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SteamID64 76561198078214483
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:58974377
Country Australia
Signed Up May 18, 2014
Last Posted June 13, 2018 at 2:54 AM
Posts 932 (0.3 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 2.5
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Mouse Logitech g502
Mousepad QCK+
1 ⋅⋅ 59 60 61 62
#77 TF2 Update June 11 in TF2 General Discussion

You talking about the AsiaFortress medals?

posted about 10 years ago
#6 What are the subtle things top level players do? in TF2 General Discussion

Reminds me of chess, where at international master level losing even a pawn without any quantifiable/potential positional gain is enough of a margin for your opponent to fairly easily push that advantage and win.

But at lower levels you can lose pawns and even pieces and not be completely out of the game because they might and often will make mistakes while trying to push on that advantage.

So sure in theory it sounds great to say that good players push without uber but maybe it's only because they don't really need that great of an advantage?

posted about 10 years ago
#73 TF2 Update June 11 in TF2 General Discussion
PossimpibleyukieeeIntellectualTranquilizer (m_flSpyTranqBuffDuration)Stuns?



If it's like it was in TFC, it's a somewhat slow nail that slows on hit, has crappy ammo, and slow as all hell reload time. It is still a pain in the ass to deal with in TFC - hoping it doesn't appear in TF2.

I suppose all I can hope for more-so is that scouts don't get caltrops again, and instead of people camping spawn to kill your medic in scrims/matches, you find 600 caltrops there so you can't even contest the 2nd point even if you originally could have or wanted to.

Hyped for conc's tho. If they work like they do in TFC... the rebirth of CTF???

EDIT: saw in one of the posts something about sniperrifleclassic. Full charged shots while unscoped? dayum

Anyone reading tf2 comics?

What happened is that original mercs are now entering tf2 universe in what seems to be a fight between old and new mercs - think Classic TF versus TF2. When we put that into context of this update and so many mechanics from TFC suddenly appearing in TF2... new game mode could be based around that fight? (which also means that we wouldnt have to worry about imbalances in other game modes like cp_ because those TFC mechanics could stay locked only to new one)

That actually makes a whole heap of sense, I bet you're right.

posted about 10 years ago
#25 Live stats for casters and streamers in TF2 General Discussion
Ariemr64bitI understand you can't just let everybody use the backend on your server, but is the backend opensource/available for others to run on their own servers?
I was going to write a bunch of excuses why I won't open source TF2 Live Stats, mostly because I don't want the code tied to my name.
Instead, I've decided to Mann up and put it on Github:

The "Don't Ask Me About It" License. Classic.

posted about 10 years ago
#3 practice map concept in Q/A Help

Ok han you'll want to look up navmesh editing but I warn you, tf2's bots are useless and glitchy so don't bet on being able to do it -- for example it's literally impossible to fix koth_ultiduo so you can sol 1v1 someone with bot medics because the dumb bot just refuses to jump off the ramp and spends most of its time trying to get back to spawn.

Also my walkway config bot never gets kicked lol he gets sent out with the rest of them - he's always engi no matter what classes I've chosen for the other bots.

posted about 10 years ago
#18 Whitelist Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

I don't play comp yet, but surely the amby and dr should be banned in sixes? Would be annoying to fight... also rtr as well imo

posted about 10 years ago
#14 tr_arena_rc1 in Map Discussion

I tried this map and while it is well made the bots' movement is pretty predictable and it is absurdly easy to just juggle the bots around the edge of the arena, playing as sol/demo
Well ok it's easier as soldier
I think the arena could be quite a bit bigger though.

Also agree with much of what is said above, the autohealth and ammo option has to be on else it's not an even fight but if you do turn it on and get bored of mindlessly dealing damage and go back into the house for whatever reason it's quite hard to stick your nose out again without being killed, as your health only regens when you're inside the arena. Had a few frustrating deaths that way. Also noticed a bug where if you change the ai's class too fast it doesn't switch until you kill the bot which is annoying with the inf regen on.

Also when i turned the jumping bots on and tried to practice airshots the bots for some reason died midair whenever they flew into the invis wall around the arena, dunno if thats intentional but it was annoying.

I did enjoy this map for things like scout/sniper practice and I like the idea a lot. Just needs to have some of these things fixed up to live up to its potential.


posted about 10 years ago
#4 FPS and crashing in Q/A Help

Seems to just be a valve problem (obviously compatibility with win8), I'd expect a fix next update (in an ideal world...)

posted about 10 years ago
#18 Cant Jump and crouch in Q/A Help

You need to download more ram.

posted about 10 years ago
#3 Is it possible to make it happen? in Customization

I doubt it, spammy.

posted about 10 years ago
#5 Thoughts on the old Logitech G5? in Hardware

Thanks guys, overall seems to be a few things to watch out for but apart from that it'll be great for me. I appreciate your help (:

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Thoughts on the old Logitech G5? in Hardware

Saw an old Logitech G5 mouse online the other day, seller claimed it was incredibly well preserved and still works as well as the day he bought it... for ten dollars and with that rap I figure I may as well try it out. Has anyone had any good/okay/bad experiences with this mouse? And is there any reason why it would be inferior to a new gaming mouse in stores today, assuming no mechanical faults?

Not sure if it's the newer or older version of the G5 though any info's cool. I hear the cord frays after a while but it can be repaired so not too bad?


posted about 10 years ago
#18 crashing in Q/A Help

My toaster's still on xp, and our other computer is win8 (not sure whether 8.1?) and hasn't been crashing at all.

posted about 10 years ago
#15 crashing in Q/A Help

I've also had weird crashes since the update although I'm not sure if it's the same bug as it normally only happened when I joined a server (and went away from the computer for a few minutes to let it load, damn toasters) and steam stayed open every time although one time when I re-opened tf2 it was in unverified/cracked whatever mode and wouldn't let me join proper servers, had to reboot steam to fix that one.

posted about 10 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 59 60 61 62