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Signed Up November 18, 2012
Last Posted May 7, 2024 at 7:53 PM
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#1 CS:GO update for 1/20/22 (1/21/22 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion

Via the CS:GO blog:

– Introducing the Dreams & Nightmares Case featuring the winning 17 community-designed weapon finishes.

[ MISC ]
– Updated colors of Operation Riptide Diamond Coin model.

[ MAPS ]
Insertion 2
– Replaced weird tree boost spot next to orange building(next to dentist) with an easier more exposed boost.
– Moved spawnpoints at House around a bit and turned off collision on the mailboxes there, to prevent team spawn blocking.
– Cleaned up mid a bit by removing a fence and a blue barrel.
– Blocked off a sightline from on top of the meat/egg shelf into backroom toilet in Market.
– Tweaked size of trigger for the train station automated door so its possible to go sneak past it through the glass windows.
– Fixed so the auto shotgun can break the cubicles in office.
– Minor graphical issues fixed.

Rumor has it:

- Dreams & Nightmares Case contents can be viewed over at CS:GO Stash, including inspection links if you'd like to have a look at a weapon in-game
- One weapon in Dreams & Nightmares that will look a little different for users under Steam China/Perfect World influence in mainland China is the Five-SeveN Scrawl. China's government is known to hate gore and gore-like things such as depictions of skulls, however a bit of skin and a couple of bandages ought to be a-okay

- This is the new Diamond coin for Operation Riptide, which some may have confused for the Silver coin, particularly at smaller sizes displayed on leaderboards. Here's what it used to look like
- Said smaller sizes for comparison: old Diamond, new Diamond, unchanged Silver

- Beyond that, this update is mostly a WYSIWYG one since we've already known the winners of Dreams & Nightmares for some time now, but that won't stop me from mentioning that there's been a good chunk of new and updated translations of strings added in the last little while, which are made possible with the help of Translators Like You - Thank You

- Size is ~165 MB

posted about 2 years ago
#1 CS:GO update for 1/17/22 (1/18/22 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion

Via the CS:GO blog:

– Fixed Hammer crash on startup when not logged into Steam.
– Fixed input delay after closing radial menu.

– FlickStick mode is now enabled in Options > Controller, as opposed to the SteamInput Configurator. Bind your Right Stick (or preferred aiming stick) to “Joystick Camera” in the configurator.
– Fixed SteamInput ActionSet being set to “MenuControls” when re-focusing on window.
– Refinements to FlickStick behavior.

– Tooltips to help clarify console controller settings.
– Various fixes to sliders.

– Added experimental Vulkan support. Add -vulkan to your command line to enable Vulkan.

Rumor has it:

- Not quite sure why Valve felt the need to mention Vulkan again considering it was added in the previous update and not this one

- If you have any last words for PGL Stockholm 2021 content before it goes off sale-oop, it's already too late.

- The introductory Weapons Course map (training1) was also updated

- Otherwise, the only other significant thing is new and updated translations, made possible with the help of Translators Like You - Thank You

- Size is ~30 MB

posted about 2 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 1/5/22 in TF2 General Discussion


Valve- Fixed disguised/cloaked spies being able to block player destruction captures
- Updated Minty Cypress, Pristine Pine, and Sparkly Spruce Unusual taunt effects to improve visibility in bright areas
- Updated pl_breadspace
- Fixed being able to place buildings in the forward BLU spawn room
- Updated pl_wutville_event
- Fixed a few static_prop models being used to stand on high up in the map
- Updated cp_altitude
- Fixed tree models in the 3D skybox using the wrong skin

Rumor has it:

- Bonus: a few additional new and tweaked translations in some updated localization files, which as always are made possible with the collective efforts of Translators Like You - Thank You

- Size is ~60 MB

posted about 2 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 12/23/21 in TF2 General Discussion


Valve- Fixed not being able to preview Community Market items in-game
- Updated the localization files
- Updated cp_altitude
- Increased capture time on A
- Increased BLU respawn time on A
- Increased RED respawn time on B
- Increased delay before BLU's first forward spawn activates after A is captured
- Fixed RED having access to a spectator camera on A after the point was captured
- Fixed case where BLU could enter RED's forward spawn after B was captured
- Fixed a missing respawn visualizer in BLU's first spawn
- Fixed a texture issue on C cable car tower
- Updated menu photos
- Visual adjustments
posted about 2 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 12/21/21 (12/22/21 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

