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Signed Up December 2, 2015
Last Posted May 2, 2023 at 6:01 AM
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#28 Insomnia67 cancelled in News
kritpaskolmao @cancelling for a feveri don't think a fever would kill 3 million+ people but ok

This is out by a factor of 5 and got upvoted.

ratawarkritpaskolmao @cancelling for a feveri don't think a fever would kill 3 million+ people but okhttps://i.imgur.com/tjHNzdP.png

This post pointed it out and got downvoted.

Obviously Covid is a serious issue regardless, but atleast try to be numerically accurate.

posted about 4 years ago
#26 etf2l admins in TF2 General Discussion

I do sympathise with the job league admins have to do, however, after the pred/degu affair it was clear that a lot of these problems would emerge. The ETF2L rule update read as holy crusade to police all discrimination across the internet, and as we said at the time, the league was unrealistic in their scope and it's become almost impossible to consistently enforce.

I understand the desire for a broad T&Cs that allows admin discretion, but it has just increased the instances of double standards and favouritism recently; although these seem to have been mostly centralised around certain individual admins. We are also more reliant on public outrage/ witch hunts than ever.

Overall though I think ETF2L has done a decent job in recent years. They could certainly standardise their decision making a little better, but I do not desire the overreach we have seen from RGL.

posted about 4 years ago
#62 witch hunts within the community in The Dumpster
dishsoaphey morons. if u dont want to be witch hunted, dont be/say anything that would make u seem islamophobic, anti-semitic, racist, homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic, etc.

problem solved have a good day, and remember, hate speech != free speech

This statement is super ignorant, although I suspect you are probably just parroting somebody else's talking point. The idea you have neat binary classifications of 'Free Speech' and 'Hate Speech' is absurd.

Free Speech is actually a big issue of our times. It generally refers to an individual's right not to face government sanction for their speech. In the US you actually have your freedom of speech protected by the first amendment. In the EU we have a considerably watered down protection of free speech, which is why government was able to pass Hate Speech legislation in the UK.

The reason 'Hate speech' is highly controversial is because it is ill-defined and highly subjective. Most things people would regard as Hate Speech are actually protected as free speech in the US. Of course ETF2L or any other league/website isn't a government body so is under no obligation to protect an individual's free speech. It is up to ETF2L how much they want to police people's speech on their platform, but most online platforms prohibit discriminatory speech and behaviour in their T&Cs.

posted about 5 years ago
#5 game randomly alt-tabs in Q/A Help

Had this issue happen to me yesterday. It seems to be based after my (AVG) antivirus updated and put TF2 in do-not-disturb mode. I had to delete TF2 in the do-not-disturb tab, simply turning the mode off did not work. I haven't had issues with TF2 since, but have had to do the same with other games.

Edit: Relevant info here http://www.teamfortress.tv/49451/keep-alt-tabbing-out-of-the-game-randomly

posted about 6 years ago
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