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The Flash S2
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predictions for the last two episodes of season 2?

predictions for the last two episodes of season 2?
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hes gonna go fast

hes gonna go fast
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His dad as the Flash from the 90s series will be the man in the mask. He was seen when they traveled between worlds and I think everything else in that montage has come to pass. Plus didn't he make an offhand comment about being related to a Garrick recently?

Longshot but it'd be cool af.

His dad as the Flash from the 90s series will be the man in the mask. He was seen when they traveled between worlds and I think everything else in that montage has come to pass. Plus didn't he make an offhand comment about being related to a Garrick recently?

Longshot but it'd be cool af.
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i hope the real jay garrick is the man in the iron mask and wally getting his powers

i hope the real jay garrick is the man in the iron mask and wally getting his powers
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Henry said his mother's maiden name was Garrick plus he absolutely looks like Jay Garrick


Henry said his mother's maiden name was Garrick plus he absolutely looks like Jay Garrick [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/marvel_dc/images/e/ec/Flash_Jay_Garrick_0047.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120303074547[/img]
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