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[Stream] Mr.DelDongo
posted in Requests
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Sidebar name: Mr.DelDongo (or MrDelDongo)
Country: USA
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/mrdeldongo
Profiles: https://www.ugcleague.com/players_page.cfm?player_id=76561198019711765 | http://etf2l.org/forum/user/95138/

Streaming UGC scrims/matches 6s and hl, lobbies and mge in-between. Plat sphee, I play everything decently. Usually stream 4-5 days a week for around 4-8 hours.

Sidebar name: Mr.DelDongo (or MrDelDongo)
Country: USA
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/mrdeldongo
Profiles: https://www.ugcleague.com/players_page.cfm?player_id=76561198019711765 | http://etf2l.org/forum/user/95138/

Streaming UGC scrims/matches 6s and hl, lobbies and mge in-between. Plat sphee, I play everything decently. Usually stream 4-5 days a week for around 4-8 hours.
0 Frags +


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