Via the Steam store:

Valve- Fixed movement bug related to the Cow Mangler 5000
- Fixed Taunt: The Hot Wheeler sounds not always playing
- Updated Winter Spirit, Festive Spirit, and Magical Spirit Unusual taunt effects with performance improvements
- Updated pl_breadspace
- Fixed an bug where BLU could teleport into RED spawn
- Fixed an animation error within the final arena
- Fixed some displacements seams
- Deleted some light effects no longer in use in the final area

Rumor has it:

- This update is relatively lightweight, pretty much what you see above is what you'll get

- Size is ~30 MB

posted about 2 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 12/17/21 (12/18/21 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

Via the Steam Community:

Valve- Fixed Your Eternal Reward ragdolls not fading
- Fixed Wrap Assassin projectiles colliding with invisible map entities
- Fixed ConTracker counting kills twice
- Fixed Halloween: Exorcism spell not being triggered by feign deaths
- Updated schema drop_type for hats shipped in the last few updates
- Updated Spark of Smissmas Unusual effect
- Fixed some slight coloring issues
- Adjusted lifetime values
- Updated The Giftcrafter and Beanie The All-Gnawing to fix material/model issues
- Updated the Steam Workshop dialog to support skipping several pages at once
- ConVar tf_steam_workshop_page_skip controls the number of pages to skip. Default is 10.
- Supports wrapping around the beginning and end of the list
- Updated/Added some tournament medals
- Updated the localization files
- Updated ctf_doublecross_snowy
- Fixed missing texture
- Fixed a few minor visual issues
- Updated pl_breadspace
- Fixed some clipping around cliffs and BLU base
- Fixed a bug where players could get stuck behind a wall of computers near the final point
- Fixed location by BLU spawn where you can build under cliff
- Fixed an issue with sound in the final sequence
- Fixed decals
- Fixed missing Breadcrab animations
- Added updated drill model
- Added normal maps for the rock cliffs
- Added missing decals and logos
- Added bread chunks that fly when Big Mama explodes
- Optimized areas to reduce lag
- Updated backpack and matchmaking images

Rumor has it:

- The dash one would include when typing "Pom-Pom" but was missing from the name of the Professional's Pom Pom has been silently added

- drop_type controls whether a cosmetic will fall off when you die or if it'll remain stuck to your corpse. These are the items that will now come off in tonight's update:
- From Smissmas 2020: Jolly Jingler, Smissmas Sorcerer, Towering Pillar of Beanies, Professional's Pom-Pom, Reindoonibeanie, Towering Pile of Presents, Round-A-Bout, Blitzen Bowl, Elf Care Provider, SandMann's Brush, Killing Tree, and Helm Helm
- From the Summer 2021 Cosmetic Case: Ballooniphones, Brim of Fire, Reel Fly Hat, Snack Stack, Wild Brim Slouch, Fried Batter, Roaming Roman, Panisher, and Thousand-Yard Stare
- From Scream Fortress XIII: Spooky Head-Bouncers, Towering Patch of Pumpkins, Beanie The All-Gnawing, Second-head Headwear, Alakablamicon, Hat Outta Hell, and Bone Cone
- From Smissmas 2021: El Fiestibrero, Jolly Jester, Seasonal Spring, Giftcrafter, Merry Cone, Reindoonihorns, Cozy Catchers, Train Of Thought, Mooshanka, Elf Defense, and Hat Chocolate

- Tonight's tournament medal additions, all of which are for LBTF2, are as follows:
- LBTF2 6v6 Elite Season 18 (1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, Participant)
- LBTF2 6v6 Central Season 18 (1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, Participant)
- LBTF2 6v6 Access Season 18 (1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, Participant)
- LBTF2 6v6 Open Season 18 (1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, Participant)
- LBTF2 6v6 Beginner Season 18 (1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, Participant)

- Size is close to 45 MB

posted about 2 years ago
#1 CS:GO update for 12/10/21 (12/11/21 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion

Via the CS:GO blog:

– Integrated latest Steamworks SDK.
– Adjusted Flashbang Dance Music Kit MVP anthem.
– Fixed an exploit.
– Various adjustments to controller support.

