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SteamID64 76561198036906502
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Signed Up August 22, 2013
Last Posted May 14, 2020 at 1:26 AM
Posts 394 (0.1 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity .30
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Mouse Corsair M65
Keyboard Coolermaster CM Storm
Mousepad Magic: the Gathering playmat
Headphones Audiotechnica ATH M50
Monitor Asus VG248QE
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#28 hmmmmm in World Events
SheriffWhat's the alternative, spending money to house and feed the guy that killed an innocent person for the rest of his life, or say 20 years and then let him be free again? Why would any one like to pretend that people that are capable of ending a human life are worth keeping around.

it is a mistake to attempt to engage you because you clearly do not have even a bare minimum capacity for empathy. you are advocating for a barbaric, reductive, and genuinely horrifying system of "justice". you are a truly vile person.

posted about 7 years ago
#26 hmmmmm in World Events
SheriffThis all sounds exactly like what you would hear if I were to flip onto fox or abc news right now honestly man, every one is quick to repeat what they "learn" about Trump from the media but no one is apparently willing to look into the Clinton's and their gang of corrupt creeps. It's become incredibly common for people to just bash on Trump and leave it at that, literally every one in the media is doing it, and isn't that kind of funny? Isn't it also funny how if I try to look majority of things you mentioned, I cannot find any proof where any of this stuff came directly from Trump? Why is it just new's articles saying that he said it, there are no links to any sources, sometimes there are videos of just their anchors going "Yup, he said it alright!!"

here are direct links for every single quote or story i've mentioned:,28804,2068227_2068229_2068345,00.html

posted about 7 years ago
#20 hmmmmm in World Events
SheriffmeyyErraticNow this worries me as a gamer, if Trump wins...
trump should worry you as a human being
why, because the news tells you to? literally nothing trump could do that could make me worry about him more than i worry about hillary

trump thinks the geneva convention is too strict, trump thinks torture is ok even when someone didnt commit a provable crime trump is confused as to why we dont use nuclear weaponry, trump wants to invade the middle east unprovoked to "take their oil", trump wants the death penalty for anyone who is accused of killing a police officer. he's praised several previous dictators for their rule. he's been endorsed by current, active high profile KKK members, neo nazi terrorists, and the chinese communist party. what in the world could POSSIBLY worry you about hillary clinton to the extent that these things would worry any rational human being?

posted about 7 years ago
#11 Defuse-like-gamemode? Best of A/D and 5cp? in TF2 General Discussion

the problem with making custom gamemodes like this is that everyone in the community is eager to say that they'll test it out and then no one actually tests it, and a map like this would need significantly more playtesting than a traditional map. playtesters also dont consider that each gamemode and each map has a huge amount of nuance in the way they are played competitively and people have historically dismissed maps that didnt play out in a traditional (i.e. similar to other maps) way. look at basically every koth map other than viaduct, people try to play it like viaduct in testing, get angry that the viaduct strategies dont work and then call the map a bad koth map. that issue is only amplified when people try a new gamemode out. i dont know many (or any, for that matter) mappers who are willing to spend hundreds or thousands of hours building a map and designing a functional gamemode from scratch when the community is likely to just dismiss it outright.

consumonnI think a good way of making the gamemode less stalematey is to make the points harder to defend and make the time limit only 5 min per point. This way teams can't just sit there but at the same time they'll be able to do something when they do push due to the difficulty the defending team will have. Tailoring towards offclasses (but not to the point where the game is slowed down) should also be something that's encouraged.

this slows the game down even more, because now it becomes incredibly easy to stalemate a round and reset to a midfight instead of forcing a round to end.

posted about 7 years ago
#181 faceit TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

all out of codes, anyone who has codes should post itt though

also some suggested changes for the system

  • on your stats page, have healing and damage stats changed to healing per minute and damage per minute. should be fairly easy to change, as the duration of every match is already recorded, and this would allow for more relevant stat charting and comparisons over time.
  • maybe extend the ready up time slightly, 5 minutes is fairly short and i had more than one game last night where people were slow to load in and got temp banned because of it.

also im sure you guys are aware of the ready-up bug which causes the game to never start, i think its caused by someone unreadying after everyone readies up but before the game starts. a temp solution to this would be allowing players to close a lobby before it starts by majority vote, so that every time it happens people dont need to contact support.

posted about 7 years ago
#86 How is this happening in World Events
sacracist bigot ends segregation:

racist bigot v2

both of these quotes have no evidence of actually having been said other than a quote from a book written over 30 years after they were supposedly said. On top of that, historians generally agree that both quotes are antithetical to lbj's political beliefs.

sacMany Jews in the Communist conspiracy. Chambers and Hiss were the only non-Jews. Many thought that Hiss was. He could have been a half. Every other one was a Jew—and it raised hell for us. But in this case, I hope to God he's not a Jew.
Nixon, Haldeman, and Ronald Ziegler, 2:42-3:33 P.M. Oval Office Conversation #524-7; cassette #775 (June 17, 1971)
The Jews are irreligious, atheistic, immoral bunch of bastards.

