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SteamID64 76561198040284781
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Country Scotland
Signed Up November 25, 2012
Last Posted August 4, 2019 at 4:16 PM
Posts 1170 (0.3 per day)
1 2 3 4 5 6 ⋅⋅ 78
#16 i need drama in The Dumpster

posted about 4 years ago
#1 sheepy dog's hand div 1/2 casts in TF2 General Discussion

Gonna be casting some div 1/2 games whenever I can and if no one else is. Will be casting #BIGBOYSEASON vs DEATH AND DESTRUCTION tonight tune in.

posted about 4 years ago
#4 Can I get my stream added to the sidebar. in Requests

i'll be a good boy and even cast lower division games!

posted about 4 years ago
#2 Can I get my stream added to the sidebar. in Requests

Its still not showing. Please can I have it added? I'll behave

posted about 4 years ago
#66 You guys were right. in Off Topic
WylennYou're lying to yourself. You're not toxic because you want to win, you harass, trash talk and hate on everything that moves just for the sake of it. Me and so many of the people I know in this community, we had nothing to do with you winning or not, but you acted all the same.

I have to agree here. I don't like jumping on the hate bandwagon and beating a dead horse but even outside of games of a competitive nature, offside could say some really nasty things about people for no real reason. I won't get into specifics but he would often say really nasty about some of my closest friends like sivik and lena when they weren't there to hear.

posted about 4 years ago
#53 You guys were right. in Off Topic

Offside dodged LAN because he was frightened he would end up beating someone up so badly he might send them to a hospital. I added him and asked him about it and he was totally honest and seemed to be to be a pretty cool guy. I always got on ok with him tbh, but according to a lot of my closest friends he is basically a complete nutter.

Still i'm probably gonna miss the drama

posted about 4 years ago
#1146 Vent your anger in Off Topic

About a month ago I ended up with severe psychosis and it was really fucking bad. First of all I thought that some guy had hung himself in my shower then when i went to check i actually saw him hanging from the neck in my shower dead, I was so sure it was real I apparently hallucinated taking him down from the shower and tried to call his family to inform them that he had hung himself in my own shower and this caused me to have extreme panic attacks.

So i freaked the fuck out and then spent the next few weeks in hospital not knowing where or who i was and apparently i was roaming about the hospital and even ended up in the cancer ward where i started roaming about the hospital and ended up saying bizarre things to cancer patients who were dying. I had no idea i was doing this and feel awful but after that the doctors finally took what was happening to me seriously and put me in my own room away from other patients.

Then i started having fits and started showing other bizarre kinds of behavior because i thought i had been in a coma for 20 years and had just woken up and from what I've been told, i was going around the hospital thinking that i worked there and ended up going up to other patients (who were probably dying) and doing bizarre things to them because i thought i actually worked there.

It was honestly the worst experience of my life and i feel awful about it but im still not sure why i did all of these things and everyone (including the doctors) told me it was probably because of LSD or some other drug that I had taken. Now that I remember things more clearly I know that I had not taken ANY drugs prior to my 2-week long hospital stay of complete psychosis but the doctors are still convinced that it was due to drugs. Now I am terrified of my own mental state and i'm worried that I might have some sort of severe mental illness or a brain tumor but they refused to test me on any of those things.

I thought i heard the doctors tell me i had some kind of incurable blood disease and thought i was legit dying and it was terrifying, I was convinced i had days to live and it was honestly the most horrific thing i have ever experienced. I just hope it doesn't happen to me again, even if it was all in my brain, it still all felt real at the time and i haven't really recovered from it yet and my parents had no idea what was going on so they were terrified as well.

i just hope this shit will never happen to me again and i wouldn't wish it on anyone but the doctors were so convinced it was drugs (that I had not been taking) they didn't really look into it.

EDIT: Some more info

I uploaded a video of me dancing (pretty well for a first timer) and basically when making it I thought I was Richard Hammond (from Top Gear)

In the description you can read:

"IIf you think you have what it takes to win then youm, over nyou haven't gone high enough yet. All we jnow is that he's the stug. Every Frid. No Jeremy's allowed.

Cadd themseles to apply as a contestant!"

This might sound weird but it was because I was watching top gear and thought i was Richard Hammond and i thought i was making a dance game show and the no Jeremy Clarkson allowed thing was a joke by me (Richard Hammond) who i actually thought i was.

It sounds kinda funny but severe psychosis is really fucking serious. I didn't think i was Richard Hammond, i KNEW i was. Then later in hospital I ended up thinking I had an incurable blood cancer and had days to live and I was so convinced I had days to live, I ended up calling all of my family members to say goodbye. My parents had no idea what was going on and it was horrific.

Basically look after your mental health and don't avoid going to appointments like I had done because trust me you do not want to end up like I did. Thankfully I am fine now but I am going to have to live the rest of my life not knowing if what I am experiencing is real or not and it is horrible.

posted about 4 years ago
#59 [S33] Class Restrictions in TF2 General Discussion

I think most players have some sort of integrity in that they wouldn't play their main class several divisions lower from their skill but there are always assholes who would so I think its still good to a good idea to have this.

However there is still the problem with prem HL snipers being allowed to snipe which can cause games to be won on certain maps solely due to the sniper they have so there is also that to consider.

posted about 4 years ago
#1 Can I get my stream added to the sidebar. in Requests

posted about 4 years ago
#1141 Vent your anger in Off Topic
MakLezThe competitive community is a cesspool of toxic circlejerks and idiots who only care about themselves.

It's been "ruining" the game for years, and it's only going to get worse.

I used to love and be proud of this community, now I am ashamed to play this game.


based AND redpilled

posted about 4 years ago
#67 Mechawreck banned from RGL for pedophilia in TF2 General Discussion

i'm a massive fan of Chris Hansen's To Catch A Predator. There was a great episode recently with a truly pathetic individual in every respect, even for my standards.

posted about 4 years ago
#9124 stream highlights in Videos
ReeroOkay, someone sent me these clips and I thought they were funny so I shared on this thread. I've seen countless clips of other streamers either high or drunk (often doing way worse things than nursey did)

Last time I drank alcohol I ended up streaming nekopara fully uncensored then when I got unbanned I did it again making a complete fool of myself so really it could have been much worse.

It just takes me back to the time I was in school with a friend who had to rush to the toilet to shit. He was too late and called me from the toilet if I could give him his sport shorts to wear instead.


posted about 4 years ago
#377 ESEA Intermediate S31 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
kyaa im just here to cause chaos, thats what entertains me

This absolute mad man!

posted about 4 years ago
#10 Scorpion in Customization

I love scorpion he's a solid demoman and definitely one of the top 3 shittalkers in TF2

posted about 4 years ago
#14 black mirror s5 in Music, Movies, TV

Just bought the new Striking Vipers VR fighting game for my 11 year old nephew. Why did they not tell me about the fully functioning 100% realistic sex mod?

posted about 4 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 6 ⋅⋅ 78