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Demo/Med LFT Mid-Low Open/CEVO/UGC
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Hey, I'm Fafo. I know it's pretty late to get a starting position in Open, so I am fine with doing CEVO or UGC Plat/Silver if that's what the team wants to do, but I would really like to start. Was on a mid open team as demo this season, but unfortunately ended up being sent to backup due to scheduling conflicts despite having paid :/ That said I can scrim Mon-Thurs until 11 EST and sometimes over the weekend. Also, I am already paid for ESEA, so there wouldn't be any worries there. I really would like to improve a lot this season and hopefully I can find a team to do this with!


Hey, I'm Fafo. I know it's pretty late to get a starting position in Open, so I am fine with doing CEVO or UGC Plat/Silver if that's what the team wants to do, but I would really like to start. Was on a mid open team as demo this season, but unfortunately ended up being sent to backup due to scheduling conflicts despite having paid :/ That said I can scrim Mon-Thurs until 11 EST and sometimes over the weekend. Also, I am already paid for ESEA, so there wouldn't be any worries there. I really would like to improve a lot this season and hopefully I can find a team to do this with!

-1 Frags +

This guy is good.

4:11 PM - fafo\\\LFT!Demo/Medic: lol pretend im good @ tf2
4:11 PM - fafo\\\LFT!Demo/Medic: http://teamfortress.tv/forum/thread/8342

This guy is good.

4:11 PM - fafo\\\LFT!Demo/Medic: lol pretend im good @ tf2
4:11 PM - fafo\\\LFT!Demo/Medic: http://teamfortress.tv/forum/thread/8342
1 Frags +


2 Frags +

Used to play comp pokemon.

Used to play comp pokemon.
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