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Last Posted July 7, 2023 at 11:36 AM
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#18 What looks more impressive in TF2 General Discussion

Vast majority of soldier vids have like 2 or 3 cool airshots and then the rest is filler. You're just sitting there watching mediocre single airshots (that you've seen a thousand times before) and waiting for the next good clip to start. I lose interest quickly

Then there's lots of scout vids from players like corsa, cookye, yz50, etc. which are consistently fun to watch throughout the whole length of the video. And nothing is better than watching AMS or clockwork +forward and spawncamp the whole enemy team on their own

posted about 2 years ago
#40 See your medic's uber% on hud in Customization

Ban c taps cause I can't do it

posted about 2 years ago
#1188 Wut hud/crosshair/cfg thread in Customization
WHat HUD? (5 mins in)
looks like sayov3 with ammo reserve in different colour

Thanks very much

posted about 2 years ago
#1186 Wut hud/crosshair/cfg thread in Customization
WHat HUD? (5 mins in)

posted about 2 years ago
#37 the competitive tf2 culture canon in TF2 General Discussion
to this day this is the greatest tf2 vid ive ever seen

I was looking for this for so long and couldn't remember what it was called, thanks

posted about 2 years ago
#3 Does anyone have this hitsound? in Customization

Maybe this one with a different pitch? Hard to tell

posted about 2 years ago
#6861 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

Anyone know how I make this taller so it's not cut off?

Show Content


Edit: Domo helped me, I made CSecondaryTargetID taller in hudlayout and then increased the ypos of everything in SpectatorGUIHealth.res

posted about 2 years ago
#21 current/favourite huds in Customization

Alright, fine. 2 seconds every single time you want to look at a new HUD. That seems reasonable.

But let's say a player wants a new HUD every month. Some guys never change their HUD, some schizos change it every day. So let's say a month on average.

And when you feel like you want to try a new HUD you look at like... what? 10 different HUDs? If not more? I mean I like to shop around, you know? I like to see what's new in the HUD world.

So 2 x 10 HUDs x 12 months = 240 seconds per player per year wasted looking at menus nobody cares about.

I don't know how many TF2 players use custom HUDs. Let's say it's like 5,000 total cause of all the pubbers. It's probably way more, but let's just say 5,000.

240 x 5,000 = 1.2 million seconds wasted per year

20,000 minutes wasted per year

333.33 (repeating of course) hours per year, every year, wasted looking at menus that nobody cares about.

333 hours. Do you have any idea what can be achieved in that much time? Me neither but I bet a lot. A lot of stuff. Imagine if we all spent 333 hours a year out in nature. Or talking with our loved ones. I bet we'd all be a whole lot happier if we all did that.

Look, I'm not saying that you didn't spend a lot of time on your menus. I'm not even saying they don't look nice. I'm just saying that nobody uses a goddamn HUD cause the menu looks goddamn pretty. Capisce?

posted about 2 years ago
#19 current/favourite huds in Customization

God I hate screenshot albums with a million pictures of the menus and you have to scroll through them all before you can see what the HUD looks like ingame

Nobody cares what the menus look like!!!!!!!!!!

posted about 2 years ago
#5 what sleep paralysis actually feels like in Off Topic

Yeah I used to have sleep paralysis every 2 months or so. It randomly started happening whenever I would try to wake myself up from a nightmare

Sometimes I had the "demon" and everything. It kinda looked like the witch from L4D, no joke. It would crawl over my bedroom walls and ceiling, jump at my face screaming super loud while I'm frozen in place. Not fun.

Apparently once you have sleep paralysis once it's more likely to happen again. I don't know if that's true, but it's what happened to me.

Anyway now I don't try to wake myself up when I realise I'm having a nightmare. I just ride them out. That's how I "fixed" my sleep paralysis. Hope this helps you if it happens again. God bless

posted about 2 years ago
#32 iron bombe nerf for etf2l season 41 in TF2 General Discussion

Iron bomber is still better cause it's hard to see those tiny black balls flying at your face (yes that sounds vaguely homoerotic idc)

posted about 2 years ago
#3 show your best clip in Off Topic

posted about 2 years ago
#2 eginner pug groups? in TF2 General Discussion

Dunno people usually play lots of different classes instead of everyone just going engineer. It's more fun

posted about 2 years ago
#16 Could a team of 3 people win open / newcomer? in TF2 General Discussion
plumThere was a pros vs YouTubers 6 v 9 and it wasn't even close.

Sure but 5 damage dealing classes vs. 8 isn't really comparable to 2 vs. 5

Plus the youtubers had highlander classes, so a useless engie, useless spy, etc.

aboOodThere was a 5v6, both teams being invite, and the team with 5 players won (Froyotech).

Keeping that in mind, I think 4 invite players could maybe win against 6 open players. But they'd have to have ridiculous DM.

But 3 vs 6 is just too much.

Thanks for linking that interesting match, I forgot that happened. Low Invite is way, way above the skill level of Newcomer though. That's why I think 4v6 would simply be too easy

And yes lower level players can have decent DM, but I think the biggest difference is in coordination and decision making. Very prone to overextending and feeding. You'd need smart invite/prem players who are capable of exploiting that

The toughest part in my opinion would be that as a team of 3 you can't really sac players, or guard flanks against backcaps.

But uber trades might be advantageous for the smaller team with less people to flash. Making fights messy, focusing down targets (I've noticed top teams have got ridiculously good at focus fire in the last few years). That's why I think it could be possible

Anyway we must consult b4nny for his expert opinion

posted about 2 years ago
#1 Could a team of 3 people win open / newcomer? in TF2 General Discussion

I'm talking like.. 3 complete nutcases. Top prem/invite

Winning ETF2L Open / RGL Newcomer division

3v6ing and slamming noobs

Do you reckon it's possible?

Who could pull it off? What classes would they play?

I mean 6 people... that's a lot of players you know. A lot of damage to do

You gotta consistently win 3v6 fights.... Look out for backcaps... Idk man..... but maybe?

Top players are nuts these days you know

And new players are kinda bad (no hate, we were all new once)

Anyway, I think that would be pretty pog to watch at least. Let me know your thoughts TFTV family

posted about 2 years ago
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