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Signed Up August 23, 2012
Last Posted August 10, 2015 at 8:02 PM
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#6 scout LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

bump off of page 4

posted about 10 years ago
#13 RIP in Off Topic


posted about 10 years ago
#9 Graphics card dying? Clueless in Hardware

It's probably the old video card taking a lot less heat to push it over the edge. That's if it's the video card, only way to know is test without it.

posted about 10 years ago
#7 Graphics card dying? Clueless in Hardware

Sounds like something is overheating, might be the video card. Does your motherboard have an onboad card to try? Or can you borrow another one to test?

I would first update your sound and video card drivers.

posted about 10 years ago
#31 tight schedules in TF2 General Discussion
MarxistI have a 6 year old. So, I can't really leave the house at night, and he goes to bed at 9 :/ So wtf else am I gonna do besides play video games. I didn't play comp tf2 while I was in college though - simply chose to do other things.

It all comes down to how much time you're willing to commit, and how much sleep you're willing to sacrifice. For me that's a lot of lost sleep.

This is the truth, when you get older and have a family you play when everyone else goes to bed. So you sacrifice sleep. This is probably why men die younger than their wives. It was easier when I only had 1 kid but with more kids I'm twice as tired by the time I get them to bed. Then I have to do some quality time with my wife, so my personal time starts anywhere from 9:30-10:30 at night.

posted about 10 years ago
#29 tight schedules in TF2 General Discussion

I've found it difficult to find 6 people that want to go over the basics or Team DM stuff like focused targeting and having a role for each person at each intersection. I find a lot of people just want scrim scrim scrim and never end up working out the stuff that counts at every point, every fight.

I think the key is to find 5 other people with the same work ethic as yourself and have the same goals. WHich is tough to do, hence the constant turnover of teams every season.

posted about 10 years ago
#34 A Great Season for AG in TF2 General Discussion
harbleukuzaI don't understand why anyone would view Nahanni's post as arrogant. She seems legitimately proud of the teams they sponsored this season. Maybe it's just because I like to see other people succeed, but I don't see anything wrong with it. I know some people may not like to see others succeed but I think that's maybe because of their own shortcomings. Once you reach true confidence you will never be jealous again.maybe because ag main team had 3 lan caliber invite players on it? regardless of whether they were offclassing or not, if we went to go offclass in main we wouldn't drop a more than 10 rounds. its nothing that you should be proud about. i understand clockswork's situation and don't blame them for wanting to play still in main, but it shouldn't be treated like its some huge accomplishment.

I wasn't talking about AG main at all in my post. I was just talking about the original post not being arrogant.

If you want my opinion about AG mains roster, I actually agree with you. I like to see people succeed but there are divisions for a reason, and that's to give people a chance to succeed against people their level. So hopefully the ones that worked the hardest "should" win.

posted about 10 years ago
#28 A Great Season for AG in TF2 General Discussion

I don't understand why anyone would view Nahanni's post as arrogant. She seems legitimately proud of the teams they sponsored this season. Maybe it's just because I like to see other people succeed, but I don't see anything wrong with it. I know some people may not like to see others succeed but I think that's maybe because of their own shortcomings. Once you reach true confidence you will never be jealous again.

The points about more content are valid though, AG should be out there more during the season and not just when it's all said and done.

posted about 10 years ago
#79 Multitude of computer problems in Hardware

What worries me is it might be the CPU itself that's broken, and there's only one way to figure that out, and that's a bare bones system.

posted about 10 years ago
#77 Multitude of computer problems in Hardware

Are you using a CM storm spawn mouse by chance?

I've been avoiding this thread because you have been ignoring people who can legitimately help you find out if it's even a RAM problem to begin with. Pheesh knows what he's talking about and you should have started back with what he told you to do from the start.

Now, if you DO NOT have a spawn mouse (known to cause the issues you're having) then follow these steps before you do anything else.

1. Make sure the ram you test with is listed in the motherboard manual of approved vendors for RAM, it should be there. Provide me the exact model of your MB and RAM and I'll do it for you if you're too lazy or can't google the pdf yourself.

2. remove everything you can until you only have a motherboard, hard drive and 1 stick of RAM in the primary slot 1. If your motherboard doesn't have an on board graphics card then try to use a card you KNOW works.

3. Restore BIOS defaults but make sure you're using the latest version of the BIOS.

See if you still have the issue. From there you can start trading out parts 1 at a time to rule those out for being the issue. I think you've already switched the motherboard out, so that's not likely the issue, however BIOS levels might. I would try multiple different RAM if you have them available, you can also borrow parts from a friend or relative to do this testing.

posted about 10 years ago
#6 Tf2 Data Usage in TF2 General Discussion

It's so minor unless we're talking updates where they download everything to you again, which they have done in the past with L4D for sure.

There's a 10 dollar fee to have unlimited data with my ISP, so when a competitor called me with an offer, I called my ISP and told them about it. The guy gave me a deal on my current plan and is also crediting my account $10 a month to cover my unlimited data ad on. It's worth asking them for it, because they are authorized to give you deals to keep you.

posted about 10 years ago
#27 bread in Off Topic

white bread leads to candida overgrowth because of all the sugar in it. Your mother is doing it right.

posted about 10 years ago
#9 How to explain things to my ISP in Off Topic

If NFO helped you and it worked then the issue was local to them.

posted about 10 years ago
#5 How to explain things to my ISP in Off Topic

If you need help with the trace routes and or what you should be emailing them I can go into greater detail there.

Also the last thing you want them to do is put you on a "clean up line" where they add 40 ping across the board just to fix packet loss. This is a situation you do not want to get caught in.

posted about 10 years ago
#4 How to explain things to my ISP in Off Topic
mpretty sure some 11$/hr poor soul who works at a call center has little to no power when it comes to making some wires 500 miles away from them behave differently

good luck

They can escalate to people that can help, it's most likely a bad router in the path. Since Chicago is broke as a joke the infrastructure isn't kept up to par. So they wait until someone bitches before fixing something. When money is tight, no one goes looking for things to fix.

So to answer the OP, here's what you do.

1. Continue to call until you get someone who will look at your issue. You will have to repeat yourself 100 times that you've gone through all the testing with the first level support. You will feel like a broken record and you may have to go through testing with multiple morons and people who will make you reboot your modem 100 times. Please understand that it could be a good number of calls before they escalate your issue.

2. Have trace routes handy and ready to email to anyone who will care to ask for it. Let everyone you talk to know you have trace routes showing the issue is with select servers that you NEED to connect too. That the latency is unacceptable.

Have examples of you tracing yahoo.com, google, then random good game servers in Chicago and some of the bad ones. You'll know these bad ones because it'll jump from some good ping, say 30-40 to 120 all of a sudden. In 1 Hop. That means there is an issue there and your ISP can track it down. It's likely 1 offending router affecting all those hosts in Chicago. If it ends up being local to the game server center, then you may be out of luck. You'd have to start emailing the data center office for that or contacting support for the game servers and hoping they escalate it up the chain.

posted about 10 years ago
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