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Signed Up November 2, 2012
Last Posted July 10, 2016 at 12:18 AM
Posts 932 (0.2 per day)
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1 ⋅⋅ 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 ⋅⋅ 62
#33 National Day of Silence in TF2 General Discussion

sorry my bad it's ghostayama you're right. won't happen again

posted about 11 years ago
#30 The Riddle Thread in Off Topic
PizzaThere is a guy stuck in an unbreakable box with only a mirror and a table. How is he going to get out? You can ask questions.

A lot of people probably already know it.

My least favorite riddle. He should look in the mirror and see what he saw, then take the saw, saw the table in half, two halves make a whole, he should crawl through the hole and out of the box.

posted about 11 years ago
#25 National Day of Silence in TF2 General Discussion
ehFkI guess I am trying to say use whatever language you want as long as you know the company you are around won't be hurt by it, if not maybe you should be a little reserved.

This is essentially how I feel about it, but I'd like to add that on the internet people beyond your intended audience have access to the words you speak and type, and I wish we'd consider their impact as being on more people than just those in your mumble, or just hose on tf.tv.

posted about 11 years ago
#21 National Day of Silence in TF2 General Discussion
ehFkI got called a faggot in a dota game because of the rainbow in my avatar :(

<3 stay strong deer frend <3

posted about 11 years ago
#19 National Day of Silence in TF2 General Discussion
Because a large portion of the population uses those words in a humorous fashion to destroy any negativity associated with them. I don't get mad when people throw around cancer in mumble despite having lost my best friend less than three months ago, because even when he couldn't walk anymore even he was making jokes about it.

I've thrown around THE N WORD with plenty of black players of this game in mumble and it's never been anything other than well-spirited. If there's any sort actual negative consequence to usage of words in society, it has been because of intent and not because of vocabulary. I throw around faggot as much if not more than anyone else in this community and I'm dating a bisexual, and marisa has already attested in this thread that it is more so the intent than the word choice that matters.

The reality of humor is that anyone that thinks that certain things are off-limits doesn't understand the purpose of humor.

I guess we're going to have to agree to disagree because personally I find the potential negative consequence of making someone feel terrible about their sexuality, or bringing up something from their past they'd rather avoid, or bringing skin color back into discussion with someone who'd prefer that society stopped making an issue of it, is not as important as the potential for a few cheap laughs.

And I do want to address rr's point too, I feel like a lot of those words are thrown out simply because it's the internet, but to me that's exactly why they shouldn't be thrown out. It's a lot harder to understand someone's intent from text or from speech when you don't know the person at all, and again, I personally prefer to air on the side of caution.

posted about 11 years ago
#12 National Day of Silence in TF2 General Discussion
2sy_morphiendhanbrolo2sy_morphiendMassive double standards to get in a hissy fit over raped and faggot. Go ahead and -frag me, I don't give a shit what the feelings police thinks.Care to extrapolate? I don't really understand what you mean by 'double standard'. How so?
Because last time I was in a stream with people discussing this I brought up how nobody seemed to get mad at illustrious invite soldier kyle "ghos7ayama" marich's REAL NIGGA GAMING movement. To which people who had been saying that faggot/raped were unacceptable unironically responded, "yeah but there's no hard r." What people get offended by is entirely up to them and there's no magical re-victimization ray emanating from the TF2 community that makes rape less of a serious issue or denies gays their rights. As a whole I'd say that the TF2 community is realistically pretty progressive and liberal when it comes to actual opinions on human rights.

There is a responsibility as an adult to listen to what people are saying and contrast it with what they actually mean. When I call a guy retarded for missing 6 shots on a medic in a pug, I don't mean that he probably has a mental disability and as such I am denouncing him for being less of a person and less deserving of equal treatment in society.

Also as an english major it offends me when people get mad about "the r word" because something that people consider "more appropriate" like the word disabled in reality have a much more derogatory or at least explicit denotation.

Well I definitely understand what you mean by double standard now, but my main issue with the usage of such words is simply what I stated above, that I feel they're holding the game back and have negative connotations, and that there really isn't any good reason to use them. I have the exact same issue with everything ghost7ayama has said. It's not that I believe there's a derogatory intent behind the words when TF2 people use them; in fact, I believe I made it pretty clear in my OP that I understand the 'friendly' intent.

