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hey im an open engi and hoping for a high div engi
posted in Mentoring
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hi so ive recently started playing as an open engi and am really hoping for a high div engi to help me to become a better engi overall my discord is picture#2857 it would be great if you messeged me there because i am much more active there

hi so ive recently started playing as an open engi and am really hoping for a high div engi to help me to become a better engi overall my discord is picture#2857 it would be great if you messeged me there because i am much more active there
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try posting there instead you'll get more engies

try posting there instead you'll get more engies
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wish you the best of luck, you're welcome to look here you'd be more likely to find someone on RGL's site or discord.
https://engineer.tf has some good recourses as well

wish you the best of luck, you're welcome to look here you'd be more likely to find someone on RGL's site or discord.
https://engineer.tf has some good recourses as well
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