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Signed Up November 2, 2012
Last Posted July 10, 2016 at 12:18 AM
Posts 932 (0.2 per day)
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1 ⋅⋅ 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 ⋅⋅ 62
#13 Sniper looking for pointers in Mentoring
sulnhanbrolosulnDM, MGE, and snipe in pubs. Like some of the people above said, practice sniping sort of/semi up close during games is a good way to get better. You can also practice flickshots on tr_walkway by spawning whatever class and make the bots strafe,jump, shoot, etc.Walkway isn't the *greatest* for learning to snipe because the bots actually aren't strafing or walking forward they're being moved (join blu team and you'll see what I mean). This causes the hitbox to be a little different than it will be anywhere else since the characters are technically considered to be standing still. That's really the only problem with it though.
Yeah, you're right. There are other training maps that are better though.

Very true, the best for practicing airborne headshots/flick shots in general (that I've used) would probably be tr_airshot, unless it has the same problem as walkway (not sure never use it anymore.)

posted about 11 years ago
#11 Sniper looking for pointers in Mentoring
sulnDM, MGE, and snipe in pubs. Like some of the people above said, practice sniping sort of/semi up close during games is a good way to get better. You can also practice flickshots on tr_walkway by spawning whatever class and make the bots strafe,jump, shoot, etc.

Walkway isn't the *greatest* for learning to snipe because the bots actually aren't strafing or walking forward they're being moved (join blu team and you'll see what I mean). This causes the hitbox to be a little different than it will be anywhere else since the characters are technically considered to be standing still. That's really the only problem with it though.

posted about 11 years ago
#166 National Day of Silence in TF2 General Discussion
mso im assuming your protest of silence opened the eyes of everybody who disagreed with you?

how is stopping talking to ignorant/homophobic people really going to get them to change?

please explain how in any situation besides a middle school this works

Sorry you seem to have missed the point. It's an expression of empathy. The intent is for one to take a vow of silence in order to experience what it feels like to be afraid of coming out. In order to understand the experience of ostracization more completely. It has nothing to do with not speaking to homophobic individuals. I actually think it's a very well-intended movement and it was cool being a part of it. Really made me think about what it would be like to have a secret like that in me and feel unable/ not be willing to share it with anyone in my life. Really made me feel blessed.

posted about 11 years ago
#164 National Day of Silence in TF2 General Discussion
TaggerungThe conclusion I wish we could have come to 6 pages ago.

All I'm hoping for is some common courtesy. The attitude of throwing around words that harm people in a humorous manner and justifying it by thinking people shouldn't be offended and that it's their fault or that there is a double standard and that those words are no worse than other words seems to me to be incredibly close-minded and callous. Seeing the diversity of experience and attitude (which, btw, I'm really glad Tagg brought up) I just don't understand why some people don't choose their words more carefully, especially when it's just unnecessary.

I want to earnestly thank everyone who replied to this thread, whether it was June, Marmaduke, Tagg, Pudding, EBF, Munce_, SF, Bloodsire, GGGLGY, ghosT7ayama, mesr, or the countless others that participated, whether it was a troll response or not. I'm glad we could have an intelligent conversation about this without this thread being so bad it had to be locked (I was genuinely worried.)

posted about 11 years ago
#24 ESEA Season 13 LAN April 20-21 in News

gracias, guess im stupid

posted about 11 years ago
#22 ESEA Season 13 LAN April 20-21 in News

anyone have any idea why I can no longer watch the twitch vod for lbf and ubf? All it has up on the ESEA orange stream is the grand finals for season 13 and for season 11, unless I'm missing something.


posted about 11 years ago
#54 HOWTO: Use yz50/clockwork KonrWings in any HUD in Customization
Fightmasterhaving real problems using this with a 1440x900 resolution (these pictures are big so I'm not posting them directly here)

and on another note it's removed all the text from my hud and menu buttons, and from the motd

EDIT: I'm using E.V.E. hud if it matters

read chriztahfah's post, if you're aligning your crosshair east that apparently happens. if you're on a mac read my post on the first page of the hud. one of those should fix your crosshair, I doubt the font issues are related, I'd try reinstalling your hud.

posted about 11 years ago
#151 National Day of Silence in TF2 General Discussion
Azraeli suppose hanbrolo wants us all to check our privilege at the door too

Actually I'd just be happy if people were considerate both of others and the potential impact of their words. Especially since it brings this game down in my opinion.

posted about 11 years ago
#52 HOWTO: Use yz50/clockwork KonrWings in any HUD in Customization
BanaynayHow do you make this work with my Broesel Crosshair switcher?

this is a hud crosshair, broesel's crosshair switcher changes the tf2 in-game crosshair. in other words, if you want to switch between hud crosshairs you'd need to use an achievement tracker switcher or use minmode. if you want to use this in conjunction with your broesel crosshair switcher then just install the hud crosshair as previously specified.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Anyone want this discount code (expire in 2 days) in TF2 General Discussion

I have one as well, add me if you want it! I'd appreciate it if you left a note on my profile too so I know to log in (I'll be checking through chrome).

EDIT: Taken

posted about 11 years ago
#117 National Day of Silence in TF2 General Discussion

I'm genuinely surprised that you think anyone here is advocating condemnation of anyone. I'm not faulting anyone. No one is condemning anyone or asking anyone to say anything different. Where has anyone directly asked someone to not use these words? All I see are people expressing their opinion on the issue. My saying "I wish people wouldn't say it because that's dumb." is not me trying to censor or condemn anyone. I only wish people would realize that there words are hurting people, and their use of them is silly.

