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Signed Up November 11, 2017
Last Posted July 10, 2020 at 2:56 PM
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#32 Insomnia67 cancelled in News

Sorry for delayed response, I was banned on main for telling kevin to play chess.

YeeHaweven if it doesnt kill you it can have lasting effects after infection because it affects circulation (even if you are young)

In extreme cases of the illness, intensive care, (which you likely won't get, being young), SARS can cause lung fibrosis (scarring) in 21% cases after 9 months. The case is similar with covid, although figures range from 15 to 30%.Source. The chance of you dying from corona if you are below 44 years old is around 0.1%. I don't have reliable statistics for % of people in intensive care though.

Another interesting fact is that 70% of those who died from corona were overweight, obese or clinically obese. Source.

I would also make a case that if the countries around the world would be better prepared to handle a pandemic, coronavirus wouldn't even do a tenth of the damage it did. In Poland where the government reacted instantly up to this day we have 1,5k deaths, and everything has been open for the past month. But maybe that's just luck. This is an area of speculation.

I'm sorry for expressing my opinion Kevin, I guess.

posted about 3 years ago