– Fixed issue where players would spawn outside of playable area on warmup
– Fixed floating barrel
– Added clip brushes to prevent players from getting stuck while jumping

– Simplified the path from T spawn to Green House
– Fixed some clipping issues (thanks Fnugz and BARS)
– Removed hurt trigger from the out of bounds area to allow for a relaxing swim
– Fixed missing sides on wood beams on A site
– Updated guest book
– Fixed some of the Icelandic texts (thanks mckakali)

Rumor has it:

- There are scattered reports of macOS and Linux users being unable to start the game after this update, possibly due to undocumented changes mentioned below. If you're experiencing this, please leave a comment below and make mention of whether you see any specific error messages (and what they are if so) or if you don't at all
- This has been fixed in update #2, but at the current cost of breaking textures on player models

- Chat wheels, if you have them set up, have a new look, and new behavior to match. Here's what they looked like before this update, and here is what they look like now
- One of the main behavior changes you'll notice is that they now have animations. Additionally, chat wheels can now double as a ping key if you release your key/button quickly; danger ("!") pings also work the same way if you do that twice in quick succession. See a quick clip of them in action here:


- For those of you that don't like chat wheels doubling as pings if released quickly, there currently isn't a way to switch that new behavior off

- Redesigned chat wheels aren't the only new circular thing you'll see. Also contained in this update are 3 new radial menus that share a similar look & animations, which you can bind to a key through the console to try out:
- "+quickbuyradial", plus a weapon category (pistols, heavyweapons, smgs, rifles, gear, grenades), brings up a quick-buy menu:


- "+quickgearradial" brings up a quick-switch menu for knives and the Zeus x27:


- and "+quickgrenaderadial" brings up a quick-switch menu for equipped grenades:


- A few stray under-the-hood engine strings indicative of a rendering system selector hint that support for Vulkan could arrive sooner than later
- This would most likely be through the use of DXVK as was the case with Portal 2 when it had Vulkan support stapled on this way near the start of this year; and it appears that this will be the case again in CS:GO with the addition of a new .so library, "libdxvk_d3d9.so", for users running Linux
- Further evidence is in the form of a -vulkan launch option, which at the moment causes the game to silently crash to desktop when invoked (at least on Windows; if you're a Linux gamer, try it and see what happens)
- If you check on the window title of the game (through methods such as taskbar thumbnails/Aero Peek, Alt-Tab/Win-Tab, or Task Manager), you'll also see one of those three strings ("Direct3D 9", "OpenGL", "Vulkan") beside it for whichever rendering system the game is currently using (thanks to Killa on the SteamDB Discord instance for pointing this one out)

- Here's a peek at the controller-related additions/tweaks mentioned above (cough Steam Deck is coming, after all)

- Missions for the remaining weeks of Operation Riptide, those being weeks 13, 14, 15, and 16, have been configured, including strings, assorted bot logic, and the game's item schema

- Not to be outdone by all of the above, this update has also got localization file updates containing new and updated translations. These are made possible with the help of dedicated Translators Like You - Thank You

- Size is ~130 MB

posted about 2 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 12/8/21 in TF2 General Discussion

Via HLDS and the Steam store:

Valve- Updated the Smissmas Tree Unusual effect to improve performance
- Updated El Fiestibrero to fix clipping issues
- Updated The Giftcrafter to fix a problem with the materials
- Updated the Unusual Cap to fix the rotation of the unusual attachment
- Updated the Ominous Offering to add the counts_as_assister attribute
- Updated The Argyle Ace with community Jarate fix from Andrés S. (rabscootle)
- Updated/Added some tournament medals
- Updated the localization files
- Updated pl_coal_event
- Added a second route into C
- Detail fixes
- Optimization
- Updated pl_chilly
- Fixed few models not being solid
- Fixed few gift model collisions
- Fixed few spots where players were able to stand on in thin air
- Fixed hand truck from blocking players at the indoor area
- Fixed rare case of the payload cart not exploding when round ends at the pit
- Fixed being able to stand on the tip of the end rocket
- Fixed enemy being able to shoot at BLU 1st base spawn basement
- Minor visual fixes
- Improved clipping
- Updated ctf_doublecross_snowy
- Fixed a number of visual issues
- Fixed a number of clipping issues
- Added nobuild triggers to spawn doors
- Major reforestation initiative funded

