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lefthanded, whats the most viable rocket launcher?
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stock or original, which is the most practical/preferred rocket launcher for left-handed players?

stock or original, which is the most practical/preferred rocket launcher for left-handed players?
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kid named preference

kid named preference
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doikukid named preference

obv :PppPP mostly just curious what other left handed ppl prefer etc etc, also if theres any overall "advantages/disadvantages" between the two that ive missed or something when it comes to playing left handed

[quote=doiku]kid named preference[/quote]

obv :PppPP mostly just curious what other left handed ppl prefer etc etc, also if theres any overall "advantages/disadvantages" between the two that ive missed or something when it comes to playing left handed
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pretty sure mustard uses original and cant rocket jump off the right side

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mustard pls tell me this changed
pretty sure mustard uses original and cant rocket jump off the right side[spoiler]mustard pls tell me this changed[/spoiler]
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I think there are more right-sided jumps than left sided ones just thinking off the top of my head, so probably the original but its all preference

I think there are more right-sided jumps than left sided ones just thinking off the top of my head, so probably the original but its all preference
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sorta unrelated but i dont do it all the time tho shooting stickies from the left side sometimes feels better than the right side lol

if you jump from the right side by instinct left hand regular rl is gonna blow dude

original has been proven to be usable in most spam situations

sorta unrelated but i dont do it all the time tho shooting stickies from the left side sometimes feels better than the right side lol

if you jump from the right side by instinct left hand regular rl is gonna blow dude

original has been proven to be usable in most spam situations
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original! so consistent, no stupid bullshit trying to shoot upward last's top left sentry from basement or other weird cracks.

only problem is it's fucky switching to black box or direct hit or whatever, but nobody uses that shit anyway

original! so consistent, no stupid bullshit trying to shoot upward last's top left sentry from basement or other weird cracks.

only problem is it's fucky switching to black box or direct hit or whatever, but nobody uses that shit anyway
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I'm left-handed and use the original. There is a lot of placebo effect, I assume.I like the rockets from the center for aiming, pogos and not having to care what wall I am jumping off. Interestingly, as a default i turn to the right to rocket jump from the ground (like right-handed players would). I dont find the movement awkward and probably copied it from videos i was watching while learning it.

I'm left-handed and use the original. There is a lot of placebo effect, I assume.I like the rockets from the center for aiming, pogos and not having to care what wall I am jumping off. Interestingly, as a default i turn to the right to rocket jump from the ground (like right-handed players would). I dont find the movement awkward and probably copied it from videos i was watching while learning it.
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What if you're middle handed?

What if you're middle handed?
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ZestyWhat if you're middle handed?

Sir, please get your penis off the mouse

[quote=Zesty]What if you're middle handed?[/quote]

Sir, please get your penis off the mouse
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i think the only part that rly matters is that most jump maps are made for right hand or original so if u use left hand jumping is immediately much harder

i think the only part that rly matters is that most jump maps are made for right hand or original so if u use left hand jumping is immediately much harder
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use the RL with the left handed viewmodel or fear

use the RL with the left handed viewmodel or fear
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