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SteamID64 76561198013481396
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:26607834
Country England
Signed Up September 29, 2012
Last Posted October 15, 2023 at 10:10 AM
Posts 378 (0.1 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 0.75
Windows Sensitivity default
Raw Input 1
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Razer Viper Mini
Keyboard Hyper X Alloy FPS
Mousepad Razer Strider XXL
Headphones Sony MDR-7506
Monitor ViewSonic XG2431
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#52 invite players ever been recognized irl? in TF2 General Discussion

When I first got into competitive TF2 I was in the Team Colonslash mumble when it was just a very small team and a community of a few extra people and I was friends with Jackkai who was in that Mumble often. One day I was talking to him about how my day went and mentioned I went to a cafe called Scrumptious before college, and it turned out that his Dad owned the chain so he asked me where I lived. Turned out he was a fair few years younger than me and went to my school. I knew him as this fat curly haired kid that got bullied once and twatted some kid in the face. He lives like a 5 minute walk away and now he's hench. Weird that such a tiny community happened to have a guy that was so close ahha.

posted about 8 years ago
#392 Lmaobox premium detected. in TF2 General Discussion
strazyyyDoctorMiggystrazyyyFade turned over POVs after that (Or else he would have been banned again) but likely stopped doing whatever fishy shit he was doing as to not get himself into more trouble.he never did rofl, have you actually watched his demos?
pov demo silent aim cleaner/10 ms delay triggerbot + aimspot/trigger hitbox body = ugc anticheat team bypass.

edit: the only thing he stopped was walling and he literally ragehacked in a match once.

edit 2:HighclassMaxBox is doing an AMA right now, apparently he sent Valve a debug version of LMAOBOX

No idea if it's true or not, just thought it was interesting but Deetr is right he does seek attention. He didn't get banned.

he doesn't have a debug version of lmaobox, he paid $20 for the cheat.

he's just taking credit for valve cracking tom's themida/idk what protection he used loader and knowing how to dump a cheat from memory

Whoever is downfragging you needs to get a grip because you're speaking truths. Valve cracked the packer and he's taking credit in order to reap benefits from it!

posted about 8 years ago
#3 are top overwatch players just retired tf2 ones in Other Games

One of the top teams that went by IDDQD and was recently picked up by EnVy Us includes three ex high level TF2 players in it. Taimou used to be a prem medic (and also smashed some nerds as highlander sniper under the alias Asuna for a season or two of UGC, while getting called a cheater by everyone), HarryHook a prem scout and cocco (old alias was codcrille) played for the first ever broder team a long long long time ago.

posted about 8 years ago
#277 Lmaobox premium detected. in TF2 General Discussion
onvkonr you are correct, I did not mean to say that VAC uses previously collected data, because that is not the case.

However my point remains, we don't know how long this has been going for. And we have evidence of guys using the hack YEAR AGO and they still got banned.

If they were banned in this wave then they used it recently.

posted about 8 years ago
#260 Lmaobox premium detected. in TF2 General Discussion
onvMessyRecipeHis main got banned in this wave. He was definitely using something on the unbanned alt though in the last 24 hours.

Give it a few more hours. ;)

you have to specificially be using lmaobox on a specific account to get banned.Yeah hmm this is pretty much exactly what I said ?
twerpthe exception to this is main accounts that had never injected lmaobox but had injected lmaobox on an alt with the same phone number attached.Correct, or via the family sharing stuff that I mentioned in my previous post ;)

It seems like people are missing the point through.

Anybody who used lmaobox on their main account got their main account banned.
Anybody who used lmaobox on alts got their alt account banned, and if they didn't use lmaobox in their main account / link their alt/main, then their main account will not be banned. (Yes, even if you use the same IP on both accounts.)

Everyone uses their "main" account to play competitive TF2, so if the sniper in your 6 months old UGC match isn't banned right now, you can be sure he is clean.

