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Signed Up July 21, 2012
Last Posted June 20, 2014 at 8:26 PM
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#25 EVE Online Giant Nerd Space Battles in Other Games

Can we please at least leave the pathetic internet dick flailing to EVE-specific forums?

Also Zwolf, you can't have been paying attention very closely. We publically announced that we were giving up on defending Fountain right after the 6VDT fight and started moving our stuff back to Delve within hours.

posted about 10 years ago
#20 EVE Online Giant Nerd Space Battles in Other Games
Salamancerbride of the edit: ADDITIONALLY, if you were taking 2 minutes to lock things, are you sure you weren't sensor-damped by 15 FuckYouFleet Celestises?

Nope. Was like, you'd get the 2 sec lock timer, then you know the flashing LOCKED thing it does, it'd sit at that for a solid minute irl time. All the guys in DPS ships were having the same problem. You and your silly bubbles!

posted about 10 years ago
#18 EVE Online Giant Nerd Space Battles in Other Games

posted about 10 years ago
#14 EVE Online Giant Nerd Space Battles in Other Games
SalamancerAlso, Skyride plays in TEST so make fun of him for being as big of an internet spaceship nerd as me.


Shit man, I was there too flying logi. Tidi is fine when its actually 10% :P. Was taking like 2 minutes irl time to lock a target, then your reps would take like another minute to actually start cycling. I ended up just putting reps on the drone trigger and browsing reddit for 2 hours. :P

EVE is a fun game.

And yeah, the way Sal plays is totally viable. Aside from earning money, there's no grinding in EVE, so there's no real requirement for time input. You only ever do something because it's fun or because it makes money (which in of itself is a fun process).

Randomly hearing Sals voice with a different nick while guessing if it was him was a pretty surreal experience.

posted about 10 years ago
#25 Advice for a Editing/Tf2 rig in Hardware
hooliQuestion, what kind of equipment would i need to work with lossless 1080p video in vegas without lag?

Something that costs the same as a sizeable American home. Seriously. If you're doing 1080p loseless stop using Vegas. Vegas is designed for videographers (people who film weddings and shit) to stitch stuff together. What some of you frag movie makers are doing with it makes me cringe at how much some of you bend over backwards to make it do what you want.

thrasherthe corsair h series is awesome. get that cooler.

No they're not. They're awful. If you're willing to spend that much money on a cooler, you can buy the absolute best air heatsink on earth, fit it with 1 or 2 real quality 120/140mm fans, and actually end up with better performance for half the price. I'd have to google to check what's up these days, but bassically anything made by Thermalright or Noctua is the shit.

RawrSpoonbearodactyldidn't occur to me that people would assume its for tf2 editing lol.I have zero idea what this means. Editing is editing. Sometimes you can edit videos which happen to be from TF2, but that still falls under the realm of editing.

Nah don't worry about it man. Editing TF2 is actually much higher on requirements than your typical run of the mill editing, specifically on disk I/O since the resolutions/frame rates being used are much higher than what any camera less than $3k will put out. I mean obviously once you get into doing hollywood level stuff it's not such a concern because you have fully integrated solutions like the Avid DNA ecosystem, and quite frankly, you're making so much money that you're not too concerned about how much it costs much in the same way a good builder doesn't complain about the cost of a good drill.

posted about 10 years ago
#88 First experience of TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

Back in January 2008. (When Demo was still overpowered). I'd never played a PC FPS before.

Dustbowl server. "Why are these demomen top of the scoreboard, you can't even hit people with the pipes?".

Then I discovered you had more than 1 weapon.

posted about 10 years ago
#99 - A competitive tf2 wiki? in Projects

As I said on ETF2L, I think its a great idea. Cross posting some pages on the official wiki wouldn't be a terrible idea though.

posted about 10 years ago
#31 Fully Charged! Europe: Episode 1 in Events
conductorI prefer the graphic style you made for the eu fully charged to the na one, my only gripe is that I'd like to see a border of some sort on the webcams just because it feels really weird that they don't have one. Also, ipz and canfo being a few pixels lower than the other 2 cams is bugging me, but I'm assuming that's just a fault of this being put together in a rush or something.

I made the graphics about a week before the broadcast, but I was in a rush to set the webcams in place before we started, hence it being off by a couple of pixels. It'll be sorted next week.

posted about 10 years ago
#26 Fully Charged! Europe: Episode 1 in Events
DunderBroJust gonna drop this here too, the timer started to count 24:01 instead of 00:01, should be an easy fix.

Great first episode, be proud boys!
ThufirMaybe you guys could come up with a different name? Fully Charged Europe doesn't roll off the tongue so well, and it makes it sound like the Euro one is just like a derivative offshoot of the American one, unless they start calling that Fully Charged NA or whatever.It is though. I mean the NA version of it was first, by quite a lot too.

Ye lol. Bassically the way you put a clock on your stream like that is make a tiny little program which just spits out the current time to a txt file several times a second, and tell OBS to use that as the source for text. I realised like 5 mins before we went live that it was showing my GMT timezone rather than CET, so I just edited to have like (hour + 1) in the code instead of moving the timezone because I was in a rush and couldn't remember it off the top of my head. Neadless to say, the blood drained from my face when it reached 24:00 :D

Also re the name, the original name was "Partially Energised", but meh. I made the same graphics for Sal to use on FC NA if he wants (I can make space for 6 webcams). I think having that consistency across continents is good, because people know where to go for their info. Sure the names might be a bit boring, but branding is the most important thing in TF2 right now.

posted about 10 years ago
#8 IGL - Why haven't you signed up? in TF2 General Discussion
MR_SLINfacedoctor-dendriteMy team signed up for IGL right around the time it was launched. The website has had some drastic improvements in the past month or so and issuing a challenge is now essentially as simple as clicking and entering a date. We're definitely looking forward to what IGL could become.Did you join to just post that?
Detective face in the house

hah, welcome to I guess!

"Favourite Group: Save TF2 Attachments". He checks out.

posted about 10 years ago
#22 @keekerdc on the Highlander Lobby Announcement in News

I think you bring up a lot of really interesting points here. You've got me like 95% convinced on this Valve-data thing, and it's definitely an idea I'll be chewing over for a couple of days.

Had a look through your blog too. Some great stuff, I'll be checking it regularly from now on.

posted about 10 years ago
#16 A solution in TF2 General Discussion

Hey I have an absolutely ground breaking idea.

Perhaps the best way to help 6v6 grow is to support and promote 6v6?

I'm not going to suggest that no one ever moves from HL to 6v6, but why do we feel having that step there is better than them just trying 6v6 from the get go? Most people who're really trying highlander properly are already crossing most of the boundaries between 6v6 and pub anyway.

Mumble? Check
Pick a class and stick with it? Check
Organise times to play at? Check

The only thing you're doing is asking someone to pick 1 of 4 rather than 9 classes. If they weren't willing to ditch spy in favour of one of the cookie cutter classes before playing Highlander for an extended period of time, what makes you think they'll be more willing after?

posted about 10 years ago
#439 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion

What I would say to anyone in 6v6 thinking this is a good thing. Valve have just stated unequivocally that what you play is boring and stale, and they are about to take a course of action that will in all likelihood have negative consequences in the medium-to-long term for 6v6.

If you don't mind the idea of switching to HL and the new unlocks system, then great. If you don't, then don't try to delude yourself with the idea that this will have a positive trickle down effect.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Testing youtube live, come watch! in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 10 years ago
#59 ESEA-Invite: Classic Mixup vs. Mad Men in Events

Viewership Stats:

posted about 10 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ⋅⋅ 13