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heal beam
posted in Q/A Help
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is there a way to hide the player model while using cl_first_person_uses_world_model 1? since the heal beam in that mode is better but the medic and the medigun models kinda get in the way

thanks for your time

is there a way to hide the player model while using cl_first_person_uses_world_model 1? since the heal beam in that mode is better but the medic and the medigun models kinda get in the way

thanks for your time
1 Frags +


4 Frags +

You can get a similar effect by reducing viewmodel_fov (I use 30) and then setting r_drawviewmodel to 0.

You can get a similar effect by reducing viewmodel_fov (I use 30) and then setting r_drawviewmodel to 0.
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