Rumor has it:

- A bug with Taunt: The Shooter's Stake where Sniper wouldn't say "'Ere ya go" was also fixed. The cause? A missing ".mp3" extension in a script file for workshop taunts

- Tournament medal additions are as follows:

- Australian Hightower Highjinx 2022 (Royalty, Participant, Donor, Helper)
- TF2Maps Charitable Heart 2021
- TF2Maps 72hr TF2Jam Participant 2021

- One change to existing TF2Maps Charitable Heart medals from 2017 is that it'll now have "2017" in its name

- Map entity lumps as well as tonight's dose of localization file updates can both be viewed here. Translations included in localization file updates are contributed with the help of dedicated Translators Like You - Thank You

- Size is ~60 MB

posted about 2 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 12/3/21 (12/4/21 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

Via the Steam Community:

Valve- Updated the Festive Frames to add missing styles that don't hide the hat
- Fixed backpack image for the Winter 2021 Cosmetic Key
- Renamed Smissmas Swirl Unusual effect to Spiraling Lights
- Updated Polar Forecast, Spiraling Lights, and Twisting Lights Unusual effects
- Updated the Train of Thought
- Fixed model issues
- Added Genteel Smoke effect
- Updated cp_altitude
- Fixed a clipping exploit that allowed players to build out of bounds
- Fixed a clipping exploit that allowed players to stand above BLU's first spawn
- Fixed a rendering priority issue with a respawn visualizer in BLU's first spawn
- Updated pl_coal_event
- Fixed a clipping issue with a window
- Fixed a displacement

Rumor has it:

- For greater clarity, "Smissmas Swirl" is the unusual hat effect that was renamed to Spiraling Lights, almost certainly to avoid confusion with the similarly named "Smissmas Swirls" unusual taunt effect

- /u/_pont, the creator of both the Spiraling Lights/Twisting Lights hat effects, notes that this update fixes both effects failing to follow moving players correctly

- One very small bonus included in this update is the inclusion of exactly one additional string translated into German. Even though that's the extent of tonight's localization file update, it was still made possible with the help of Translators Like You - Thank You

- Size is close to 60 MB

posted about 2 years ago
#9 TF2 update for 12/2/21 (12/3/21 UT, Smissmas 2021) in TF2 General Discussion

The Smissmas cosmetic bits that wouldn't otherwise fit in RHI in the OP:

- Contents of the Winter 2021 Cosmetic Case are listed below, sorted by grade (clicking links will take you to each item's Steam Workshop page):
- El Fiestibrero (Mercenary Grade)
- Gnome Dome (with 4 styles: Smissmas, Yard, Classic, and Elf) (Mercenary Grade)
- The Giftcrafter (Mercenary Grade)
- Brain Cane (Mercenary Grade)
- Cozy Catchers (Mercenary Grade)
- Ominous Offering (Mercenary Grade)
- Festive Frames (with 2 styles: Festive and Festivized) (Mercenary Grade)
- Mooshanka (Mercenary Grade)
- Elf Defense (Mercenary Grade)
- Festive Cover-Up (Mercenary Grade)
- Seasonal Spring (Commando Grade)
- Reindoonihorns (Commando Grade)
- Elf Ignition (with 2 styles: Untucked and Tucked) (Commando Grade)
- Train Of Thought (with 2 styles: North Pole and Southern) (Commando Grade)
- Seasonal Employee (with 2 styles: North Pole and South Pole) (Commando Grade)
- Elf-Made Bandanna (Commando Grade)
- Jolly Jester (Assassin Grade)
- Merry Cone (Assassin Grade)
- Hat Chocolate (Assassin Grade)
- Oh Deer! (with 2 styles: Nose and Noseless) (Elite Grade)

