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SteamID64 76561198861788312
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Country Estonia
Signed Up June 3, 2020
Last Posted July 26, 2024 at 12:13 PM
Posts 57 (0 per day)
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#82 TF Competitive 6v6 Class Restrictions in TF2 General Discussion

can this thread be locked lmao

posted 9 hours ago
#15 A Thank You Letter To RGL in TF2 General Discussion

I quote what a wise buddhist once said, "I don't know you, you don't know me."

posted 1 week ago
#11 cheating in premiership in 2024 in TF2 General Discussion

TH3 H0L1 W33D B1BL3 also L for wizat not learning the death block fake regular show fan

posted 2 weeks ago
#5 Hero to save of bot farms in tf2 in TF2 General Discussion


posted 2 weeks ago
#8 Wellt his is going nowere and more ppl will quit n in TF2 General Discussion


posted 2 weeks ago
#6 Announcing the 6v6 Summer Brawl in TF2 General Discussion

you da goat for this cup buud

posted 1 month ago
#9731 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted 1 month ago
#1 Fireside Cup QF: Global Clan Ice vs. G-FORCE HAMSTERDAM in Events

12 hours live crazy

posted 2 months ago
#1 ETF2L 6v6 Spring 2024 W2: MANDEM vs. Garda Panteri in Matches

june = american HMM

posted 3 months ago
#22 Words or phrases in your language that don't have in Off Topic

kaksteist kuud sounds too much like cocks taste good
it means 12 months

posted 8 months ago
#4 Summer Update 2023 in TF2 General Discussion

isnae update

posted about a year ago
#1843 best pub quotes in TF2 General Discussion

Karl Marx : if you aren't white, get out of my game

posted about a year ago
#6 ETF2L bans the Loch-n-Load in 6s in TF2 General Discussion

1984 league

posted about a year ago
#9 NOOBPANZER II: The Re-Panzering in News

still waiting.

posted about a year ago
#12 It is bowies birthday in Off Topic

happy birthday doggo :D

posted about a year ago
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