The overwhelming majority of hackers use lmaobox in order to look as legit as possible when playing competitive . It is (was) the most logical choice and you can try to play the devil's advocate by saying "there are other hacks that are as good and they could have been using them" It is not acurate and very unlikely.. so you can stop with this argument. Especially if you don't know what you're talking about ;)

How is it unlikely that people who are cheating might be using other hacks? Lmaobox is just very well known, that's it. It is not the only way people can cheat at all. It doesn't take long at all to look around and find some cheats that aren't detected now and if they are using other cheats they will not have been banned by this wave because this was a very specific wave targeted over a certain cheat during a certain time.

You're talking complete bullshit about VAC "storing" some info or some shit from injections early on. The whole point of an undetected cheat is that it's undetected not that it's half detected, stored and then only banned later on if it's "fully" detected. Just stop talking out of your ass when you clearly don't even know how VAC or any anti cheat system works. You don't seem to even realise what injection means as you're just using it like a buzzword and surrounding it with rubbish.

posted about 8 years ago
#20 boomer joins -bird noises-, Linkuser out in News


posted about 8 years ago
#92 Lmaobox premium detected. in TF2 General Discussion

I didn't really wanna believe that aZn cheated after getting unbanned. I was somewhat confident he did before to get an edge when trialing for prem teams but hoped he wouldn't be dumb enough after being unbanned to continue that. What a shame!

posted about 8 years ago
#230 b4nny v thalash in TF2 General Discussion
BaBsmBaBsFinally this war of NA vs EU is ridiculous. Who cares what country you are from? Shut up and play the game, let your skills do the talking not your "gangsta keyboard".
blindly insulting people across the ocean from my homeland is one of my favorite pastimes and will continue to be so

i hope the eurotrash over there feels the same way

im sure anybody with a 3 digit iq understands that it means nothing and is all in good fun

Okay but, if "blindly insulting" means nothing and is all in good fun that would mean everything b4nny said should be taken that way as well.....or am I wrong because it is b4nny and people seem to have a dick up their ass about him?

The guy is a complete cunt to people in the public eye all the time. He is not joking, he is just a cunt. There's a big difference between what people see b4nny do on a day to day basis and people making a few shit talking forum posts. He's also in a much more influential position as many have said in this thread already.

posted about 8 years ago
#33 Any players EU to NA? Vice versa? in TF2 General Discussion
DreamboatOafmealHarbleu played with monster munch


Harbleu showing other soldiers are wimps for complaining about ping?

The frags weren't exactly up to standard now, and there was a fuckload of ground shooting. Back in 2010 it was a bit easier to get away with shit like that as a good player I guess.

posted about 8 years ago
#49 Update PVHud Pls in Customization
STOGEkonrThe menu doesn't work for me!
in what way? It's meant to be default for now if that's what you mean

Nevermind it works when I copy over every single thing

posted about 8 years ago
#47 Update PVHud Pls in Customization

-Works with most recent stuff (default menu though)
-Added in the killstreak counter (previously removed for my own edit and forgot to add it back)
-Made the huddeathnotice the default values of the original pvhud (to hopefully fix whatever issue flyingbuddy was having)

working on having the actual pvhud menu work but I don't really know what I'm doing lol

The menu doesn't work for me!
Nevermind it works when I copy over every single thing

posted about 8 years ago
#16 Loss of fps in matchmaking in TF2 General Discussion

My FPS is the worst right now

posted about 8 years ago
#52 The Spire - new TF2 news/coverage website in Projects

Who is involved? I can't find a list of people.

posted about 8 years ago
#2 Maybe the longest legit airpogo ever recorded in Videos

Nice dude

posted about 8 years ago
#83 Second matchmaking stress test thoughts in TF2 General Discussion

Yeah my bad it's completely fine that everything was already made/tested by the community except for server sided stuff and despite that while doing the server stress testing the game had some weird shit. My point is that I don't get why they made these choices, not that the servers were fucked during a stress test. It's the combination of these things. It isn't like they didn't already have all the shit they needed pre-matchmaking to make this mode make sense from the first tests. Whatever.

posted about 8 years ago
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