playing pugs only (still in Brazil, around 10~20 hours of TF2 per week) and now to playing a couple of pugs only when I really don't have anything else to do (in France, around 5 hours per week). So, I would consider myself as a retired player, then...

Has your life improved since you quit?

Yes, by a lot. When I was really active, I was doing engineer school in Brazil. But I had no plans after the university due to the financial and political crisis in Brazil. So, 2 years ago, after spending some months in France and Italy, I realized I wanted to find something here and move out. After 2 years of dedicating myself to this goal, I realized what had became like a dream for me, and now I am working on a PhD in a field I am really fond of.

Do you get bored enough to feel the urge to come back to TF2 often, or are you satisfied enough with where you are (or dissatisfied enough with TF2 when you left) to not even consider it?

Yeah, I really love the game and I have been playing a couple of mixes per week with some really cool french guys that welcomed me to their community after I arrived here.

Did you have some other, non-videogame hobby to spend your time on, or did you exit into the world with no clear plans for what to do next?

I have been jogging a couple of times per week and plan to start playing Tennis again.

What was the main reason that you decided to quit TF2?

To accomplish the goal I told about in my first answer.

And, of course, why do you browse a forum for a game you no longer play?

Because I still love the game and I really want it to succeed.

posted about 8 years ago
#23 Logitech G403 Prodigy in Hardware

G403 or G Pro?

This will be a hard choice for me that loved both G400 and G302

posted about 8 years ago
#5 Free stuff in Off Topic

I would be so appreciated for the duck hat .__o<

posted about 8 years ago
#4 FACEIT to conduct big closed beta test on 20th Sep in TF2 General Discussion

I will be back there.

posted about 8 years ago
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