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Signed Up December 4, 2013
Last Posted June 24, 2021 at 10:24 AM
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Monitor Dell something
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#4 HELP - Magnum HUD [BETA] in Q/A Help

This probably should've been kept to the main thread, I would've seen it sooner there :B

Someone else approached me with this issue and I have a fix for it. It should be available in a short while, along with 1920x1080 support. Installing all fonts, as consumonn suggested, would work if you don't want to wait.

posted about 7 years ago
#16 Magnum HUD in Customization
OrangecakeDo the animations seem really bugged for anyone else on 1920x1080? Ammo is just a shadow and there's a lot of random text in the backgrounds whenever the values change in health or ammo

1920x1080 will be probably the first resolution I fix, assuming I can keep borrowing a monitor for it. Not experiencing the issue with the random text in the background though, unless you're talking about the blockfonts or using the older version.

Hopefully I should be able to fix it all within the clientscheme with some yres magic, but because the way it works involves some pretty finetuned blockfont sizes until then the only recommended resolution is 1366x768. Otherwise it'd need to be through overrides which isn't as good, obviously, but I'm sure I can get that to work. Sorry for releasing it that way, but that's why this is a beta.

posted about 7 years ago
#9 Magnum HUD in Customization

Alright I know this is pretty silly but I messed up when I released the hud, and there were font issues.
It's been patched up now and should all work fine, but it'll require a redownload (or installing fonts).

Thanks to everyone who's been enjoying the hud so far in spite of that.

Antaresdeveloped for such an odd resolution

It's what my laptop uses. Trust me, if I could be working on 1920x1080, I would be right now.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Magnum HUD in Customization


Requires DX9, this hud uses too much refracts to make fallbacks an option.
Developed for 1366x768, other resolutions may or may not work for now (depending on the resolution) but will be fixed for all common resolutions in the future.
Automatically runs some recommended settings on the first run, so that the hud works as intended. You can go back and change them later if you'd like, but not everything is guaranteed to work 100% using other settings.

Currently confirmed supported resolutions:
1366x768, 1920x1080, 640x480, 960x720, 1200x800, 1280x1024, and 1680x1050
resolutions with the same vertical resolution (second number) as any of those should also be supported

I've been working on this hud for almost a year now (10 months) and even though it's not 100% done, it's in a releasable state I think and I can't hold on to the stuff that I've figured out in this hud for much longer. There's quite a few goodies that I think other hud devs should take a look at, some being very situational and requiring a fair bit of setup to make work, and some that's as simple as adding a line or a file to get something unique done. This hud, being experimental, is supposed to first and foremost do things that no one else has done. Hud editors may want to check out hud_editors.txt to see some of the methods used in the hud. I didn't doc much, but it shouldn't be too hard to figure things out I hope.

For hud users, this hud is (partially for technical reasons) visually inspired by Hudas Iscariote, but packed in with tons of more added functionality. Comes with different overrides, found in the overrides folder, that should make changing the hud a little bit easier. Comes with a modified Knuckles Crosses and setup is in the overrides folder. Closecaptions file supports Clovervidia's script captions, Haivon's build script, closecaption crosshairs, and Lyrositor's script extensions, so swapping up a closecaption file hopefully shouldn't be needed.

Download: http://huds.tf/forum/showthread.php?tid=266

Github: coming soon

Screenshots album showcase: http://imgur.com/a/BF7gx

Update log:

Show Content
1.0.3 04/07/2016 - more resolution support + fixes
1.0.2 03/07/2016 - 1920x1080 support + fixes
1.0.1 02/07/2016 - font hotfix
1.0.0 02/07/2016 - beta release

Thanks to:

