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Signed Up July 23, 2012
Last Posted April 29, 2018 at 10:15 PM
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#26 ESEA-Invite: Don't Trip vs bp in Events
VaskieWhere is the VOD gonna be uploaded to ?

If you click "Show VODs" above there'll be a decent set of embedded videos of the match.

First VOD goes live at 53m00s. Second VOD is the continuation on cbear's channel. Third VOD just has stats and post-round interview (which is also included in 2nd).

posted about 11 years ago
#21 ESEA-Invite: Don't Trip vs bp in Events

Good cast, hope there's a mumble next time.

posted about 11 years ago
#27 Esea stahp! in TF2 General Discussion
PizzaWell valve doesn't exactly make sure that everyone is ok with the time at which they roll out updates, do they? Patches pretty much come out on a feel-like-it basis. Hard to predict server traffic based on this.

You're right that prediction is impossible, but even notification if there is ongoing trouble would be really helpful. ESEA has for instance a twitter that they could use to give notice if there is currently major technical work on specific servers. Right now it seems they're just posting links to CS frag vids. Actually a lot of the linked videos are to demonstrations of changes in updates in CS:GO which is a rather nice idea.

Ideally there could be another column in the ESEA client for each server giving the cpu load or whatever in the past 5 or 10 minutes as something like a green/yellow/red icon and a "state of the system" in the MOTD but I doubt they would ever go that far, especially given how much manual work by admins is required for switching servers on the fly. Maybe easier just to keep everyone in the dark.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Newbie Mixes in Events

missing an http:// in front of the reddit guide link

posted about 11 years ago
#10 ESEA Invite: LASER BEAMS vs Xensity in Events
FoldupGorillagratz on the win you guys. Super laggy though.

They won the match against Vector; the match against Xensity hasn't happened yet.

Good luck to both teams!

posted about 11 years ago
#25 Esea stahp! in TF2 General Discussion
KalkinThis often is the case. Sometimes on huge update nights it ends up taking large amounts of server resources to update all of our CS servers. This unfortunately causes lag among the rest while we try to get stuff like CS:GO servers up to date while matches go on so we don't have to cancel all CS:GO matches completely. I do apologize for this happening; a CS:GO update was released late today that was likely the cause of the lag you were experiencing.

Would it be possible to get a heads up from ESEA in the future if this sort of work is incoming or is there not enough internal communication within ESEA for any sort of server status forecasting?

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Bud[9] Daily: koth_viaduct_rc3 review in TF2 General Discussion


though i guess this will be on youtube shortly

posted about 11 years ago
#4 The Scout is gonna start streaming in TF2 General Discussion
He plays scout briefly at 36:30.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 bottom of my posts messed up when logged in in Bug Reports

When I'm logged in:

When I'm logged out:

I'm on FF17 if that matters.

posted about 11 years ago
#10 ozfortress live matches info thread in TF2 General Discussion

You should ask enigma to give you access to post these in the upcoming events section, or alternatively ask mocha to post them for you.

posted about 11 years ago
#33 b4nny pov in TF2 General Discussion

Coincidentally or not, bl4nk is doing a demo review of b4nny on viaduct against whales right now.

The VOD most likely won't get deleted immediately afterwards.

posted about 11 years ago
#30 b4nny pov in TF2 General Discussion

This whole situation doesn't bode well for the upcoming (?) Laser Beams workshops. Is it worth being community-oriented if said community is full of unappreciative kids?

Edit: OK, "full of" is perhaps a bad choice of words. Still, it took only 2 or 3 out of 150 to cause trouble. Is the proportion of idiots in this community really less than 1%?

posted about 11 years ago
#118 End of a Dynasty in TF2 General Discussion
botmodeeulogy_Dont Stand needs an avatar, i present thee:
Posted 6 minutes ago
i hope you know I just spent 5 minutes laughing
Posted 3 minutes ago

r u a time traveller????

posted about 11 years ago
#88 End of a Dynasty in TF2 General Discussion

More like Dave__AlreadyChampion

posted about 11 years ago
#63 LAN Preds in TF2 General Discussion
Ruwinlet's spice this up a little. whoever gets the most preds right FIRST (assuming more than one person preds all 4 correctly) gets 5 hats from me. also don't edit your posts or you're disqualified.

Who will get 5 Ruwinhats (Ruwin quitting TF2 hats? :((( )



I'm boring as fuck


posted about 11 years ago
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