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Signed Up January 20, 2018
Last Posted May 31, 2024 at 3:06 AM
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#13300 stream highlights in Videos


posted 1 month ago
#1 weebwhacker lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

yooo looking to play dat p scout medic or demo

posted 3 months ago
#3 ROME LFP in Recruitment (looking for players)


posted 3 months ago
#34 ban the lochnload next szn in TF2 General Discussion

me too man me too

posted 3 months ago
#3 sewers in TF2 General Discussion


posted 6 months ago
#13164 stream highlights in Videos


posted 8 months ago
#13035 stream highlights in Videos


posted about a year ago
#63 RGL S11 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Again not the point of my post but if you want to make it about my team ill give you the same response I gave pete. Its a competition why shouldn't we keep picking maps which we win on, especially when its a completely new team with a relatively low scrim schedule, surprise surprise expanding our map pool isn't exactly the easiest thing to do.

Current bo1 pick/ban system has always and will always just lead to the pug maps being picked


grabbed this from the end of s9

don't care to get that numbers from s10 but prolly just about the same thing


s11 so far

My problem with this is you can get away with so much just by playing the same maps over and over and banning anything you remotely struggle with until playoffs comes around, and for it being the div right under the highest this shouldn't be possible.

posted about a year ago
#57 RGL S11 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

I mean yeah its easy to keep playing the same maps, my point is its a product of the system. This exact talk already happened s9 and a decent idea was brought up by SpaceCadet

SpaceCadetChange the way the pick/ban system works for regular season only (not playoffs) to force more diversity in the maps played.

Only have 3 map options in the pick/ban for every match. Home gets 1 ban, visitor gets 1 ban and the 3rd map is played. This way the league can rotate the maps week by week and still give the teams some flexibility on choices.

Week1 - Pick/Ban Maps are -- Metalworks, Gully, Granary
Week2 - Pick/Ban Maps are -- Snake, Sunshine, Process
Week3 - Pick/Ban Maps are -- Viaduct, Clearcut, Bagel
Week4 - Pick/Ban Maps are -- Propaganda, Reckoner, Badlands
etc, etc

If the league can agree on a larger map pool you can easily have the right amount of maps for an 8 week rotation, meaning you can evenly space the maps out for the entire season.
posted about a year ago
#54 RGL S11 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion


oh wow I just love bo1 pick/ban

posted about a year ago
#5 RunThatBack - NA TF2 Podcast in TF2 General Discussion


posted about a year ago
#1 stream request in Requests


put me on sidebar as my tftv name pls :D

posted about a year ago
#9074 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


posted about a year ago
#2 stream request in Requests


posted about a year ago
#1 stream request in Requests


posted about a year ago
1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 6