Show Content
thanks devamar for some early design decision help and being cool
thanks Quartz, Sir Villeta, DrFallen, Lynode, and Redd0t for hudas iscariote as an inspiration
thanks wiethoofd for the HLExtract.exe thing and hudanimations manifest
thanks knuckles, fog, etc for crosshair stuff
thanks clovervidia for being a captions beast
thanks to kermit and qualx for the spiral uber charge meter
thanks omni for the building panels, backpack stuff, sourcescheme, misc files, and being alright
thanks -NAME REDACTED- for the mannterface winpanel
thanks joshuawn for some vtf crosshairs
thanks stochast1c for a bit of his sourcescheme & related files
thanks rawrsor for some materialhud vtf's
thanks face2face for some payload stuff
thanks thesupremecommander for statusspec images
thanks matt from medhud for some stuff
thanks whayay for yahud vtf's

thanks to everyone who used and enjoyed prism hud, and kept me working on huds
and thank you checking out this hud too!
posted about 7 years ago
#6 update preds? in TF2 General Discussion

soldier is going to be nerfed hard, you're forgetting the leak

posted about 7 years ago
#3 need help finding a good 800x600-res hud in Customization

Most huds do. It should really be more about finding a hud you like and seeing if it works on your resolution (because it probably does) rather than the other way around.

In any case, if you check out the huds.tf page for a hud it should tell you which aspect ratios they support, and almost all do support 4:3. You can search for 4:3 also

posted about 7 years ago
#350 Rest In Peace Britian in World Events
EmilioEstevezJarateKingAdebisiIt's undeniable that immigrants compete for jobs with locals as well as things like housing for example. If people are struggling in the face of this, who are we to condemn them for wanting to change it?Britain's housing prices have gone down in recent years (in a trend with much of the world admittedly, but with a higher price fall than most other countries) and so has the unemployment rate for those born in the UK.

The effect has either been functionally irrelevant to existing trends, or possibly actively positive for Britain on the whole. I can't speak on an individual level, but the numbers don't suggest anything negative effect. It's just as likely that the void in unskilled labour being filled, and it's positive effects on the economy as a whole, is more than compensating for any increased competition.

Simply not true. There is a massive housing crisis in the UK, there isn't a political party in the UK that doesn't accept there is a housing crisis. The price of an average house compared to an average income is the worst it has ever been in the UK. Housing is less affordable now than it has been for decades.


"The gap between income and house prices has sky-rocketed so much in the last 20 years that even in the most affordable regions of England and Wales buyers are forced to spend six times their income, a new data analysis reveals.
The situation is most dire in the capital, where the median house now costs 12 times the median London income."

I will have to admit I'm wrong there, I didn't check the date on the graph I was using and it stopped at 2012. Regardless, considering how EU immigration into the UK has been at a consistent rise since 2004, while 2007-2012 saw a pretty significant price drop in the average UK home, I really can't see a connection between the two which was my main point and is what's actually relevant in this discussion.

And that still leaves unemployment rates getting better too. There just is no reason to blame immigrants for any problems, when (again) they at worst have no significant impact (or statistical connections to any issue), at best are actively making it better.

posted about 7 years ago
#344 Rest In Peace Britian in World Events
AdebisiIt's undeniable that immigrants compete for jobs with locals as well as things like housing for example. If people are struggling in the face of this, who are we to condemn them for wanting to change it?

Britain's housing prices have gone down in recent years (in a trend with much of the world admittedly, but with a higher price fall than most other countries) and so has the unemployment rate for those born in the UK.

The effect has either been functionally irrelevant to existing trends, or possibly actively positive for Britain on the whole. I can't speak on an individual level, but the numbers don't suggest this supposed struggle being widespread. It's just as likely that the void in unskilled labour being filled, and it's positive effects on the economy as a whole, is more than compensating for any increased competition.

posted about 7 years ago
#301 Rest In Peace Britian in World Events
ScissorseeeHow is leaving the EU going to affect quotas? You do realize why there are fishing limits right? All you've done is remove yourself from the governing body that was imposing those limits, you haven't removed the need for fishing limits. If you start fishing more as a "fuck you" to the EU, you'll just overfish the channel and shoot yourself in the foot (which seems to be a common theme here). If the fishing limits were so unfair, why is your idea to say "fuck fishing limits" instead of trying to change the EU or negotiate with France? The level of subtlety and political insight in your posting is pathetic, you think like a literal child. I don't even mean that to be rude, I'm being 100% serious when I say your understanding and interpretation of the situation is so shallow that it genuinely feels like a child trying to wrestle with it.
Or maybe he just thinks that the british fishermen should be the ones fishing in the british seas, and not frenchmen and spaniards? It's ridiculous, they don't let us mine the swedes ores because we don't have any.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that whole situation was because british fishing companies sold fishing rights and the british government used fishing quotas as leverage in deals with other countries, rather than anything dictated unwillingly to Britain by the EU. And quite frankly given the effects of leaving the EU so far, this would make this have to happen more to get deals made, not less.

