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Signed Up September 29, 2012
Last Posted October 15, 2023 at 10:10 AM
Posts 378 (0.1 per day)
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#116 VALORANT in Other Games

There may be something to worry about down the line, but for the record, effective anti-cheats have to be rootkits because ok+ quality cheats generally are. It certainly doesn't take away the possibility of it just loading beforehand in the boot, but it at the very least takes away a good portion of the cheats that bad programmers would make.

When you install anything or use any service there's always going to be that possibility that down the line something you didn't pay attention to is used differently than you intended, but that's the case for every service and every anti-cheat... this one isn't really any different from what we've seen so far.

Also that hugely upvoted post by someone that "works in IT" is mostly complete nonsense. Dude doesn't have a clue. The dude called amd64_sucks is speaking some sense and actually comes from a position of experience in reverse engineering/game hacking/blogging about it.


posted about 4 years ago
#41 What do you wish you had realized/learned sooner? in TF2 General Discussion

Raging is stupid and doesn't make your teammates do any better

posted about 4 years ago
#3 kobe bryant dies in helicopter crash in World Events


posted about 4 years ago
#85 Remove NURBEY from the Live Streams list please! in Site Discussion
If you really believe it's as black and white as "person does good thing so they good, person does bad thing so they bad now" there's no point in even having this discussion.

you fucking spastic this pedo piece of filth literally tried hitting up kids, how does that not make him a fucking cunt worthy of being called out for being a pedo piece of filth

I think he was talking about Console in this case, not Nursey.

posted about 4 years ago
#56 Remove NURBEY from the Live Streams list please! in Site Discussion

Note: not trying to make this thread about me, just trying to shine a light on how Console is acting because I think it's worthy of criticism.



Could have just responded with a "I don't support pedophiles" but I guess that'd be a lie?

posted about 4 years ago
#51 Remove NURBEY from the Live Streams list please! in Site Discussion
mtigaare you guys sure is console the one handing out timeouts? earlier in the stream he was asking to be demodded, or am i completely out of the loop? (im perma banned now)


Console said they banned "one guy" (I think it was me, since I directly spoke to them) but otherwise it's been someone called Crytavino. Console joined the stream and wasn't mod, then after saying hewwo uwu and being nice to Nursey was modded by Nursey... then asked to be demodded/VIP'd because everyone saw it all.

posted about 4 years ago
#40 Remove NURBEY from the Live Streams list please! in Site Discussion

Finally permabanned boys


Anyway, the point of this to me was to just not allow someone like Nursey (or the people somehow being friendly or supporting her) to get away with it. They can't just be allowed to go on as normal, so while it may look mad immature to be posting memes about it in chats and shit I think leaving it alone is worse.

posted about 4 years ago
#29 Remove NURBEY from the Live Streams list please! in Site Discussion
If you really believe it's as black and white as "person does good thing so they good, person does bad thing so they bad now" there's no point in even having this discussion.

Person does insanely fucking stupid thing, person gets criticised *

posted about 4 years ago
#22 Remove NURBEY from the Live Streams list please! in Site Discussion
Cyanic89zombiezconsole: dashner is a dangerous person to this community!
also console: hewwo nurbey uwu

I normally don't post about things like this but I have a huge problem with this comment. Console was horrendously abused and exploited by someone older than him and, whatever his (admittedly questionable) intentions are here, downplaying that by equating it to console simply calling dashner "dangerous" is not appropriate at all.

Yet another instance of people on this website willing to do a complete 180 and attack someone after being sympathetic towards them for whatever reason.

I don't think they downplayed what happened to Consolee, if anything it was pointing out the enormous double standard.

posted about 4 years ago
#14 Remove NURBEY from the Live Streams list please! in Site Discussion
Brockthanks for the removal. lets just drop this now that its taken care of, dont need the dude getting anymore attention.

I think the thread now turned into a "how the fuck is a TFTV admin seeing this request and going to Nursey's chat to say "hewwo uwu" and ask if she wants to be removed.

posted about 4 years ago
#11 Remove NURBEY from the Live Streams list please! in Site Discussion
ArieWhy would you be a mod in a pedo's channel, especially after a thread like this?

edit: pedo delisted from sidebar


Don't worry tho they're gonna make it look like they're not being supportive :)

posted about 4 years ago
#8 Remove NURBEY from the Live Streams list please! in Site Discussion


Effectively what I wanted to say, but surprise surprise they're banning anything that is even remotely about Nursey's actions within seconds.

posted about 4 years ago
#3 Remove NURBEY from the Live Streams list please! in Site Discussion


While we're at it let's remove this person's power as well :)

posted about 4 years ago
#1 Remove NURBEY from the Live Streams list please! in Site Discussion

Not a huge fan of pedos personally, and she's streaming right now with mods that are saying they "see both sides" lmfao

Consolee_ did remove the pedo from the sidebar, after going there to ask if she wanted to be removed while being friendly. Thanks Consolee! :)

posted about 4 years ago
#21 amppis tf2 guides in Videos

Scout roles and things you should think about outside of the bare bones shit, I think that's missing and it would help a lot of newer players!

posted about 5 years ago
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