The mesr thing was a joke, thought it was pretty obvious but evidently not. I still don't understand why my example is 'wrong'. You said that it's wrong because someone 'could just as easily say faggot without expecting someone to get offended'. Do you even understand my point? People ARE offended. My example was chosen to illustrate the point that people being offended is legitimate. So far, your only assertions as to exactly WHY people shouldn't be offended are "adults should learn to distinguish between intent and literal meaning" and "it's not fun or interesting" or that offense is "meaningless and subjective and potentially limitless". My point is that people "choosing" (I like how you completely ignored that reactions to words are not choices) to be offended is a mode of expression in someone's viewpoint just like expressing yourself with "faggot" is in yours.

Now I think I only have one more thing to say on the subject, and that is this.
1. Your words have a reach farther than you realize. There have been some pretty convincing studies done on the effect of amount of usage on a word's meaning, and individual people using the word DOES have an impact on the decision making process of other's to use the word.
2. Words like faggot and raped have a very real a tangible negative consequence. In a country where homosexual suicide is near-rampant, how can anyone POSSIBLY suggest that words like "faggot" are meaningless or have lost a negative connotation for homosexuals?
3. Words pass out of the common vernacular all the time, I don't understand why you feel that people seizing to use "faggot" to the extent they do is a bad thing.
4. Hell, I don't even understand why you think people 'white knighting' the issue is a big deal. Do you have something against people speaking up for something they believe in? Furthermore, isn't that what you're doing? Aren't you playing a hero just as much as anyone else, defending people's "rights" to use language that is harmful?

I think this will probably be my last post on the issue, like I said before, I think we're going to have to agree to disagree.

posted about 11 years ago
#103 National Day of Silence in TF2 General Discussion
EBFOP, I am so glad you made this thread.

Yeah I am too! I debated for about half the morning on it but I really just wanted to have a discussion on it since it has always bothered me a little bit. I'm so immensely thankful to everyone who posted in this thread (especially mesr), I'm glad to be a part of the TF2 community (kinda sorta) and thankful that we as a community can have an educated, fun, discussion on this.

posted about 11 years ago
#102 National Day of Silence in TF2 General Discussion
hanbroloJust hoping to provoke a discussion. 2sy_morphiendmince__wordsI'm not pro-usage of the words or anything, I'm not going to condemn someone for choosing not to use them, however I am against censoring what people can and can't say in the community.

I tried my best to reread the thread several times (thrice, to be exact), and couldn't find anyone suggesting anything even remotely similar to any sort of censorship other than yourself, merely people expressing a desire for people to be more conscious of their word choice when it is possible to offend people. This seems to me to be the crux of your argument in the paragraph I quoted, and I'm dumbfounded as to what you're actually arguing against since no one here is arguing for censorship at all.

As for your point about physcotherapy and part of therapy being related to demeaning the original hurtful aspects of the word, I feel this isn't a valid support for people being allowed to say those words. Physcotherapy is such a dynamic field that there isn't really a universal way to alleviate trauma. Due to the complexity and amount of genetic material that codes for brain devolopment as well as the rapid rates of adaptation in the brain, I would be astounded if brains didn't differ enough to require different approaches for each individual person, if not every single time one meets with a patient.

Now, something else has been bothering me about your argument as well.

If I may paraphrase and grossly oversimplify your argument in order to bring something to light, it seems to me that you think this:

Person A makes the conscious decision to say "faggot", knowing that Person A will be offended.
Person B makes the conscious decision to be offended by the word "faggot", knowing Person A did not intend it in a derogatory sense.
Therefore, It is Person B's fault that they are offended and Person A is entirely justified in using virtually any language he or she wishes to as anyone who thinks anything is offensive is expressing an opinion that is supported by rather weak and double-standarded logic.

(Let me know if this summary of your argument is incorrect, I don't want to put words in your mouth, just trying to make a point.)

Even if we disregard the multitude of physcological evidence that points to the conclusion that trauma and other such reactions to words are not always entirely conscious choices, there still seems to me to be a logical contradiction here. I'm not trained in classical logic or rhetoric to the extent I wish I was, but I still fail to see how Person A is at any less of a fault than Person B. Both parties are ignoring factual evidence when they make choices (even if you're right about offense being solely a choice), whether they be emotional or physical. Why is Person A in the moral high-ground in your mind? Are they not, in this highly exaggerated example? Is your argument that humor justifies him making the choice to say "faggot" even knowing it will offend Person B? Or is he justified in saying "faggot" because Person B is making their choice to be offended without rational justification? If the last part is true, is Person B not being limited or censored as well? In other words, are people only allowed to do things if they have rational justification, and if they don't, they just have to live with what other people do? Isn't that a form of censorship in it of itself?

Look forward to your response, and I wish you wouldn't bring personal anecdotes into this argument, if you want I can have all my LGBT friends that have been hurt by the word "faggot" to make accounts and testify, and just because you and your friend like joking about stuff doesn't mean everyone does.

posted about 11 years ago
#39 The Riddle Thread in Off Topic
downpourhanbroloPizzaThere is a guy stuck in an unbreakable box with only a mirror and a table. How is he going to get out? You can ask questions.

A lot of people probably already know it.
My least favorite riddle. He should look in the mirror and see what he saw, then take the saw, saw the table in half, two halves make a whole, he should crawl through the hole and out of the box.
thats the dumbest shit ive ever read in my life
dear god

yep. at least, that was the answer my english teacher gave after he asked us this riddle, maybe there's a less stupid answer.

posted about 11 years ago
#34 National Day of Silence in TF2 General Discussion
pudding_cupreason i made this thread

This really is just about why I feel we should take another hard look at the consequences of our words.

posted about 11 years ago
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