posted about 7 years ago
#3 need help with centering crosshair in Customization

I never heard that before, but I did some testing anyway.
No difference at all for my font crosshair on either setting. 1366x768 for the record, but if it's that way on one resolution I can't see how it'd be any different on any other resolution. The only difference would be if you're actually changing resolutions with the two different settings.

posted about 7 years ago
#3229 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
Medico_di_BiscottiJarateKingWhen exporting the .vtf, disable the setting to generate mipmaps. On the paint.net plugin at least it has its own tab, it shouldn't be hard to find when looking around for it.

It's due to mat_picmip settings that it becomes blurry, and mipmaps are what you're seeing.

Thank you very much! Still, in mHUD there are very few background files yet it still works because of how it's applied. So in the interest of saving space, I'd still very much like to know how that works. Marblr has 2 vtfs in console (upward and upward_widescreen) and 1 vtf and 1 vmt in replay/thumbnails. Assuming they're all needed for it to work, that is still 3 files, down from 8 to cover all the background files.

scripts/chapterbackgrounds.txt controls the loading of background files, and can be changed to only load the one.

I don't know the details of mHUD but an option some huds follow (usually to get the loading background to be different) is to throw in a background in mainmenuoverride.res and have it disappear ingame through gamemenu.res.

posted about 7 years ago
#3227 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
Medico_di_Biscottiedit: sorry to bother you again.

Marblr, how do you make the main menu background image not downscale (low-res) itself after the menu loads. Does it have to do the .vtf and .vmt in materials/replay/thumbnails? How does that work?

Basically, when the menu is loading the background image is full-res, then when it loads the menu, it immediately downscales. mHUD appears to not do that, but I also can't seem to figure out where you even tell the HUD what the background image is since "Background" image "" is blank.

When exporting the .vtf, disable the setting to generate mipmaps. On the paint.net plugin at least it has its own tab, it shouldn't be hard to find when looking around for it.

It's due to mat_picmip settings that it becomes blurry, and mipmaps are what you're seeing.

posted about 7 years ago
#17 .Gabs Config For Toasters in Customization
phobiaSomeone should compare this config to others

Ignoring the tiny whitespace changes, changes from comanglia's stability.cfg:

  • enabled ragdolls
  • mat_filterlightmaps, mat_specular, and mat_trilinear set to 0 instead of 1
  • mat_viewportscale set to 0.9 instead of 1.0
  • the echos at the end crediting .gab for "creating" the cfg, "inspired" by comanglia.

And the mat_ commands and the viewmportscale are already given with those exact settings by comanglia as his own toaster cfg. So basically this just enabled ragdolls (by uncommenting the ragdoll section) and took credit for it.

posted about 7 years ago
#12 VALVE Sued Over Underage Gambling Accusations in TF2 General Discussion
WARHURYEAHalso Valve allowing bots for these companies kinda shows that they do support such a thing.

I'm no lawyer but since the intention was more along the lines of preventing malicious users, wouldn't that void any claim of supporting them? Especially since valve whitelisted other sites that weren't based on gambling like scrap.tf, and iirc even some regular users who asked for it.

posted about 7 years ago
#9 Do fresh installs of TF2 load faster? in Q/A Help
flatlineif i have a bunch of folders inside one folder in custom does it only check the one folder or all the folders inside that folder

The only amount of folders that matters is the ones directly inside custom, I should've clarified that.

Subfolders within it don't change any of the loading checks, so you could have a thousand folders inside /tf/custom/mystuff/ and there'd be no performance issue compared to 1 subfolder.

posted about 7 years ago
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