Nixon to Bob Haldeman (February 1, 1972) as quoted in Counterpunch (March 12, 2002)

But, Bob, generally speaking, you can't trust the bastards. They turn on you. Am I wrong or right?
Speaking about Jews "New Tapes Reveal Depth of Nixon's Anti-Semitism" in The Washington Post (October 9, 1999)

yes, nixon was a racist. he was also a republican, and appealed to racists in the election, a nation who still held onto some of the bigotry that nazis convinced the world of.

sac"racist bigot" Bill Clinton spars with BLM protestors:
Milo on Bill clinton and the black community:
“I think that what the black community still has to deal with, partly as a result of the Clintons, I mean Bill Clinton signed in a law that basically destroyed the black family. He put every black dad in the country in prison for smoking a blunt. It’s insane,” said Yiannopoulos.

[block of text]

Bill Clinton endorsing former KKK leader

Bill Clinton was literally nowhere near close to the driving politician behind the war on drugs, which was primarily created by the campaigns of Nixon and Reagan, so 90% of the assumption of this fat ass block of text is just fundamentally incorrect. Clinton certainly made a mistake in allowing for the execution of Ricky Ray Rector, but simultaneously that is a failure of the criminal justice system and the laws written by congress at the time. It's completely ridiculous to place the entirety of the blame of that situation on the Clinton presidency. As far as Clinton endorsing Robert Byrd, a man who was never a "leader" of the KKK and who, during his long political career, completely owned up to his association with the Klan and repeatedly, profusely apologized about his membership saying "I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times ... and I don't mind apologizing over and over again. I can't erase what happened." I dont necessarily see an issue with that.

The rest of this block of text reads like something directly out of a trump speech - it's largely incomprehensible gibberish with a vaguely racist and threatening undertone. Also stop quoting Milo Yiannopoulos as if he is a credible source or part of a credible institution,

sacwhen you're an 18 y-old yankeedoodle that votes for the party of slave plantation owners with kkk members in their ranks cuz the MSM tell you the other candidate is a "racist bigot" and the only "evidence" is a quote taken out of context. or is being against people who skip the line and come in illegal, bypassing the majority that does it effort to be legally in order, makes you a racist now?

You would do well to not attempt to infantilize those who you dont agree with, especially when you are the one taking quotes out of context and ignoring evidence.

posted about 7 years ago
#41 Big "Meet Your Match" survey in TF2 General Discussion
Paladin_IMSleave it to reddit to think heavy is underpowered...

edit: misread your post, my bad

posted about 7 years ago
#5 what's some fun shit to do with 4 people in Off Topic

look up abandoned buildings near you and go explore them

posted about 7 years ago
#63 ESEA Season 23 Whitelist in TF2 General Discussion

After reading this thread it seems like nobody would have any major problems with this. Thoughts?

unban panic attack, pretty boys pocket pistol, tide turner, holiday punch, hitmans heatmaker, cleaners carbine, and red tape recorder, no one would ever use any of these weapons

posted about 7 years ago
#55 ESEA Season 23 Whitelist in TF2 General Discussion
bearodactylaiera this +/- quickfixquick fix definitely a no
fuck the panic attack, phlog, back scatter, huo long & eureka effect I see no reason to allow these
imo it's more important that people come to a consensus about which rules et to use for tournaments (eu 30 min vs na 2 halves)

literally none of the weapons you named would impact 6's at all. panic attack is useless for reliability and hardly has better dpm than default in perfect situations, phlog has no airblast, back scatter is a worse scatter gun for 90% of the game, huo long heater is a minigun that does less damage, and eureka effect lets you teleport back to spawn when the only place anyone ever plays engi is when they are next to their spawn.

edit: oh also i agree that quick fix should be banned, that one definitely sucks

posted about 7 years ago
#54 ESEA Season 23 Whitelist in TF2 General Discussion
aiera this +/- quickfix

unban flying guillotine, wrap assassin, they are not as good as their reliable counterparts and would hardly see any play after a week.

maybe unban caber, its not strong enough to one hit anything anymore or even really come close afaik but it would almost definitely get run over default, not sure if thats a good or bad thing.

unban frontier justice, widowmaker, it doesnt make any sense to ban non-disruptive engi weapons the class is bad enough as it is

unban hitmans heatmaker, like half the reason people play sniper is to full charge bodyshot meds coming through doorways, literally no one would ever use this weapon.

unban spy-cicle, what is even the point of having this banned

posted about 7 years ago
#6 half shotgun, half gunboats in TF2 General Discussion

the game doesnt really need more weapons tbh

posted about 7 years ago
#114 player map in TF2 General Discussion

priest muffin be my friend!

posted about 7 years ago
#14 TF2 Class Tier list in The Dumpster

med: always effective, uber is one of the highest power abilities in the game
demo: slightly lower power but always effective because stickies have a unique ability that no other classes have
soldier: generally effective, generally powerful
scout: extremely powerful but also slightly expendable, first class to offclass etc.
heavy: mid power, mid frequency of usefulness
sniper: very powerful, but only occasionally useful
engi: low power, fairly situational
spy: low power, very situational
pyro: lowest power but slightly closer to being effective full time then most offclasses

posted about 7 years ago
#6 TF2 Class Tier list in The Dumpster

a weapon tier list would be more interesting imo, especially with matchmaking being a thing now

posted about 7 years ago
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