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LFP Mid Open S23
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Current Roster:
Scout: LRIK
Scout: Saltyworkingboy
Roamer: Dallas/You
Pocket: Dyl4n
Demo: Dallas/You
Medic: You

We currently need a medic and a demo or roamer, add me on steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Dallas01

Current Roster:
Scout: LRIK
Scout: Saltyworkingboy
Roamer: Dallas/You
Pocket: Dyl4n
Demo: Dallas/You
Medic: You

We currently need a medic and a demo or roamer, add me on steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Dallas01
-3 Frags +

dill foreign is a god

dill foreign is a god
-3 Frags +

big dylfour-n

big dylfour-n
-5 Frags +

What did I do to have two people talk about me, I'm trash

What did I do to have two people talk about me, I'm trash
-2 Frags +

scooty's 1st season. lit. idk about the other folks.

scooty's 1st season. lit. idk about the other folks.
-2 Frags +

No Longer LFP

No Longer LFP
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