- The names of the new Unusual hat effects are as follows (note: some effects were uploaded together in the same Steam Workshop entry):
- Smissmas Tree
- Hospitable Festivity
- Condescending Embrace
- Sparkling Spruce
- Glittering Juniper
- Prismatic Pine
- Smissmas Swirl
- Twisting Lights
- Stardust Pathway
- Flurry Rush
- Spark of Smissmas
- Polar Forecast
- Shining Stag
- Holiday Horns
- Ardent Antlers
- Festive Lights

- And the names for the Unusual taunt effects (note: some effects were uploaded together in the same Steam Workshop entry):
- Amethyst Winds
- Golden Gusts
- Smissmas Swirls
- Minty Cypress
- Pristine Pine
- Sparkly Spruce
- Festive Fever
- Golden Glimmer
- Frosty Silver
- Glamorous Dazzle
- Sublime Snowstorm

posted about 2 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 12/2/21 (12/3/21 UT, Smissmas 2021) in TF2 General Discussion

Via HLDS and the Steam store:

ValveHappy Smissmas 2021!
- All players who play TF2 during the event will receive a Stuffed Stocking as a gift! Stockings contain goodies for good little Mercenaries.
- Featuring 6 new community maps: Altitude, Bread Space, Cascade, Chilly, Doublefrost, and Polar
- Added the Winter 2021 Cosmetic Case
- Contains 20 new community-contributed items
- The Festivizer can be found as a bonus drop when opening the case
- Added 3 new community-contributed taunts to the Mann Co. Store
- Taunt: Doctor's Defibrillators
- Taunt: Shooter's Stakeout
- Taunt: The Hot Wheeler
- Added 27 new community-created Unusual effects
- 16 new effects for Unusual hats
- 11 new effects for Unusual taunts
- All cosmetic and taunt cases will grant Smissmas 2021 Unusual effects instead of their normal Unusual effects during the event. This does not include crates.
- Mann Co. Store winter sale!
- Smissmas runs through January 7th, 2022

- Fixed Engineer losing metal when hitting damaged buildings while they are being re-deployed after pick-up
- Fixed Wrap Assassin projectiles colliding with other projectiles and func_lod entities
- Fixed Halloween: Voices From Below spell not working correctly with more taunts and the Ready voice lines
- Updated soundlevels for some competitive mode sounds
- Updated the description for the Blutsauger to clarify its attributes
- Updated sound channels for some voice lines
- Updated hurtme command to allow negative health values when using sv_cheats
- Updated koth_probed to fix an error model
- Updated/Added some tournament medals
- Updated the localization files

Rumor has it:

- To make this section fit here within TFTV's character limit, bullets related to Smissmas cosmetics have been offloaded into a separate post - click here if you'd like to see them

- Tournament medal additions are as follows:
- South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Invite Season 3 (First Place, Second Place, Third Place, Participant)
- South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Intermediate Season 3 (First Place, Second Place, Third Place, Participant)
- South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Open Season 3 (First Place, Second Place, Third Place, Participant)
- South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Supporter Season 3

- A bit more Steam Datagram system plumbing has been put into place in the form of protobuf changes and other under-the-hood changes

- Size is ~260 MB

posted about 2 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 11/15/21 (11/16/21 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

Via the Steam Community:

Valve- Fixed Dragon's Fury projectiles colliding with other projectiles
- Fixed Dragon's Fury, Short Circuit, and tf_projectile_energy_ring projectiles colliding with func_lod entities
- Fixed tf_projectile_energy_ring projectiles not colliding with tf_generic_bomb entities
- Fixed an exploit related to opening the ConTracker while the taunt menu is open
- Fixed an issue with props and team colors when taunting with Australium weapons
- Fixed servers not being able to load Mann vs. Machine .pop files for workshop maps
- Fixed not being able to apply Strange Parts to the Battery Canteen and other Strange powerup bottles
- Fixed large bundle descriptions being clipped in the Mann Co. Store
- Fixed Halloween: Voices From Below spell not working correctly with the Taunt: Bad Pipes
- Fixed a sound bug related to using The Huntsman and the Taunt: Zoomin' Broom
- Fixed players receiving knockback from enemy weapons during a truce
- Updated Mann vs. Machine mode
- Fixed an infinite health exploit for Snipers using The Razorback
- Fixed the incorrect .pop file being loaded during map change when using tf_mvm_missioncyclefile
- Updated the Strange ranks for the Razorback to be similar to the Manntreads
- Updated The Mislaid Sweater and Beanie The All-Gnawing to fix issues with the materials
- Updated/Added some tournament medals
- Updated the localization files
- Updated koth_synthetic_event
- Fixed some prop pop in
- Added backup check to try to make sure the point is set to neutral when the toastmaster spawns
- Increased volume of toastmaster summon sounds to make it more obvious when he spawns
- Updated pd_farmageddon
- Updated scarecrow logic to make damaging them more consistent
- Fixed incorrect farmer line playing sometimes when the cap opens
- Added func_respawnflag back to the acid area in cap zone that mysteriously vanished
- Fixed some floating props and beams
- Added team specific teleporter destinations for teleporting players out of the cap zone when a round is over. This should stop players getting stuck in each other.
- Cap point open sprite should no longer appear at the start of a round if the cap opened during "waiting for players"
- Blocked off sentry spot under the ramps at mid because it was too advantageous
- Community request
- Added new item_teamflag ouputs OnPickup1, OnDrop1, and OnCapture1 that fire outputs with the player as the activator

Rumor has it:

- For greater clarity, the change to Strange Razorbacks only affects the amount of blocked backstabs needed to progress between ranks (rank names have NOT changed). New criteria are below (refer to the Team Fortress Wiki for info on standard Strange rank progression):
- Strange: 0 ---> 0
- Unremarkable: 10 ---> 1
- Scarcely Lethal: 25 ---> 3
- Mildly Menacing: 45 ---> 5
- Somewhat Threatening: 70 ---> 7
- Uncharitable: 100 ---> 10
- Notably Dangerous: 135 ---> 14
- Sufficiently Lethal: 175 ---> 18
- Truly Feared: 225 ---> 23
- Spectacularly Lethal: 275 ---> 28
- Gore-Spattered: 350 ---> 35
- Wicked Nasty: 500 ---> 50
- Positively Inhumane: 750 ---> 75
- Totally Ordinary: 999 ---> 99
- Face-Melting: 1000 ---> 100
- Rage-Inducing: 1500 ---> 150
- Server-Clearing: 2500 ---> 250
- Epic: 5000 ---> 500
- Legendary: 7500 ---> 750
- Australian: 7616 ---> 784
- Hale's Own: 8500 ---> 850

- Tournament medal additions are as follows:
- Binary Blackout 2021 (Golden Great, Silver Soldier, Bronze Beginner, Juvenile's Jade, Marvellous Moonstone)
- Auspicious Automaton Assembler's Accolade 2022
- Brazil Fortress Halloween Haunted Group 2021 (First, Second, Third, Participant)
- Brazil Fortress Halloween Ghastly Group 2021 (First, Second, Third, Participant)
- Respawn League AUS/NZ BBall Main Season 1 (1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, Participant)
- Respawn League AUS/NZ BBall Intermediate Season 1 (1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, Participant)
- Respawn League AUS/NZ BBall Premier Season 1 (1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, Participant)
- Respawn League Asia BBall Main Season 1 (1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, Participant)
- Respawn League Asia BBall Premier Season 1 (1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, Participant)
- ozfortress Premier Season 32 (1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, Participant)
- ozfortress High Season 32 (1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, Participant)
- ozfortress Intermediate Season 32 (1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, Participant)
- ozfortress Main Season 32 (1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, Participant)
- ozfortress Open Season 32 (1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, Participant)
- AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 Season 18 (1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, Participant)
- AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 Season 18 (1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, Participant)
- AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 Season 18 (1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, Participant)
- AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 Season 18 (1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, Participant)

- Localization file updates and other bits like some additions and removals to Steam Datagram system plumbing can be viewed here, the former of which is made possible through the collective efforts of Translators Like You - Thank You

- Size is ~40 MB

posted about 2 years ago
#1 CS:GO update for 11/9/21 (11/10/21 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion

Via the CS:GO blog:

Valve[STOCKHOLM 2021]
– Stockholm 2021 Autograph Capsules for Champions and Finalists are now available for purchase. 50% of the proceeds go to the players and organizations.

