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Looking for a european medic mentor
posted in Mentoring
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Hi everybody :)

I'm looking for someone to help me get better at medic. I'm still relatively new to the class and I could use some help with it. I'm from Germany so a European mentor would be great because of time zones and ping.

Currently I'm playing in a Div 6 6s team.

I'm online every evening, feel free to message me anytime if you are willing to help me out :)

Thank you.

Hi everybody :)

I'm looking for someone to help me get better at medic. I'm still relatively new to the class and I could use some help with it. I'm from Germany so a European mentor would be great because of time zones and ping.

Currently I'm playing in a Div 6 6s team.

I'm online every evening, feel free to message me anytime if you are willing to help me out :)

Thank you.
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