I see it pretty simply. There are very real negative consequences of using those words. Why are we using them? When you consider the immense number of suicides annually that have been attributed to hatred toward homosexuals as well as murder and even bullying as blatant hate-crimes, in addition to the amount of rape that occurs and goes unpunished, ( and, if you want to bring the n-word into this, then the centuries of prejudice and slavery), I'm astounded that anyone would use these words as a joke or whatever when there are very real issues attached to them and there are so many less offensive alternatives. I just don't understand why people use them. That's all.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 National Day of Silence in TF2 General Discussion
2sy_morphiendMassive double standards to get in a hissy fit over raped and faggot. Go ahead and -frag me, I don't give a shit what the feelings police thinks.

Care to extrapolate? I don't really understand what you mean by 'double standard'. How so?

posted about 11 years ago
#1 National Day of Silence in TF2 General Discussion

Hey All,
Not sure who is aware of this but today is the national day of silence, an event designed to show support for LGBT rights where participants take a vow of silence for half or more of today in an attempt to experience part of what it would be like to feel unable to come out of the closet and speak. Roughly 90% of my high school is participating, including me, and the headmaster just canceled all classes today and tomorrow (yes we have classes on saturday fml.) In light of all this, I was wondering what all your thoughts were on the issue, and, since this is a TF2 forum, about the usage of the word "faggot". Just hoping to provoke a discussion. While we're on the subject, perhaps we could also have a discussion on the usage of the word "raped".

I personally am a large supporter of LGBT rights and therefore don't really appreciate it when streamers and friends use the word "faggot". Because I know that when TF2 streamers use the word it isn't intended to be derogatory it doesn't bother me in that way, but it still irks me a little because I don't believe there is really a good reason to use the word and there are a couple pretty good reasons to not use it (in my opinion). And that's pretty much the way I feel about people using the word "raped" in a casual context, I don't understand why people don't just say "lit" or "hurt". Furthermore, I personally feel that the issue is also holding the community and e-sport back. I would be a little wary of integrating team comms into a cast due to this sort of thing, and I wouldn't blame TwitchJohn at all if he stopped front-paging TF2 if we DID have mumble comms because there's no accountability for what might be said. Thoughts?

posted about 11 years ago
#23 Thank you, rays! in Off Topic

this shouldn't die, I really appreciate how rays puts up with all of my stupid questions and shit about his hud. <3

posted about 11 years ago
#12 how to get fog's custom crosshairs working? in TF2 General Discussion

are you positive you pasted the clientscheme.res part in the correct part of clientscheme.res? it has to be with the other custom font files at the bottom and the two parts need to be in their respective separate sections. you can't just paste it in at the top.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 how to get fog's custom crosshairs working? in TF2 General Discussion
atidereFogyou rang?what?
32hzread into this thread im sure its a similar process, if its not im so sorry


after i put this in hudlayout.res:

"controlName" "CExLabel"
"fieldName" "pluscrosshair"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"zpos" "2"
"xpos" "c-29"
"ypos" "c-24"
"wide" "49"
"tall" "49"
"font" "crosshairs"
"labelText" "+"
"textAlignment" "center"
"fgcolor" "0 255 0 255"
then this in client scheme.res:

"name" "crosshairs"
"tall" "18"
"weight" "0"
"antialias" "1"
"font" "resource/crosshairs.ttf"
"name" "crosshairs"

now nothing shows up :c

you need to close the brackets I'm pretty sure? could be wrong about that, but in my hud it looks more like the changes in bold. also you need to have the file 'crosshairs.ttf' in /tf/resource if you don't already.

posted about 11 years ago
#17 Making # of Frags Not Viewable to the Poster in Site Discussion
meehyunWhy not let only the poster to see whether they were plus or minus fragged? SaberCould always just make an option in the user CP to view/not view +/- frags

I vote for a combination of these two; I think we should make it so that that meehyun's idea is an option, making the viewer see no frags is an option, and keeping it the same is an option (and the default option.) This would make everyone happy, I hope.

Honestly I see no reason not to try something different with frags as long as it can always be changed back, enough people hate their existence and the bandwagoning they feel it promotes (not saying I agree; I don't know what to think on this haha) to warrant at least trying something new, at least in my opinion.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Lange needs headphones in TF2 General Discussion

yo are you real sad

(sorry couldn't resist)

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Whats ya get? in TF2 General Discussion

zbryan crafted original and justin carbonado sniper, can't wait to use my new original (too poor for a strange one Q_Q)

posted about 11 years ago
#14 Too Late Stream Suggestion Thread in Off Topic

^ this.

posted about 11 years ago
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