– A new music kit “Flashbang Dance” by The Verkkars & n0thing is now available for purchase in-game.

– Smoke grenades will ignore players when detonating over burning fires and tracing to ground.
– Stability fixes.

Insertion II
– Tweaked hostage rescue zone making it smaller around the back side
– Fixed issue behind pizza where weapons fell through the ground
– Added one extra cubicle and desk in orange office
– Fixed so you can fit inside the top of the slide in playground
– Removed glass from the salad bar prop in Pizza that was unbreakable
– Various graphical, clipping and collision issues fixed

– Upgrades to middle, visually and to the gameplay
– Fixed loud door sound
– Added a powerful selfboost at the T side of middle
– Cubby at middle is now deeper
– Added a new piece of cover in the wine room hallway
– Windows at middle are now broken into pieces due to a classic smoke grenade issue. Before, players were visible inside the smoke when close to the breakable windows (Thanks Dapplication)
– Removed raised planters at CT spawn and middle
– Changed some building architecture
– More glass is now breakable
– Removed clipping atop the coushin boxes at T main allowing for a new boost spot (Thanks Quoting)
– Replaced nodraw on rooftops with roof textures
– Lowered volume of the helicopter
– Small tweaks to clipping around the map
– Updated radar image
posted about 2 years ago
#4 TF2 update for 10/28/21 in TF2 General Discussion

Sorry it's taken so long to get RHI going, literally right after I came back from the toilet this update had already waltzed out the door, and then Marci in Dota 2 was about to probably literally kick some doors down. Marci's splash ad was a bit of a mini-fiasco holding things up because not only did my first attempt to slap it on my YouTube channel for posterity suffer from dropped frames (which made HandBrake eat the audio from them to compensate), only after did I get attempt #2 up did Valve realize they made a string typo. I was tempted to not fix it because my poor 3570K had been through enough already at that point but I figured I might as well do the effort now instead of later.

In any case, should be pretty much caught up now. For the most part it's one of those WYSIWYG sorts of light updates when you go have a look at the GameTracking diff for this one.

posted about 2 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 10/28/21 in TF2 General Discussion

Via the Steam store:

Valve- Fixed a client crash related to right-clicking an input field to open the context menu
- Updated Taunt: The Dueling Banjo to add a missing sound file
- Updated spelling for Sarsparilla Sprayed to Sarsaparilla Sprayed
- Updated The Mislaid Sweater and Beanie The All-Gnawing to fix issues with the backpack images
- Updated contributors display list for Los Muertos to add a missing contributor
- Updated Megalo map stamp to fix incorrect image
- Updated border color for Unusual items in the loadout menu
- Updated the localization files
- Updated cp_ambush_event
- Fixed building inside wall exploit
- Fixed some lamps that were hovering in the air
- Fixed a few misaligned textures
- Improved clipping
- Updated pd_farmageddon
- Underworld hurt trigger now works as last update explained
- Fixed visable nodraw entity
- Updated arena_lumberyard_event
- Fixed a missing material in RED spawn
- Changed the ghost particles in the 3d skybox
- The team-colored ghosts that appear on round win now last longer and are more plentiful
- The constant, purple-colored ghosts are now less abundant
- Added various clipping improvements around the map
- Added smoke to the chimneys
- Added a line of sight check to the ghost dispensers so you can no longer provide benefits through walls
- Removed the Observer

Rumor has it:

- The description for the Wiki Cap has updated the Team Fortress Wiki's URL to reflect a switch to serving content over HTTPS

- Another place where the HTTPS switch was reflected in the game's English strings is the Steam Community profile link examples after selecting Steam Profile while initiating a trade request through the Trading button in Items

- Yes, there were indeed localization file updates, but this time it's not as wide of a swath as recent updates, with just Bulgarian, Hungarian, Polish, and Swedish translations making their way into this update

- Nonetheless, these are made possible with the regular contributions from Translators Like You - Thank You

posted about 2 years ago
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