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Signed Up July 18, 2012
Last Posted April 30, 2024 at 4:58 PM
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#14 Loosing Hours on TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

I lost some as well, now down to only 13,200

posted about 10 years ago
#4 LFT (maybe) EOI in Recruitment (looking for team)

get ur own flag u dummys stop copying the uk

posted about 10 years ago
#46 TFTV Rules in Site Discussion

what falls under the blanket of being "bigoted"? apparently the fat shaming thread was locked because some moron said bigoted things about gay people, but that was following pages and pages of bigoted things being said about trans people (and arguably the very first post was bigoted towards fat people l0l)

where dyou draw the line for that one?

also if someone is being bigoted and you attack them personally by calling them a bigot, is that against the rules as well

posted about 10 years ago
#27 demo/pocket lft main in Recruitment (looking for team)

to da top

posted about 10 years ago
#11 IM Grand Final tonight in TF2 General Discussion

I want to cast it but idk if ques will be around rip

if anyone else has a stream and wants to im down

posted about 10 years ago
#316 Fat shaming in Off Topic

no one mentioned transvestites in here


posted about 10 years ago
#248 happenings v2 in TF2 General Discussion
UniverserulerSeagull did a good job on demo :/ Why would they cut him

I think hes going to roam on a diff team

posted about 10 years ago
#237 happenings v2 in TF2 General Discussion
mustardoverlordleakyharbleu left mixup :<
that means ruwin is prolly returning for the superteam version 2

no one ever believes me, look at them -frags

posted about 10 years ago
#21 i49 super team in TF2 General Discussion

I feel like jukebox on solly is pretty one note, but he executes his bombs really well cuz his jumps/aim are so strong

posted about 10 years ago
#296 Fat shaming in Off Topic
wafflebalso brownymaster i can justify being a woman because everyone percieves me as one

while I do refer to trans women as women with no problem, I have no idea why you're making the determination external ("everyone perceives me as one" p.s. i before e except after c), rather than internal ("my gender identity is female so that's what I am").

if bloodsire met you in real life and thought you looked like a dude would you stop being a woman? are ugly transexuals still men?

I think a better argument against furries and shit is that what they're doing is almost certainly a choice. all human beings are exposed to male and female hormones and don't diverge to one gender until what, like 20 weeks into development in the womb? I'm pretty sure furries aren't exposed to squirrel genes in the womb

posted about 10 years ago
#294 Fat shaming in Off Topic
Continuing on that, what if it was impossible for you to tell?

I believe it's on the post-op person to inform their partner. If the game is to see how I would react I couldn't tell you, because it hasn't happened. I would be miffed in all likelihood. Why? Dunno, it's just how I feel, and I cannot change that and I find it doubly and hypocritically wrong for someone to suggest I should.

So are you of the opinion that when you have two things that are functionally and aesthetically the same, viewing them as different due to invisible factors that you would be unaware of if you were not told is rational? I don't think you can really argue that it is rational, and while I don't necessarily blame you or think less of you for feeling that way, I think it's unrealistic of you to consider it not a bigoted opinion.

To further illustrate my point, I will provide an example.

A man, upon meeting a woman, finds her physically attractive and chooses to strike up a conversation with her, hoping to pursue a romantic relationship. During the conversation, the man learns that one of the woman's parents happens to be black. Upon learning this, the man no longer finds the woman attractive and is no longer interested in pursuing a romantic relationship with her because the fact that one of her parents is black makes him uncomfortable. Do you consider this man a bigot?

I don't necessarily agree that "irrational" and "bigoted" are the same thing. every human psyche is filled with thousands of irrationalities, which are pretty unavoidably ingrained in all our dumb stone-age brains. I agree that there is no difference between bloodsire's feelings and the analogy you use her (although our society would, unfortunately, judge them very differently), but to call either bigoted if the person is aware of their own irrationality is to me a lack of empathy for other human beings.

maybe the guy can't look at his girlfriend without picturing her as black, which is totally unattractive to him. maybe bloodsire can't look at a photo of waffleb without picturing what she looked like as a dude. is this bigotry? I would not say so.

posted about 10 years ago
#293 Fat shaming in Off Topic
Not trying to be conceited, but everyone else does see it that way, sorry. Everyone who I've told or had to tell in real life is always either very surprised or hesitant to believe me, since the only trans people they've seen are the ones that don't pass (I wonder why?) There are plenty of trans people, man or woman, that don't get 'clocked' in real life

they gotta look at hand size then m8

posted about 10 years ago
#292 Fat shaming in Off Topic
BLoodSireFor instance the M<F we agree identifies as female and is thus attracted to men and the F<M male and thus attracted to females

I want to point out that this is completely wrong, gender identity and sexual orientation are not the same thing, there are plenty of transexuals who are sexually attracted to people who are the gender they transitioned to (hell, I'm pretty sure that includes waffleb)

BLoodSireI do, however, see what smaka is trying to get at. We aren't allowed to talk like this because it might mean biggotry, judgement, and hurt, things we try so hard to move beyond and remove from the social discourse. So opinions deemed taboo begin being lopped in with ignorance and biggotry, but I think there is a founded point here: If you look at the human species, the male/female dichotomy, what is immediately understood is the importance of sexual reproduction. Not importance in necessity of the act to be performed, but importance in how the species is identified and how it typically operates. In that sense, non-hetero relations are...lets not say "not normal" (society has conflated the term normal) lets say "atypical" to the apparent function of the species.

1.) I have still yet to see an argument about the importance of sexual reproduction that takes into account straight, cis-gendered people who just choose not to have kids

2.) sexual reproduction on the level of the species is necessary for the survival of the species. sexual reproduction at the level of the organism is not necessary and not "normal" per se either. what about all the animals that die before they reach sexual maturity, or never find a mate? are they really atypical?

3.) "normal" is a man-made term anyways. nature draws no lines and sets no norms, it's all relative. statistically, any organism that isn't a beetle isn't normal.

posted about 10 years ago
#291 Fat shaming in Off Topic
onv"metal midgets".

posted about 10 years ago
#170 Fat shaming in Off Topic

the main reason its important to differentiate between trans women and genetic women is that some trans females are good at video games and absolutely no birth women are

posted about 10 years ago
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