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Signed Up September 18, 2013
Last Posted April 30, 2020 at 8:49 PM
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#1147 Do you like the song above? in Music, Movies, TV

Sounds like a pretty cool song, albeit kind of like a frantic soundtrack song. I liked it though, and it went pretty well with the Akira clips haha.

posted about 8 years ago
#1132 Do you like the song above? in Music, Movies, TV

Sounds pretty cool - reminds me a lot of Sonata Arctica (or at least how a few of their songs sound).

This was one of my favorite songs growing up, haha:

posted about 8 years ago
#1121 Do you like the song above? in Music, Movies, TV

Pretty awesome song. The vocals remind me a lot of Bajka's vocal style, if anyone's heard it from collaborations with Bonobo or elsewhere.

I've been listening to a good bit of Bombay Bicycle Club recently, so I thought I'd drop this here:

posted about 8 years ago
#1108 Do you like the song above? in Music, Movies, TV

Pretty damn good. I haven't listened to Steve Winwood in a few years, so this was pretty refreshing.

Listen to this:

posted about 8 years ago
#30 Rolling LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

His creativity and dm-ability as roamer seems pretty awesome, with the former especially being a great asset for a team that actually works together.

posted about 8 years ago
#4 lft im/invite in Recruitment (looking for team)

Awesome guy overall. Played against his demoman and roamer in S18 - he definitely is high IM/low invite on both classes. Exceptional roamer in particular from what I can remember!

posted about 8 years ago
#66 ESEA-O Grand Finals: #2 6cuties vs. #5 Clam Bake in Events

Though I'm sure everyone's over it already, wow, what a clusterfuck of a "grand final". Sorry for anyone who chose to watch that (it was pretty frustrating participating in as well with all the random, uncontrollable issues). TechDude summed it up pretty well, but to elaborate on my part, my Internet somehow mysteriously fucked itself for the second map (which realistically wasn't going all too well in the first place due to eulOG's lag and me/us being bad).

AvastDo people think it wouldn't be a good idea for ESEA to look at the one or two rosters to promote in open that might happen every season due to teams being unable to get IM rosters?

Like wouldn't it make sense for certain rosters to be able to appeal for IM promotion if they're unable to find an IM roster?

It would make a lot of sense.

I'm sure there are other cases that one could mention, but the IM season that is coming to a close here (S19) had two teams that obviously were not actual teams somehow kept in IM and pretty much granted free wins to teams that simply stayed alive. Both teams literally had two or less players for a full week before the actual deadline for and organization of S19, and could have easily been replaced with two promotions from Open, but instead were simply left alone. The "teams" in question were Show Me the Monet and i love novice (ex-Mad Men), by the way.

posted about 8 years ago
#9 lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

Awesome player. His scout has been improving for sure, and especially so in the past two seasons he has had in IM.

He's been on what was, for the most part, the same team for the past three seasons as well, so to a good degree that shows how dedicated he is to his team (an excellent quality, in my opinion).

posted about 8 years ago
#3 medic lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

Sash is pure awesome. He's an amazing medic and also a beautiful person.

posted about 8 years ago
#10 MAD LUXURIOUS LF-scout in Recruitment (looking for players)

Solid guys overall! Paul and kuestif are incredible up-and-coming players and the rest of the team is full of both dedicated and highly experienced players.

posted about 8 years ago
#2 Selling all steam games at 20% discount in Hardware

On first glance: gamers beware since this guy joined TF.TV today and is offering something fairly shady.

I'm unsure how this scam, if it is a scam, goes exactly, but basically you PayPal the discounted amount to this guy who has "Steam Wallet money" that is either 1) stolen in the form of a hijacked account or 2) simply fraudulent money in the first place. Either way, you'll likely end up getting fucked with the gifted game disappearing from your account and if they time their entire scam right getting your money back via PayPal will take quite a bit of time.

posted about 8 years ago
#4 micah - lft open/im in Recruitment (looking for team)

Incredibly talented scout who has the time and will use the time to improve even more if a team picks him up.

He can play both "traditional scout roles" very well, and the season I played with him the only issue was communication issues when timing aggression and what not. That's easily solvable if you actually talk to him like a normal person though.

posted about 8 years ago
#13 mahh lft - open/im med in Recruitment (looking for team)

A great medic overall.

Her mechanics are great and her comms and timing can only grow better once she gets accustomed to the right team (which will likely happen rather fast).

posted about 8 years ago
#67 10k hours to mastery in Off Topic

I think the post about the number itself simply being sensationalist sums up my thoughts on this. Also, though I'm sure this sentiment has been thrown around already, mastery is something that is quite subjective and honestly more based on someone's ability relative to someone else rather than anything static.

TurinIn fact, I think there isn't a single player (well known) that played both 1.6 and source professionally.

Kind of off-topic, but there actually are a few that went pretty big in both scenes, and arguably even in GO afterwards. Two that immediately come to mind are Volcano and sunman of both Team 3D and Team Dynamic fame. Mind you, those are only their ESEA profiles and there are countless events both have been to for CS:S in the past on-top of their even more previous CS endeavors.

posted about 8 years ago
#13 train & Voll LFT s20 IM in Recruitment (looking for team)

Great guys.

I've only played against them once this season and maybe in a few scrims, but I could tell from them actually playing TF2 a lot that they are eager to play and improve even more, not to mention both of them have been on the same team in S15 according to ESEA and now are on the same team again. Personally, I think that's a recipe for success considering finding/investing in players who actually want to stick together in this game is insanely hard at times.

posted about 8 years ago
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